
Chapter 5: The Null Fairy and Titania 1/2

This Chapter has been re-edited as of January, 2019!

Welcome back folks to another chapter! Chapter five's remake is officially here!

I never did get a good chance to actually make Ben go on his very first job without complicating things, so here's to hoping that I can make this chapter a bit easier to read! Erza's sisterly nature is a go!

And as usual, I do not own anything related to the subject of Ben 10 nor Fairy Tail. Please support the official releases, and happy reading to you all!

Chapter 5: The Null Fairy and Titania

After the struggles of the Changeling spell had finally gotten under the bridge and washed out, Ben was finally able to start being an actual member of Fairy Tail… Though the problems that came after the new body switches did prove to be quite a bother for him and others. Luckily, after some help from his smarter alien forms and a collaboration from Levy, things soon started to settle down.

A few days after his welcoming into Fairy Tail, Ben was seen chatting with Mira, Erza, and Makarov about a few things about stuff that he should know about being an actual member of the guild. Sitting down at the bar counter, Ben and Erza were enjoying their own cups of strawberry juice made by Mira, while Makarov was jugging down a mug of beer as usual.

"So, Ben… Now that you've become somewhat adapted to life around these parts, how about we try to find you a place to stay?" Makarov spoke in an advisable matter. "You probably don't feel that comfortable in the temporary housing that I'm currently lending out to you, correct?"

Ben turned to the Guild Master, smiling a little awkwardly. "Yeah… But am I even old enough to go and rent a place for myself? I'm only twelve after all. It's kind of strange for someone my age to do so."

"Well, when I came over to the guild, I was roughly your age, if I remember correctly. I managed to secure some housing by myself and my family." Mira then said, earning a surprised look from Ben.

Makarov stroked his moustache. "It should be fine. If I talk to some of the landowners, I'm sure I can convince them that you're perfectly capable of living by yourself in an apartment or other rentable place. You're not the type to go on messing stuff up, unlike some of our other members."

Ben held his chin up, thinking for a moment before turning back to him. He suddenly got an idea instead.

"…How about I build my own house then?" He suggested out loud nonchalantly.

Erza and Mira looked at each other for a bit, before tilting their heads while looking at Ben. They were jumbled by what he actually meant. Was he actually being serious?

"Um… What do you mean by that, Ben?" Mira asked, confused.

He turned his head over to her as he took another sip of his drink. "Well, I don't have any money, so why not just make my own place outside the area? I'm sure I can just use the natural landscape as materials."

Mira sweat dropped at Ben's idea of society's norm. Erza's left eye twitched as she retorted against Ben. The latter seemed to notice this, leaning back instinctive in fear in a way similar to that of Natsu and Gray.

"Benjamin… What will you do for clothing? Food? Maintaining your hygiene?! Treating yourself every once in a while, and—"

Erza demanded answers as she continued to question Ben. He backed up a little, beginning to feel a dark aura coming from the scarlet haired girl. Makarov chuckled, bringing everyone's attention back to him.

"Heh. Well, if its money Ben, you should know that we Guilds always get job requests from all over the place. Why not go take a look over by the Request Board?" Makarov suggested. "You probably weren't able to get a good look due that little incident with the Changeling."

"…It wasn't really little, Master." Ben chuckled sarcastically while looking away. "But yeah, sure."

Ben then rose an eyebrow in curiosity, before glancing back to the board on the opposite side of the hall. On it, several pieces of paper were pinned, the formers being request sheets assumingly.

Finishing his drink, Ben proceeded to check out the board, followed by Erza soon after. She then stepped forward and placed a hand on the board.

"I'll give you a proper introduction." She smiled, before turning back to the board itself.

"This is the Request Board. You can take on various jobs that are posted here from various parts of the country. Each request form has a description of the job, as well as a difficulty and reward display." Erza explained, picking one off the board.

"Do they range from categories of difficulties?" Ben asked. Erza nodded as she pointed to parts of the sheets she took off.

"Each mission's difficulty is ranked; from F to A respectively. The higher tier letter, the harder the difficulty of the mission, but the higher the reward as well." She continued to explain.

Ben nodded as he soon jotted down mental notes from Erza's explanation, before his attention got caught by a second board on another level that was a short distance away. Turning over to look at it, Erza noticed his gaze and looked in his direction. She then gave Ben a small smile as she began to explain.

"That is the second floor, Ben. Most individuals are forbidden from going up there." She glanced over.

"Why's that?" He then rose an eyebrow.

"Because in order to do so, you must be an S-Class Mage to take on the requests from that floor." Erza said while looking at the staircase.

"S-Class? Like an elite member or something?" Ben guessed.

"Indeed. Usually, they are the top tier members of their respective Guilds. They are the only individuals able to take on S-Class Jobs; tasks so difficult that the slightest mistake may result in the death of a Mage. By the way, I'm an S-Class myself." She then gestured to herself with a proud expression.

Ben shuddered a little at the thought of an S-Class assignment. He pictured something like taking down a large colossal beast, with the image of someone barely making it alive out of there. Ironically, his first idea of taking down an extremely dangerous enemy was Vilgax, to which he then sarcastically laughed in his mind.

Turning his attention back to the regular Request Board, he began to look at the various requests, with Erza doing the same.

"So, what kind of job should I take then, Erza?" Ben asked.

Erza glanced at him for a second, and then began to scan the board until one caught her attention. Unpinning it, she handed the paper to Ben for him to look at.

"Extermination Mission: Eliminate Dual Wyverns…" Ben read out loud. It was a B ranked mission, located in a town not too far from Magnolia. Erza looked at the reward and noticed that the pay quite high for the average payment of a B-Class request.

"Wyverns… You mean like dragons?" Ben said as he looked up at her.

"Wyverns are similar to Dragons in appearance, yes, but they do have differences." Erza answered.

"How so?" He naturally then asked.

"For example; their wings are bat-like and are attached to their arms. They also possess less intelligence than an actual Dragon too, according to history books." Erza explained again as she nodded.

"Oh…" Ben responded, somehow understanding the long explanation. "So, should I take this one then?"

Erza nodded in response, giving him a small smile. "It'll be good to get some hands-on experience. Also, since this will be your first mission, it's best to have at least one more person travel with you. So, I hope you don't mind if I accompany you on your first task."

Ben shook his head. "Sure, I don't mind. If anything, it'd probably make the job easier."

Erza smirked as she folded her arms. "Then it's settled. Even someone as powerful as you can do better work if paired up with another person."

From a few rows down however, a familiar pink haired Dragon Slayer overheard their discussion. He lunged out and landed in front of them, grinning all the while.

"I heard that someone's goin' on a job? Are you going on a mission for the first time, Ben? Lemme go with you then!" Natsu offered as pumped his fists. Happy floated next to him, wanting to get in on the action as well.

Ben gave the two a small snicker in response. "Sorry Natsu, I already decided that Erza would help me out with this one. Maybe next time."

As he said that, he made Natsu's face express disappointment for a split second. Ben then remembered something, and turned to Happy.

"Hey Happy, can I ask you a favor?" He asked. "It'll only take a moment."

Happy tilted his head as he bit into a fish. "Sure, what's up?"

Ben then held up the Omnitrix towards the flying cat. He smiled as he began to speak to the device.

"Omnitrix, perform an Area Scan for any uncatalogued sentient life, Code 10." Ben commanded.

The Omnitrix's dial lit up in response a moment, which still made everyone nearby blink in slight astonishment, despite seeing this a few times already.

"Command confirmed. Performing Area Scan for genetic samples of uncatalogued sentient lifeforms."

The three looked at the device with curiosity, wondering what Ben just attempted to do. This was a different command than what Ben had previously uttered out before.

They then watched as the Omnitrix's hourglass turned into a yellow color and released a thin yellow ray, which began to spread through the entire guild hall. After a few moments of scanning through everything nearby, including Fairy Tail's members alike, the wave reversed and went back into the device. The dial then began to spin slowly as the synthetic voice spoke.

"Scan complete. One uncatalogued genetic signature detected. Initiating Capture Mode."

Ben aimed his arm at Happy, a yellow ray of light shooting out that started Happy's body. The floating cat initially reacted with surprise, but then calmed down as he realized it did no harm. After a few seconds of scanning him up and down, the Omnitrix ceased its scan. The hourglass symbol and its circuitry then reverted back to its green coloration as the core popped back into the device.

Ben looked down at the Omnitrix, smiling a little. The core then popped up, the circuitry now glowing as the core spun for a few seconds.

"Unknown DNA sample acquired; scan complete. Entry is now available in Playlist Eight."

Ben grinned as he looked back to the three as the core propped back into the device. They all rose an eyebrow as Erza stepped up.

"What was that just now?" She asked, the other two nodding. Ben held the Omnitrix up again.

"I've told you guys that the Omnitrix is a device that holds the genetic code of a lot of aliens, right? Well, that's how it registers new DNA into its archives." Ben explained simply, enough for even Natsu to understand.

Happy then finished his fish, burping. "So, what it just did was scan my DNA?"

Ben nodded in response. "Yep, so now I have your species' DNA available for me to transform to. Here, lemme show you!"

Ben looked down at his Omnitrix again, holding the dial.

"Omnitrix; display Playlist Eight, Code 10." Ben commanded.

The faceplate of the Omnitrix lit up as it scrolled through a multitude of aliens until it stopped at Tail-Whip, with the core now popping itself out. Ben turned the dial a few more times, until it displayed a hologram of a cat that looked like Happy. He pushed the core down, engulfing himself in another flash.

The sudden flash of green caught the attention of everyone in the guild hall, who looked over to see what Ben was doing, as they knew that a flash of green meant Ben transformed into something.

As the flash disappeared, Ben was replaced by a dark emerald green cat that was the same size as Happy, but with a sharper face and smaller eyes. He had pink ears and green eyes, with two small whiskers appearing on each side of his face. He had a long tail with a black tip, and wore an aviator's uniform that was colored grey, black, and green. Sporting dark green fingerless gloves and black toeless shoes, the Omnitrix dial was attached to a grey and black sash that went around his body, displaying it on his chest. The Fairy Tail emblem was imbedded on the back of the uniform.

Everyone stared in awe at Ben's new form, noticing its resemblance to Happy, who then suddenly flew and crashed into Ben.

"YAY! Another one of my kind, finally!" Happy cheered. Ben sweat dropped as he lifted Happy off of him. Standing up, he began to feel a strange energy inside him all of sudden. It was literally seeping into his body from the environment in a sense.

"Woah… I feel strange inside." He noted.

Erza blinked once, wondering what he meant. Her eyes then widened as she realized, and she stepped forward and crouched down in front of the green feline.

"It appears you've gained the ability to garner Ethernano into your body by transforming into the same species as Happy. Perhaps you've gained his Magic as well?" Erza suggested and explained.

Ben tilted his head in confusion, but then tried some random body movements. He felt something different when he focused on his back, so he tried it again. A small green magic circle then appeared behind his back, and a few moments later, a pair of angelic wings sprouted out, surprising everyone.

"He can use magic now too?!" Droy yelled.

"Hey, at least he's an actual wizard now!" Jet smirked.

Ben felt weird having a pair of wings suddenly growing out of his body. He was used to having wings already placed when he transformed into an alien that had wings, but this was different. Regardless though, flying was no problem as he had experience with that already.

Taking off into the air, he began flying around the guild hall, making everyone look at him in shock. Happy rejoiced however as he flew off to join Ben.

"Huh. Flying using Magic isn't that much different than already having them by default." Ben admitted as glanced back at his wings. He and Happy continued to fly around for a bit, before landing back onto the ground.

"So… Uh, how do I turn this off?" Ben asked sheepishly as his wings flapped.

Happy's wings vanished immediately as he walked up.

"Imagine your wings disappearing, your Magic Power returning to the middle of your body." Happy suggested. Ben tried, focusing his attention to a mental image of flowing energy. Shortly after, his wings vanished.

"Huh, it feels weird, but I can get used to this." Ben said as he clenched his paws. "Now, to think of a name…"

Thinking for a bit, his eyes gleamed as he thought of something.

"How about… Aerofel!" Ben decided. Happy's eyes sparkled as he clapped his paws in awe of the new name…

"Aye, sir!"

Later on, Ben and Erza prepared for their mission.

However… It was mostly Erza, since Ben didn't really have any possessions. The scarlet haired girl wore a sleeveless white blouse with frills running down the middle, with a blue bow tie and her usual skirt and boots.

Erza convinced Ben to help her pack her belongings for the trip, but he Omnitrix wielder certainly did not expect the red head to be carrying such an abnormal amount of luggage, enough to overflow an entire cart. Even all the roping used to tie all of the cases and things down proved to be quite strenuous for the material that tried to hold everything in place.

Natsu and the others couldn't help but snicker at Ben's clumsy nature and reactions as they tailed the two of them. He was just about to get a taste with how life with Fairy Tail's Titania would be like. And that wasn't meant to be a good thing.

Arriving to the edges of Magnolia Town, Ben and Erza arrived at the local train station. Ben looked around in awe of the place, comparing it to the ones from his own dimension. As he did so, Erza walked over to the reception to buy the two of them tickets and a few rations to sustain themselves during the trip.

After buying them, by the time she got back, she looked back at Ben and noticed his excited appearance, giggling a little to herself.

'Hehe… He really is still a kid after all.' Erza thought as she approached him.

After regrouping with him, the two walked over to wait for the train. After a few more minutes, the train arrived, with the conductor exiting it to meet them. He appeared to be familiar with Erza.

"Ah, Miss Titania. Off to another mission, are you? Oh, and who's this guest of yours?" He asked while tipping his hat to Ben.

Ben brought his hand out and greeted him. Erza introduced Ben to the conductor as the elderly man returned the handshake. "This is Ben, our newest member. He's a Take-Over Mage."

The conductor looked at Ben with surprise, perking his eyes up. He looked a little underwhelming to the naked eye to say the very least from his eyes. Ben merely chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head.

Shrugging the thought out of his mind, the conductor brought his attention back to Erza. "So, where are you two headed?"

Erza then brought out the request sheet and showed it to him. "We're on a mission to slay two wyverns near the town of Nagdro." The red head answered.

The conductor then nodded as he returned back to his vehicle.

"Very well then! It just so happens that the last train for today goes straight through Nagdro." He said. He then gestured the duo. "Well, time's a wasting, let's get the two of you on board!"

The two walked onto the train as he pulled on the train's horn, moving to a random aisle of seats. Ben watched as he first sat, and then saw as Erza proceeded to store her luggage in a specially marked room. It was literally called "The Garden of Titania", which made him chuckle.

Ben sweat dropped as he eyed it before sitting down, Erza joining and sitting across from him after another moment.

The train doors slowly closed, with the conductor alerting all boarders that the train was now going to leave the station. As the train started to move, the two gazed outside the window, with Ben leaning right in front of it. Erza smiled as the trained began to slowly move off, watching as Magnolia Town started to fade away from their eyes…

As the two got comfortable in their seats, Erza tried to get the boy's attention. Gesturing at him to look away from the outside view, Ben noticed and turned his face over to her. She crossed her leg over another as she rested her hands on her lap.

"Erza? Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Well… Ben. We've never really had a proper conversation face to face. Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself? Erza politely asked. Ben thought for a moment before nodding.

"Sure, what'd you like to know?" Ben asked.

Erza then immediately answered. "Let's see… What about that "Null Void" you mentioned earlier then? You kept giving us some references, but I don't believe I've heard a full description."

Ben's usually positive face turned sour for a moment as he averted his eyes. Erza was worried she triggered an unpleasant memory in his mind, and saught to correct her question with a flustered tone.

"Um, if you don't want to talk about that, you don't have to—"

Ben responded back to her, his face now back to its neutral expression, albeit his smile a little straighter than its usual curvy nature, which made her just a tad bit uncomfortable to be honest.

"It's alright, Erza. It's just that the Null Void is a place that made me…mature as a person, let's say that. I don't mind talking about it though." Ben explained. The teen sighed in relief as she heard his answer.

Ben then readjusted his posture before clearing his voice. "Where should I start…?"

"Well, like I said earlier… The Null Void is an alternate dimension that serves as a prison for intergalactic criminals and other rogues of similar nature. And although it serves as a prison, it's not like innocent people aren't dragged into there every now and then." Ben started to explain. Erza nodded in understanding, gesturing him to continue.

Ben lifted a finger up as he started again. "Now, normally, there's only one way to get into the Null Void."

Erza's eyes perked in curiosity, wondering what it was. "And that is?"

"Typically, the way people open up a gateway into the Null Void is by using a Null Void Projector." Ben explained.

He tapped the Omnitrix's buttons a few times, making the face plate project a green hologram of a rotating device a short while later on. Erza eyed the machine with curiosity, examining its gun-like form.

Pointing at it, Ben continued. "This is a type of Null Void Projector. Coincidentally, this is also the same device that accidentally trapped me in the Null Void."

"Is this the only kind of Projector?" Erza then asked.

"There are other models of this device, ranging from larger prototype Projector machines, to slimmer ones like this one shown here." Ben shrugged. "Some of them can be as large as a wagon."

Tapping the Null Void Projector away, he continued to explain the properties of the Null Void throughout the ride, until he then started to explain the inside of the eerie place itself.

"The inside of the Null Void is exactly how it sounds like: An eerie and gloomy place that gives you goosebumps just by being in there." He first went off, jittering a bit from remembering the horrific environment.

"Since it's used as a prison for the worst of the worst, many of the creatures have either turned hostile or rabid due to their prolonged duration of being inside. And although many species of aliens however have learned to grow and adapt to living inside, since the Null Void isn't your everyday paradise of happiness, there isn't anything like plants or other sorts of food." Ben explained, his eyes then narrowing down.

"So, in a world like that…" Erza began to realize what he was going to say.

"…Many of the non-sentient denizens have turned to hunting others. It's eat, or be eaten." He quoted, his last line echoing a bit.

Erza held a hand on her mouth as she reacted with surprise and shock. After gathering information from Ben's explanation, she came to realize a horrible conclusion.

"You had to witness violence from every direction for the past two years while in that place…" Erza realized. Ben nodded, his serious face now chuckling a bit, surprising Erza quite a bit, even throwing her off for a moment.

"Well… To be honest, the clothes I'm wearing right now are actually made from creatures in the Null Void." Ben sheepishly admitted. Erza's eyes zoned out at his confession.

"Sure, I was a measly ten-year-old in a place that was basically Hell, trying to survive on my own. But it's not like I couldn't fight for myself. If anything, being in the Null Void was like living in the wild." Ben casually compared the years he spent in the Void to a simple sentence.

Erza sweat dropped as she laughed sarcastically. "So, that maturing you were talking about was just learning how to do things while being in the Null Void?" She asked.

Ben replied with a simple shrug and chuckle, causing the red-haired member of Fairy Tail to face palm. "…Pretty much."

"Benjamin Tennyson… You are one strange kid." She said, smirking at Ben. Ben and then Erza laughed together for a little while, before Ben started to ask a question.

"So, enough about me. Tell me about yourself, Erza. What kind of Magic do you use?" Ben asked, waving his hand.

Erza's expression went back to normal as she cleared her voice.

"Ah… Pardon me. Yes, like everyone else in Fairy Tail, I also use Magic. My Magic in particular is a type of Spatial and Requip Magic. It's called The Knight." She explained.

"Requip?" Ben said as he tilted his head in question.

Erza nodded. "It's a type of Magic that allows me access to a separate pocket space in which I store a multitude of armor and weapons."

"So… It's kind of like my Omnitrix." Ben said as he looked down at said device. Erza then nodded again before lifting up two fingers.

"If I had to say, your Omnitrix transformations are like a combination of both Take-Over and Requip. Take-Over is simply changing your form to match a registered animal or beast in your arsenal, while Requip is like your alien's natural abilities that you use in battle." Erza compared the two.

Ben in turn looked at her in awe, complimenting Erza's keen observational skills. "I see…"

The two began to talk about various types of Magic, including those of the likes of Gray, Lucy, and other guild members. Their conversation continued for a while, the two of them growing closer by every minute.

The two practically formed a friendship like that of an older sister with a younger brother, even with how complicated things were for them when Ben first met the guild and its denizens. This would prove to be…exciting in the coming future.

As the two continued their chat, the train arrived at their location roughly two hours later on.

When it arrived and stopped, the conductor alerted its boarders of its arrival to the Nagdro Station, alerting the two guild members. Ben exited the train first, turning around as he waited for Erza to collect her cart of luggage while still sweat dropping at the sight. The two then started to walk out of the station as the train left to go to its next destination.

Arriving outside the station a few minutes later, Erza grabbed a map out from one of her cases. She began to look for the inn that was displayed in the job description, scanning the chart for a moment before Ben pointed out its location. They then began walking, arriving at the inn several minutes later.

Ben opened up the door, holding it open as Erza dragged her cart in, making the other people in the lobby sweat drop at the sight. The receptionist then noticed Erza's guild mark, and used a phone lacrima to call up a number, saying that their guest had arrive.

Erza parked her cart in a corner as she approached the receptionist.

"Hello. This is the Night Carol Inn, correct?" Erza asked.

The receptionist nodded in return. "Yes ma'am. You are Titania of Fairy Tail, I assume? We've been expecting you."

She bowed slightly for her, before noticing Ben next to Erza. "Oh? Who's this young man?"

Erza patted Ben's head as she gave her a small smile. "This is Ben, he's our new member. I'm actually here because I recommended this for his first mission since he first joined. He may not look like much, but he's a powerful Take-Over and Requip mage."

The receptionist then attempted to apologize, assuming that she insulted her. Ben however tried to calm her down for her misunderstandings.

"Ah, it's alright. A lot of people doubt me because of my appearance. I'm only twelve, after all." Ben explained. The receptionist deadpanned in response as a door opened from the side of the room.

A middle-aged gentleman came out. He wore a brown tuxedo and a brown fedora to match. He then noticed Erza, walking towards her and Ben with a smile.

"Ah… Titania, you're here. Welcome to Nagdro, I'm the mayor of this small town." He said as he shook hands with her.

Noticing Ben, his brow rose. "And this is your younger sibling?" He asked. Ben's face twitched when he said that.

Erza waved her hand back and forth in denial as she turned to Ben.

"N-No, sir. Actually, this is our newest member, Ben. I'm actually here to help him out with his first mission." She explained again.

The major's eyes widened in understanding. "Oh, I see now!" He said while chuckling awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. "My apologies!"

After getting the misunderstandings taken care of, he led the duo into the room he came out of. He poured some coffee for the two as they sat on a couch on the opposite side of him, with his expression then turning serious.

"So, as it said on the description of the request sheet. I would like you two to go and exterminate the two wyverns that have taken residence near our town. They've been interfering with our crops and attacking people for a long time now!" He explained with a worried tone.

"Of course." Erza nodded. "Ben?"

"It's official." Ben answered, which made the mayor in front of them smile.

Despite being infamously known for their destructive tendencies, many people knew of Erza for her high level of skill and otherwise "antiseptic" methods of handling situations compared to the rest of Fairy Tail's members. She was given the divine nickname Titania for a reason, so Ben assumed that something separated her from the likes of people such as Natsu or Cana.

As the major finished explaining, he gave the two a room key. It was for their room that they would spend for the night.

"Thank you for listening this old man's rambling. You should rest up for tomorrow. The wyverns usually approach in the morning, so take this time to prepare if you must." He enlightened the duo.

The two nodded as they got up and left, with Erza bowing a little as she and Ben exited the room together.

As they got out and closed the door, Erza looked at the key's number, her face then turning to the stairs. She began going up the set of steps with Ben in tow for a few moments. And after reaching the second floor and walking for a little while longer, they reached the room with the same number as the key.

"…Room Number 10, huh?" Erza noted, glancing at Ben with a smirk.

Ben realized why she did so, flinching in retaliation. "Hey, it's just a coincidence that it's the number 10! Just because my last name is Tennyson…"

Ben grumbled, averting his eyes away while pouting a little. Erza giggled for a bit as he tried to hide his embarrassment, before unlocking the room.

The chamber was fairly large. Two king-sized beds were available for them; with even a shelf and a closet present for them. A bathroom was located on the opposite side next to a coat stand.

Upon eyeing the beds, Ben whipped off his shoes and lunged onto the soft mattresses.

"Oh, this pretty nice!" Ben said while bouncing on top of it. He then grabbed the pillow, giving it a few pats. "And fluffy too! Neat."

"You're such a kid…" Erza giggled, which made him turn red in embarrassment once more.

After that, the duo took some time to properly bring in Erza's mountain of luggage, dropping off some of Erza's things little by little. The two proceeded gradually bring the rest of her belongings, and ten minutes later, they finished.

Now sitting on their beds, Ben asked Erza a question.

"…Hey, Erza?" Ben asked, though he looked a little shy.

Erza glanced over at Ben, acknowledging his question. "When we go to sleep, can you… Wake me up in the morning? People say that I'm a terrible sleeper…"

Erza giggled again as she nodded. "Of course. Got some sleep walking habits, I suppose?"

"…I'd rather not talk about it." Ben turned away, chuckling nervously.

After getting another amused snicker from the redhead, she then got up and started walking to the bathroom. Ben yawned a little as he laid down on his bed, glancing at the Omnitrix.

"I'm going to wash up first, Ben. Why don't you get yourself ready as well?" She inquired. Ben nodded in response as she closed the door.

As Erza began to wash herself, Ben then began to tinker with the Omnitrix, with the hopes of using this time to learn more about his forms and the recent recalibration of the device. He began to study his newly unlocked entries throughout Erza's shower.

"Omnitrix; display DNA Entry Catalogs, Code 10." He then uttered. A single beep was heard from the Omnitrix as a large screen was projected from the core.

His eyes gazed around the various profiles of the forms he currently had unlocked, which were separated into playlists of ten per column. He didn't really care for the ones he already had, so he skipped over to the last one, Playlist Eight.

"So… We've got the newly unlocked Revonnahgander sample…" He muttered as he took a look at its profile. "Sturdy tail: check. Enhanced jumping: check. And also… Enhanced agility… Check."

He continued to review off his newly unlocked forms, and after another Erza finally exited the bathroom, Ben exchanged places with her. Erza Requiped into to a pair of pajamas designed by the Heart Kreuz company, and attended to a sword she carried with her initial Heart Kreuz armor set.

After Ben got out a few minutes later, the two wished each other good night as they crawled into their beds. It was pretty uneventful for the meantime…


In the black of night, Ben was awakened by a beeping noise. Erza didn't seem to be affected by this eerie sound luckily as he got up.