
stories from the bible

This book is going to contain stories from the bible mainly. But it is going to be written in a way I imagine things might have happened during that time. So please, don't come at me. It will have all the stories you love and hate. And also, some you might even not have heard of. I hope you enjoy reading it. Thank you

Daddys_girl_31 · History
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Chapter one - Abel

"And again she bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground."- Genesis 4:2. American standard version.

I was walking around with my flock of sheep. I wanted to find a new place for my sheep to feed. As I moved forward, I noticed something different about the place. It felt somehow peaceful and at the same time, holy. I can't really tell. Just then, I looked to my side and saw grass. It was so green and perfect for the sheep. I led my sheep there, and they began to feed as I found somewhere to sit. But, something suddenly caught my attention. 

There was a bright light coming out of one of the bushes nearby. I was curious so I walked closer and parted the bushes with my hands. That was when I saw the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my entire life. It also left me afraid and surprised at the same time. I looked at what was going on for a long time before turning towards the sheep to make sure they were fine. 

Later that evening, I went to my mother's tent to speak to her about what I had seen earlier in the day. She was busy braiding my younger sister's hair when I entered. 

"Greetings to you, Mother," I greeted as I stood by the entrance. 

"Greetings, son. Is everything okay? You look pale." she had noticed the look on my face. 

"Sweetie, can you please join your sisters in their tent while I talk to your older brother," she said to my sister who quickly nodded and ran out of the room.

She tapped on the seat beside her and urged me to sit down which I did. 

"So, tell me what's bothering you, son."

"I-I went out to the fields today with the sheep like I usually do. But this time, I wanted to change the place I normally take them so we headed towards the east. But, when we got there, I saw something very spectacular and scary at the same time."

"What did you see, son?" Mother asked me. The look of concern was evident in her eyes. 

I turned and looked her in the eyes. "I saw angels. I saw angels, Mother. The garden. It's in the east of this place, isn't it?"

Mother looked away from me for a while and nodded. "Your father and I should have spoken to you and your siblings about it a long time ago."

"I know it used to be your home. But, I don't remember you telling us how you lost it. What happened, Mother?" I asked her. I wanted her to tell me what really happened for them to have lost their beautiful home. Then, my father walked in on our conversation. 

"What's going on here? Did I interrupt anything?" he asked us. 

Mother shook her head. 

"No, father. I was just asking Mother what happened in the garden before you lost it." I answered simply. 

"He saw the angels, Adam. He saw them."

My father's eyes went wide with surprise. "When did you see them?" he asked me. 

"Just when I had taken the sheep out on the fields. We had ventured a bit to the east. That's where I saw them."

My father nodded. "Call your siblings. I think it's time we tell you what really happened in the garden."

So, I quickly rushed outside and called all my siblings back into our parent's tent. Even Cain, who normally hated sitting in family gatherings like this, came. Then Father began the story of how God gave them a beautiful garden where they could live happily. 

I know by now you are wondering who I am. Or you already know who I am from the little clues I have given. I am Abel, second son of Adam and Eve, the first man and woman. I and my siblings were born outside of the garden of Eden. The garden my father, Adam, loved talking about most of the time. He had told me of how easy life was for him in Eden. He had everything to eat and clean water to drink. God even gave him the privilege of naming all the animals in the garden. He once said that that job took him years to finish but he was still happy with it. They were really happy in Eden, knowing that they would never die or fall sick or even grow old. 

I always wondered how that must have felt like knowing that you would never fall sick, grow old or die. But I guess, I will never know the answer to that now. 

I listened carefully to my father when he began his story. He had already told us the creation story and how they ended up in the garden. I already knew how he even met my mother. Yet, he still talked about that again. My father was so happy with her when he first met her. He knew immediately that she was the woman for him. I can only imagine how happy and loved they must have felt being around all those animals. 

"Can you just go straight to the point, Father? I really don't have all evening. I have to wake up early tomorrow morning," Cain blurted in. 

I just rolled my eyes and shook my head while my siblings just grunted in annoyance. 

Cain has always been like that. He is very impatient and rude sometimes. I just don't understand why mother and father allow him to do whatever he wants. 

Father just shook his head and continued. Then, he got to where we have all been waiting for. 

"... So, one day, your mother was in the garden alone. I had gone out to check on some of the animals so I was not with her at that time. She told me that, the tree that God had warned us against not to touch, a serpent had appeared and spoke to her that it would be good for her if she touched it and that she would become like God."

"Wait. So you're telling me that snakes can talk? But I have never seen a snake talk before?" one of my siblings said. 

"Yeah. I see them all the time around here and kill them right away but none has ever spoken to me." Another said. 

"Same here." the others agreed. 

I agreed with them but I did not voice it out. I am sure there was a reason why that happened. After all, I just saw angels and a burning sword, nothing really surprises me anymore. 

"This one was different. It's not like it's the serpent that really spoke to your mother. There was someone else making that serpent talk to your mother. And we found that out a little too late."

Everyone looked at the other with confused looks but no one said anything else. 

"As I was saying, that serpent told your mother to eat from the tree and convinced her that if she did, she wouldn't die but rather, live and be like God. When I came back, I also believed what she told me and ate from the tree," everyone gasped in horror. 

"So, that means, when God said you would die, that was true. Right?"

They both nodded their heads. 

"How could you both be that stupid. Have you ever seen any of the animals talking to us before? Why would you think a serpent of all animals could speak? You have been in the garden longer, father. You should have known better. Now, look at how we are suffering so much because of your stupid mistake," Cain angrily said. 

"That's enough, brother. You and I know very well that mom and dad both made a mistake. But we all would have probably done the same thing if we were in their shoes. You don't have to talk to them like that." I replied. 

"You don't get to tell me what to do. Do you understand?" Cain just stormed out of the tent angrily. 

The rest of our siblings were just dumbfounded as I just stood there not knowing what to even say. My mother began to cry and father consoled her. 

"Okay, children. I think it's time you all go to bed. Tomorrow is another day."

We all retired to our tents. I could not really sleep. Especially after learning how my parents lost the beautiful home God had given them. They were supposed to be living long lives in this place. But now, we were just out of the garden suffering from all kinds of diseases. There must be a way for us to ask for forgiveness from our Maker. But how do I go about it? I thought about it the entire night. 

The next day I decided to stay home and take physical care of my sheep. I needed to tend to the wounds of the injured and check if any of them was sick. I had already thought of a way of asking for forgiveness. But I needed Cain in on this. I could not do this alone. So, I went to his tent to speak to him before doing anything else. He was already up when I went in. 

"Can I have a word with you, brother?" I asked him. 

He looked me up and down and turned away from me. "What do you want here, Abel? I don't remember asking to see you."

"I just wanted to talk to you. It's just for a few minutes. I promise you I will leave as soon as I am done."

"Alright. You can sit down."

"Thank you." I sat down beside him.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"

"I have been thinking about what Father told us last night about the garden and how they lost everything. And I think there is only one way for us to beg for forgiveness for them and for us."

"Forgiveness? I have not done anything to have such a curse over my head. They are the ones who made the mistake. So why are we paying for it?" Cain replied. 

"We are not the ones who made the mistake. You are right about that. But the thing is, we are all suffering from the consequences. We can't change what happened. But, we can at least ask for forgiveness. Come on brother, what do you say? Let's do this for our family. For our sisters and brothers. 

"Okay. What do you have in mind?" he sighed and I smiled. 

"I was thinking that we can give an offering to God. Since you are a farmer, you can bring some of your produce while I bring one of my sheep. That way we can show our Maker that we are really sorry for what happened and that we are ever ready to listen to him."

"That's actually a good plan. So, when do we do this?"

"Right now or maybe later in the evening? You choose."

I need to go and check on some of the crops. We need some vegetables in the house. So we can do it in the evening."

My smile broadened. "Thank you so much, brother."

Later that evening 

I set up an altar of stones and placed one of my best sheep on it. Then I cut his neck, allowing the blood to flow all over the altar. When I was sure the animal was dead, I set fire onto it and set it ablaze. My brother Cain, also set up an altar of stones. He put some of his best vegetables and fruits on it and set fire onto it. We both began to pray when something unexpected happened. 

We both felt the heavens opening up and a bright light shining on me and my altar. Right then, I knew God had listened to my prayers and accepted my offering. I was so happy throughout the day. I did not realise that I was the only one whose offering had been accepted. 

After that day, everything changed. Cain stopped talking to me. And even when he did, he spoke to me like we were rivals. I never understood why he suddenly changed towards me but I did not question it either. He would fight me over everything and stopped me from using anything that belonged to him. It really hurt me to see my big brother treat me with so much hate. I still loved him though. I really did. That is why I was so happy when he finally asked me to go with him to a place he was thinking of using for some of his work. 

Some weeks later

"Hey, brother. Are you busy?" Cain asked me one morning. 

"Um, no. Why do you ask?" 

"I was hoping maybe you could go with me to see a place I was hoping to farm on."

"Sure. I can do that. What time do you want to go?" I excitedly ask him. 

"In about 30 minutes. So get ready." 

I was so excited that I changed into new clothes and came out of my tent. He was already out there waiting for me. 

"Can we?" he said with a smile when he saw me. 

"Of course."

We both walked and talked a lot on the way there. I don't remember the last time my brother and I were this happy together about anything. Yet, here we were, smiling and playing around. Then suddenly he said, "We are here."

I looked around the place and realised we were in an open field. We were alone and the field was very large. It looked very peaceful to be here and I loved it. 

"So, are you planning to start farming here as well?" I asked him. 

"Yeah. Come, let's check out the place."

We looked around and yes, the place was peaceful and the land was fertile. 

"So, do you think this place is good enough to start a farm?"

"Well, the land is fertile indeed and the place is very peaceful and serene. I am not sure how close it is to a water source though. My only problem is the distance to the house. It's a bit too far."

"Well, it is far but it's a good land and that is all that matters. You check it out from that side then I check it out from this side." Cain said. 

I nodded and started walking towards the place he pointed at. Then I felt something hit me behind my head. My vision suddenly blurred and my head began to hurt terribly. I touched the site and looked at my hand. There was blood. I tried to turn and saw my brother holding a club. A bloody club. Before I could say anything else, he hit me again. This time at the side of my head. My legs gave out from under me and I fell to the ground. I could feel my brother standing over me. I wanted to ask him why. But no words came out of my mouth. 

At this point I could feel life sniffing out from me while I tried to keep my eyes open. I looked up to my brother with pleading eyes before he struck the deadliest blow to my head.