
Stories of Stardust

Hayden hates web novels. Now, he's in one! Lost in the world of his sister's favorite web novel, Hayden quickly realizes he has the ability to traverse dimensions. With this power, he starts a journey through over 20 worlds to gather scattered remnants and prevent a repeat of the tragedy that occurred 25 years ago.

Minty_Writes · Fantasy
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244 Chs

21. Heirs Chapter 19-Sentry

It was a couple more hours before Sera and Helia, with Millie flying above them, returned, and we met them at the gate in an unwritten agreement to do further talking over dinner. The sun grew low on the horizon, hiding behind the city walls and casting the city in the shade. We returned Millie to the barn, then rented a room at a sit-down restaurant to discuss our findings.

Aeolus and Azure offered up their lack of information first, and Sky explained what we'd seen next. Finally, just as supper arrived at our table, it was Sera and Helia's turn.

Sera picked carefully at her food as she spoke, "We spoke to the head of the Fabius family you mentioned." She shook her head "he didn't have much to offer. Now that you mention it, however, I believe they, too, had a basket full of mushrooms. More importantly, Millie discovered something in the woods. I think she found a group living there, but I only get impressions."

"Do you think they're behind all this?" I asked.

"Maybe. I can't see how they wouldn't be connected or aware, if anything."

Aeolus interjected, saying, "So it's decided then. We'll have Millie lead us to the group in the forest tomorrow so we can question them."

I questioned his logic, "Us? I think I'd rather stay here."

"Don't trust us to protect ya?"

I thought of Sera protecting me earlier, getting injured in my place. It wasn't that I didn't trust them, necessarily. It was more that I didn't trust myself not to get myself or someone else injured. My gaze landed back on her arm.

"It's not that."

"We won't force you, Hayden. But it's likely they're connected to the disappearances. You said you don't remember what happened after you fell asleep–I thought if the group is connected, maybe it would spark your memory if nothing else."

At this stage, I thought it likely I wasn't connected anymore, but on the off chance….

I raised my finger. "On one condition. I get my own leather armor and a light shield."

"I was getting to that," Aeolus said, "unfortunately, most of the shops closed at lunch, but I know of one or two armor shops that are open in the afternoon. We'll take Hayden shopping, then head to the baths to unwind before tomorrow."

Everyone agreed to the terms, and we headed out. We ended up purchasing some leather arm guards, shin guards, and a thin breastplate that I could keep hidden under my clothes. We went shield shopping next, and rather than the large, bulky shields which were common in this area, I selected a smaller, round one the owner claimed was inspired by another country. It was much lighter, twice the weight of Ani, and easier for me to carry.

We dropped most of our stuff off at the inn, though Azure suggested I bring the shield to practice at the bathhouse and pick Ani up so he could roam in the garden again. In the gymnasium, Azure had me practice blocking with both my arms ("What if ya get stuck without it?") and the round shield, leaving my arms aching and my body bruised.

The rest of the evening passed quietly, and that night I fell into a dreamless sleep. When morning broke, I decided to take it as a good omen. The others figured along the same lines I had, and the mood and our footsteps stayed light as we ate breakfast and made our way back into the forest. Millie flew overhead, ordered to stay out of sight but within earshot if needed. Ani and Notus were left back at the inn. Our weapons and armor we hid as best we could, wary of appearing as a threat but equally wary of being unable to ward off dangers.

We walked deeper into the woods than before, and the sun crept higher over the horizon. As lunchtime neared, Sera suggested we eat a snack before continuing to keep our heads clear and our bodies strong before we encountered the group. We followed suit, snacking beneath a tree and watching sunlight shimmer through the trees. Refueled, we continued on our march.

Not far from our destination, we ran across a first sentry and realized who (or what) exactly these people were. He was quiet and unbeknownst to us until he leapt out from the branches of a tree not ten feet in front of us. His appearance was a half-human half-dragon with black wings spread wide and claws outstretched, covered in an uncanny mixture of scales and skin. His head was adorned with horns. His eyes flashed yellow as he hissed a warning. I jumped back at the noise before catching myself, causing a fanged smirk to cross his lips. Helia, Azure, and Aeolus drew their weapons and pointed at the chimera, Sera and Sky drifting back towards me. This creature was far more intelligent than the other had led me to believe.

The chimera turned his attention away from me and back toward the others. "Why are you here?" His voice was deep and gravelly, words coming out as more of a hiss. Helia and Azure's weapons stayed steady, but Aeolus' dipped in shock.

From their reactions, I assumed none of them had known chimeras could speak. Sky's response was particularly revealing. Was there no mention of this in the original novel?

Sera was the first to recover. Stepping past our swordsmen, she said, "We came to speak with those residing in the forest."

"Then speak." He demanded.

"We wanted to ask about the disappearances occurring in Edremit, as well as the recent attacks."

The sentry stepped back in surprise at the second half of her statement. "Attacks?"

Sera nodded, her eyes cold and devoid of their usual warmth. "We've witnessed two chimera attacks ourselves and heard rumors of attacks on the nearby farms."

He hissed again, exposing razor-sharp fangs. "Follow me." He said, beckoning with a claw. His wings folded against his back as he turned sharply on his heel to march further into the forest, expecting us to follow. Cautiously, we obliged, the swordsmen sheathing their weapons.

He led us through an invisible path in the trees, twisting and weaving through the thick brush and messing with our sense of direction. It wasn't long before I wasn't the only one lost.. Our pace was fast, giving us no time to drop back and converse without risking the sentry overhearing us. Soon the brush and trees began to thin before a cliff-face covered by moss was dead before us. Without hesitation, the sentry brushed aside the moss to reveal a well-lit cave. Two chimera guards, also half-human half-dragon, though of different colors, stood guard in the cave. They stopped us at the entrance, hand-crafted spears crossing and blocking our path. Helia, Aeolus, and Azure rested their hands on their weapons, battle ready.

10 additional chapters always available on my Ko-Fi (https://ko-fi.com/mintywrites/) or Patreon (patreon.com/MintyWrites)

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