
Stories In Another World: Making Peace

The story follows two people first, 20 year old Asher Lee Graham and second 15 year old James Arthur Bell. They try to make the world a more peaceful place. But not always by the most peaceful of means.They will have to overcome great obstacles and try to stick together through it all. This is the first story I'm writing so please be patient with me as I work it out. Have a great day or evening or night.

Be_ll · Fantasy
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34 Chs

7: Home but not really (Asher)

Monday, November 22nd, 7 Years Before The Sacrifice

"Hey, not so rough!" James says

Both James and Asher are literally thrown out.

"Well that just happened," Asher says

"I'm still not sure what just even happened," James says

"Great so it's not just me then," Asher says

"Let's just go home," James says

                                   2 days later

Thursday, November 24th 7 B.B.S.

"Hey let's stop here," James says

"Here! Why?" Asher says

"Isn't this a Beast-kin village?" Asher says

"I think so," James says

"Then shouldn't we leave?" Asher says

"It's almost night, so we should really just look for a place to sleep," James says

"But here though?" Asher says

"Why not here?" James says

"Asher, you're not scared are you?" James says

"What!? Of course not!" Asher says

"Then you're fine, let's go look for a place to stay," James says

Asher remains quiet as they look for a place to stay for the night.

                                Sometime later

"Sure you two can stay in the stables," A Beast-kin woman says 

"Thank you very much," James says

James elbows Asher in the arm.

"Um right thanks," Asher says

The pair walk to the stables and soon go to bed.

Tuesday, November 23nd 7 B.B.S.

"Hey get up," a voice says

"Get up guys!" a voice says

"What is it?" James says

Asher finally opens his eyes. He sees a small Beast-kin child.

"What is it, little girl?" Asher says

"I just wanted to ask you guys some questions," the girl says

They both look at each other.

"Have fun with that James, I'm going back to bed," Asher says

Asher tries to get back to sleep.