
Facebook Ghost

Non of the stories I am telling is to upset or hurt any brand or person. I am telling these stories because I am interested and think you guys may be to. If you guys have any scary stories be sure to message me and your stories might even feature in one of my chapters. I hope you enjoy.

Nathan was an normal man which seems normal for all scary or strange stories. Nathan had a bit of a sad past, he lost his girlfriend in a car crash. Her name was Emily.

On September 4th 2013 Nathan started receiving messages. These wasn't just any massages on facebook they were from his dead girlfriend. Emily had been dead for 2 years. He got a little freaked but realized soon after they were old messages just being resent. Knowing this he just thought there was an hack in the system until she started tagging herself in his photos. It went to far at that point and was forced to call the police. The police shut down the account and that was the last time that Nathan heard or received anything from his dead girlfriend Emily the Facebook ghost.

Thank you for reading please feel free to recommend any spooky stories and tell me what you would do in this situation.

wattpad: snownectar