
Stories of the Legends

In 2070, aliens invade a society of magic using humans on Earth. Follow Asher as he attempts to liberate the world by recruiting allies in his fight for freedom.

SOTL_Official · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

Chapter 11

"Down here!" Asher yelled out to Brock.

"Alright alright!" Brock replied. "I haven't had this much physical activity in two weeks!" 

"Fair enough," Asher understood. "But Zack might be heavily injured. You saw that lightning right?"

"Ya true," Brock answered. "So just how strong is this guy? Is he even better than you?"

"Depends what we're fighting against," Asher stated. "But he did destroy a whole bunch of zever air fighters with only one lightning strike."

"Damn okay," Brock said, impressed. "These military guys are strong. Do ya think he's as strong as your dad though?"

"No way!" Asher said. "Zack's strong, maybe even more than me, but dad's on a whole other level!"

"I remember all the other kids would be scared of him whenever we were being stupid." Brock remembered.

"Yeah those times were great!" Asher agreed. "There was no alien invasion, we always had access to clean food and water, and going outside was fun and refreshing!"

"I get ya," Brock empathized. "This invasion happening fifty years after the virus from 2020 is a little funny though."

"Oh yeah!" Asher answered. "I guess both did happen almost exactly fifty years apart."

"What if the two were related?" Brock asked jokingly.

"Heh," Asher chuckled. "What if it was the aliens that sent the virus to us to give us a fighting chance fifty years later!"

"Now that would be a plot twist!" Brock laughed. The two exited the building with their spirits up. Asher immediately pointed in the direction of where the lightning came from.

"C'mon!" Asher exclaimed. "I bet it was the band room!"

"I'll take ya up on that bet!" Brock teased.

"Five bucks?" Asher asked.

"Ten," Brock confirmed.

"Alright fine, ten dollars." Asher agreed. Asher began running to where he was pointing. Brock followed behind.

"Oh wait!" Asher said aloud. He reached into his satchel, digging out two small rubber and wood tubes. "Catch!" Asher tossed the tubes to Brock, who caught them in his arms.

"Cool!" Brock said excitedly. "Now I can properly fight the zevers!"

"Yeah I figured you would want these," Asher started. "So I made sure to grab them before I left for Chicago two weeks ago."

"Ya put metal in these right?" Brock asked. "They feel really light."

"I couldn't find the metal cylinders," Asher answered. "If I kept looking, the zevers would have found me and taken me."

"Eh," Brock said. "Don't worry about it. I'll just grab some when we need it."

"Fair enough," Asher agreed. "I guess it isn't really important unless we need to fight."

"Wait up!" Brock told Asher. "Wouldn't it be faster if we went through the music building instead of around?"

"Oh yeah," Asher realized. He looked around, realizing he didn't know the music facilities as well as he thought he did. "I guess it is probably quicker." They both turned around and ran to one of the entrances, which was unguarded. Infact, most of the buildings were unguarded.

"Hey Asher," Brock said as they entered the music facility center. Weren't there many more robots around here before?"

"Now that you say that," Asher began. "Yeah you're right! Where is everyone?"

"We should get Zack and get outta here," Brock said with concern. They both entered the facility cautiously. They walked through the building, making sure to be careful to not make any sound. Asher ignited his fingertips, creating a light source as the lights had been shot. All the electricity in the building seemed to be zapped of any energy.

"Zack had to have been here!" Asher said softly but energetically. Asher passed by the band room, trying not to pay attention to it.

"Looks like Zack isn't in the band room," Brock said sarcastically while peering into the band room.

"Dammit!" Asher blurted out. Asher dug through his satchel, finding his wallet and pulling out a ten and handing it to Brock.

"Sweet," Brock cheered calmly.

"Now find a use for it," Asher remarked sarcastically.

"Oh," Brock realized. "Shoot." They both started laughing from the bet.

"Man it feels good to laugh in situations like these!" Asher said excitedly. "Relaxes you when you're tense!"

"Agreed one-hundred percent!" Brock said. "It feels gooo…" Both Asher and Brock stared at a giant hole on the side of the hallway wall.

"Uh," Asher stuttered. "I think we're close."

"Come one!" Brock resumed. "Let's go find this Zack!" The two boys ran to the hole, entering the auditorium.

"Look!" Asher pointed at a gaping hole in the back of the stage. The two ran to the hole, seeing a bit of blood scattered around, twisted and warped metal, and a large hole above lighting up the room just a little bit.

"Zack!" Asher yelled, running to a passed out Zack.

"Zack, wake up!" Asher yelled, trying to shake Zack awake, violently. "We gotta get outta here!"

"Woah!" Brock said. "What the heck is that?" Brock walked towards the remains of a mechanical beast


"ASHER!" Zack groaned. "Why are you so loud?"

"AY!" Asher cheered. "You're awake! WOO!"

"I would ZAP YOU if I wasn't in pain!" Zack yelled.

"Zack," Asher started. "Meet Brock. Brock, meet Zack."

"Yo," Zack introduced. "You aren't nearly as crazy and hyper as Asher right?"

"Nah don't worry," Brock answered. "No one has nearly as much energy as Asher."

"Alright, both of you," Zack started. "Help me up!" Asher and Brock pulled Zack up, putting each of his arms over their shoulders. Both Asher and Brock were tugging Zack along the hallway, slowly, but carefully.

"So how long have you two known each other?" Zack asked with curiosity.

"Well, it's a bit of a long story." Brock started. "Asher and I both went to the same school, but we were in two different grades. Asher and I joined a block based robotics club where we would make robots. We partnered up with each other and created multiple projects. When we were in highschool, we created a concept for a battery sized fusion core, which we developed a prototype just before the invasion."

"We really became friends when Ruby punched me in the face." Asher interrupted. "I remember she used to scare the heck out of me!"

"Wait, you knew Ruby before college?" Zack questioned Asher.

"Yeah," Asher answered. "I only know her because she's Brock's sister. Honestly, I'm still a little unsettled about her… No offense Brock."

"None taken," Brock assured. "She's like that to everyone. I just wish she would relax around people." 

"Sounds like she helped us with the intent of ditching us." Zack said.

"Yeah I'm not surprised." Brock started. "Ruby has a strong tendency to up and leave people to struggle. Sometimes it's justified. Other times, it's just plain cruel."

"Well, no point worrying about all this now," Asher started. "Ruby's strong both physically and mentally. She'll be fine as long as the zevers' attention is on us." The three exited the building, looking around, finding no trace of zever robots around. The entire campus was almost completely quiet. There were no lights on in the buildings nor footsteps from the zever robots. Asher started looking up slowly, finding hordes of zever robots above them, flying.

"THEY FLY NOW?" Asher asked in terror.

"We are NOT quoting crappy old movies!" Zack yelled back. The zever robots dive towards the three boys, accelerating faster than the force of gravity.

"Asher!" Brock yelled. "Hold Zack, I'll take these guys!" Brock pulled out the two tubes, clenching them tightly. Brock slammed his fist into the ground while holding the two handles. Metal began to unfold form the tubes held by Brock, creating two sharp blades.

"Woah!" Zack said surprised, "An earth user?"

"Yup!" Asher said proudly. "Brock's super cool!" 

"Hey Ashy," Brock exclaimed. "I got an idea." Brock stabbed his blades into the fuel tank in the car, coating them in oil.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Asher asked. "It might just explode in our faces."

"Create a wall of fire quickly!" Brock asked urgently. Asher immediately ignited his arms and slammed them into the ground, creating a wall of fire between the three boys and the zever robots. The zever robots stopped their assault, scared of the fire. Within a fraction of a second, Brock burst through the flames, protecting himself with his blades, which were now on fire. Brock cut through several zever robots, melting through the metal plating with ease. The fire granted Brock protection from the zever blaster fire. The zever robots were hesitant to get close to Brock due to the blazing swords.

While Brock was busy fighting, Asher helped Zack sit down, while keeping his legs ignited to keep the fire wall ablaze.

"Here Zack," Asher said gently as he kept exhaling air through his nose. "Just sit there for a bit. I'll get ya outta here as soon as I help Brock."

"No problem man," Zack waved, "Kick some ass!" Asher began to inhale slowly, causing the wall of fire to slowly cool and eventually simmer out. Asher's arms began to glow a bright orange. Asher's lungs were filled with air that was ready to escape.

"Brock move!" Asher exhaled, releasing all the energy within his body, expelling flames that blocked the zever robots' thermal sensors.

"Zack let's go!" Asher said, lifting him up to help him walk.

"Hey Ashy!" Brock exclaimed. "The others should be preparing for the next attack at the library!"

"Then let's get to the library," Asher started. "Can you stand Zack?"

"I should be able to manage," Zack assured. "Just gimme some time before I rejoin the fight."

"Then let's go!" Asher started, running towards the library. Brock and Zack followed, trying to keep up.

"Why are you both so slow?" Asher asked sarcastically.

"I just took down a horde of robots!" Brock exclaimed.

"I just sent a lightning strike towards a giant indestructible metal beast." Zack exclaimed. "AND I electrocuted an entire squadron of aerial fighters."

"And I just gave us an escape route…!" Asher stopped in his tracks, looking forward at a large tank emerging from an alleyway ahead.

"Dammit!" Asher expressed. "Now what?" The tank had four, three meter tall, wheels on each side and a large cannon mounted on the top as well as several blasters on the front. The top cannon slowly turned towards the three boys, with the barrel slowly igniting to launch a projectile.

"DUCK!" Brock yelled, pushing Asher and Zack into the building beside them. Right as they entered the building, the cannon fired, causing the entrance outside to explode in a ball of flames. The resulting impact caused all three of the boys to stumble and fall.

"What the HECK WAS THAT?" Asher yelled. "And why is it NOW here?"

"No time to think," Brock said urgently. "We have to get to the library and make sure that thing doesn't follow us."

"Agreed," Zack followed up. "The zevers aren't going to attempt capture anymore. If they see us, they will most certainly go for the kill without hesitation."

"Then let's go!" Asher said with energy. "I know a way through to the library from here." Asher ignited his fists and ran towards the wall, punching a hole through it, creating a hallway.

"There's one solution I guess," Zack said, stunned.

"Ya get used to it," Brock assured Zack. The two followed Asher as he massacred each wall with his fists, creating scorch marks everywhere he went. Every wall that Asher punched through became cracked beyond repair. Each punch seemed to give Asher more energy, as if the dopamine rush from destroying the walls was providing Asher with all his energy.


Asher made one final punch into the library, running just a little farther till he entered the giant four story cylinder.

"Woah!" Zack said with amazement. "Are you sure this isn't a mythical library from a random fairytale?"

"D-did ya just…" Brock started.

"I know what I said," Zack interrupted. "This is really cool!"

"Hey!" A voice yelled from above. "Is that you Brock?"

"Yeah it's me Julie!" Brock yelled above. "Get everyone ready!"

"Oh I have great news!" Julie yelled. "All the aliens retreated from the city. They took an old tank with them so that we wouldn't take it, but other than that we're doing great."

"So that's what those zevers were doing!" Asher realized.

"Let's go upstairs," Brock said excitedly. "We'll explain the plan to you and Zack." The three walked up the stairs to the fourth floor and into a large conference room with around thirty other college students.

"Alright, everyone!" Brock announced. "Meet Zack. He's a lieutenant colonel in Colonel Johnson's brigade. And of course y'all know Asher."

"YO WASSUP!" Asher yelled with excitement. The room began to fill with whispers and groans.

"Why is everyone upset?" Zack whispered to Asher.

"Oh one time I beat up this one dude really badly," Asher said with no remorse.

"WHAT?" Zack whispered sharply. "WHY?"

"He pissed me off," Asher said, unfazed.

"Why did he piss you off?" Zack inquired. "Did he do something bad that would warrant being beat up?"

"He abused stray animals that drifted on campus," Asher answered.

"Aaaand?" Zack continued. "Did anyone else say anything?"

"Eh, I guess none of them picked up on it," Asher said calmly. "Too boring to tell everyone. There were thousands of students on this campus."

"What do you mean boring?" Zack asked quietly. Zack then tapped Brock's shoulder. "Can I talk to Asher on my own real quick? You go over the plan with the others. I highly doubt Asher's gonna follow it anyway."

"Good point!" Brock exclaimed. "Yeah I just got informed that all the preparations are set. I'll give you and Asher your roles once I'm done here then."

"Thanks!" Zack exclaimed. Zack then grabbed Asher's collar and dragged him out of the conference room.

"Alright, what do you mean by too boring?" Zack asked angrily. "Why didn't you tell anyone about his abusiveness?"

"Well I already dealt with it myself by beating him up," Asher said. "No point telling anyone else."

"Alright first off," Zack started. "You don't just beat up someone because they pissed you off a little. Second, would you have done it again if he did continue?"

"Yeah?" Asher said with confusion. "He stopped, so it worked."

"But what about everyone else?" Zack pressed. "Everyone there thinks you're a violent asshole!"

"And?" Asher asked. "Doesn't phase me. I stopped the bad guy and that's all that matters!"

"But in the process you shined the most negative light possible on yourself!" Zack argued. "Why don't you just tell them?"

"Why though?" Asher asked. "I don't care what THEY think. I care what I think and I think that people that abuse others are bad people and need to be dealt with!"

"Why are you acting like a child?" Zack questioned. "Why did you just rush into conflict?"

"Why don't you mind yourself!" Asher rebutted. "I thought you were my friend, not my parental unit!" 

"Oh PLEASE!" Zack yelled. "Do you hear yourself? You sound like a FIVE YEAR OLD!"

"Just let me go back to the briefing!" Asher requested violently. Asher walked into the conference room, with Zack following behind quietly. The two stayed in the conference room where the briefing continued.

"Here's the plan," Brock started. "The main quad has been hidden for some time. Now that the entrances to the main quad are rigged with explosives, we'll split up into teams. We'll ignite the explosives and storm the main quad. This team will only be half of our numbers. Teams of three and six teams total. The other team of fifteen people will wait on the top floors of the surrounding buildings. This team will start an aerial attack from above using these cables to repel down."

"Sounds like fun!" a student said.

"Agreed!" another chimed in.

"Then let's go!" Brock announced. "To your positions!"