
Chapter 5: Thalia, Venting, and a Rocky Fist

25 favorites and 40 followers!? I am honestly shocked. I didn't think in four chapters, I could get THAT many on one story in less than 2 months. My most popular stories are that way over the course of a couple of years, and me not really doing anything with them. (Might remake one of them, and do a rebuild of the other. I don't really like how I made them back then. Still staying up so long as the site doesn't fuck them over) but yeah. This is my fastest-growing story I have released yet. I really don't have much to say other than thank you for that.

Considering LinkxThalia for a pair, partly as there isn't any of them, and Thalia is 95% of the time given a pairing in a Harem (Seriously, I don't see Thalia agreeing to that at all) or just in a story where x character has sex with everyone. I also want to avoid the Link x Zoe thing, as it is more common than I thought, and kinda a cliche at this point. Not that it is bad or anything, just want to do something different.

Now, onto the chapter.

As I enter the woods that Chiron told me not to enter, I sense it is a calmer place than the camp, though I think it is due to it not having anyone in the forest normally, minus the nature spirits, that is a normal given as they exist as one with nature. I walk through it, I feel the very air itself. It is a nice form of feeling, as it doesn't have the problems most forests I have visited have. It has the feeling of purity, soft nature magic enhancing what makes the forest what it is, and the soft breeze of the wind going by, the grass green from how well it is kept, and nature being in perfect harmony despite the fact that it is winter, and there is a small but noticeable layer of snow in the camp.

Walking through it calms me. I don't know how many times I have stated it before, but I don't want to be considered anything more than myself. Not the Hero of Time, Hero of Hyrule, Savior of Termina so on and so forth. Partly the expectations put on me due to my past experiences. A second part due to the fact that when I am only acknowledged as the hero of whatever the fuck, I am not remembered as Link, but the Hero of Time for instance. The third and final part of it was that my adventures really fucked me up in more ways than I could have thought, though that one is extremely new thanks to Apollo. I knew something was wrong subconsciously and obviously I never knew it in a knowing way.

Because of that, and all the shit I went through, I don't want to be a hero. I will help people, I will help the innocent, I will help save a world. I just don't want to be considered a hero for it. I just want to be known as Link, well Link Hyrule as my father was Daphnes Hyrule, and no, not the King of Hyrule. The two are easy to confuse by name I believe, but because of the fact that they look nothing alike, and the fact that the Royal Family has a strange track record of naming their family members nearly the same as the ones that came before, it is confusing. When I was in the Royal Family Library for a project of mine, unknowingly to the guards and King, I saw the Official Royal Family Line, and it was a LOT of Daphnes Hyrules, Zelda Hyrules, a Gustaf and a Daltus, though they were Kings by a chance of luck due to the fact that one died, and the other survived an accident. At least that is what is written in the book, with a note saying while the names are recorded, the history behind each ruler was only started to be recorded 30 years ago.

Because I just want to be known as Link, I tend to do more behind the scenes helping anymore. Recognition is nice and all, but when it overshadows everything else about you, and adds a burden that is beyond necessary, I don't want to be associated with it. Don't think that won't mean I won't help others, it just means I will try and not be noticed while helping, unless it is a serious occurrence. If pushed, I will tell the stories of my adventures, but not the full stories as there were parts I would rather not talk about. Fuck, the Shadow Temple was a Temple I would keep extremely bare bones in it's explanation part, for reasons I don't wish to remember.

While walking with all those thought brewing in my head, I unknowingly walk into one of the campers here that I meet at the cliff. Thalia, the daughter of Zeus if I remember correctly. She seems angry at first, and I assume it's at me. Until she seems to cool herself. "Why are you in the woods? Is it because you want a challenge, or just to explore?" Thalia asks, with a tone I don't quite understand.

"I wanted to be alone, in an environment I can relax in. The woods are my favorite environment, due to me growing up in them. It is an area I can feel calm in, even if it is filled with monsters." I say. Thalia looks at me with a different eye now.

"I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed in the camp, but I can tell when something is eating at a person. Tell me, what is the problem? Someone doesn't simply just goes into the forest to just think. Most of the time it is to vent. Howw about we trade stories, just to talk or vent?" Thalia asks.

"I really don't-" I start to say before Thalia shakes her head.

"No, I can tell that you had to relive something terrible. I know because I overheard that Artemis told her hunters to find out. I won't ask for the full story, a summary at most. They asked about it, and you told them the story, but the story affects you more than you will let on. Sit and we will talk, Link. Please, I think you definitely need someone to talk to, to express your emotions. I may not be the easiest person to deal with, but I can tell you genuinely need to sit and talk about your emotions and thoughts." Thalia interrupts me, wishing to help. I just agree to follow her, as I don't wish to cause a fight with someone who wishes to help me simply to be nice. I hope at least. "Follow me, I know a decent place to talk unheard. The only people who visits it is me. Nice place to think about stuff." Thalia continues.

I follow her for a bit before she stops at an interesting spot. A spot that has a pile of rocks, that could look like a fist if either you looked at it from a certain angle, or if you wanted to give someone a bigger ego. "Does this spot have a name, or does it just happen to be a unique landmark?" I ask Thalia.

"This spot is called Zeus's Fist. It is very pretentious I know, but I didn't name it. If it was up to me, it would have had a different name. This is a spot I can use if I want to be away from those who wish to suck up to me." Thalia says.

I get confused for a minute on why people would suck up to her until I remember her father is Zeus, the King of the Gods, and a god with an Ego to match Ganondorfs. Though to be fair, both have earned it in some capacity. Still, to suck up to someone just because their parent just doesn't make sense to me. Though I didn't have actual parents that wasn't a tree and a forest filled with kids, I am not one to really judge on that. "You wanted to talk then?" I say, trying to start it up.

"Yeah. Why did it seem you were so upset? I can still tell something is eating at you. It might help if you talked about it. Like I said earlier if it is connected to what you told the hunters, which I can guess, it might help if you talk about it. While I am not the best at holding things in, I can tell you in some cases that venting is better than holding it in. Again, granted that is coming from me, so yeah." Thalia says, confusing me a bit. Then again I don't really know her, so maybe this might be a good opportunity to actually meet someone.

"Before I do start though, my story is extremely long, like the process of a couple of days long. Do you want me to give a serious summary for time purposes?" I ask Thalia.

"Seeing as how long it took for you to tell hunters from what I learned, a few days, the condensed summary might be best," Thalia says to me, with a strange face I can't place.

I give her a summary, while still giving the details that were important, of my adventures of Hyrule, the Time travel, and Termina, in about two hours, with it about ten pm now. "Now that you got the summary of what I told the hunters, there is a few things I didn't tell them. Mainly because the Shadow Temple had some worse things that I told them." I say. At the summary, Thalia looked surprised, to sad, to angry, to horrified. The emotions were like a wave. They kept changing. Then she gets a worried look.

"What do you mean that there was more to Shadow Temple than you explained? Sounds pretty horrible, on par to the Fields of Punishment already." Thalia says, and quickly explaining the Realm of Hades systems.

"Does actually getting stuck in a room for about an hour, and witnessing not only your close friends all being slaughtered in gruesome ways, every five minutes in a worse way, all while you are doing it with a monstrous smile while using the remains as either as food or to use to fuck others over with, as a minor example of the horrors I wish not to explain?" I ask with a serious tone. Thalia just looks on with horror at me, with a small look I don't quite know, but I think is pity.

"Well, I don't have much to say, other than if that was a minor case of horror, then I don't want to know a major example besides what you explained. Though I now know that you are afraid of corpses, which does make sense. I will tell you my story, though I don't think I have anything on yours. It is nowhere near that bad." Thalia says, before explaining to me her childhood, and her mother a bit, ending with how Zeus turned her into a tree, and an only last summer she was freed from said tree. "Again, from a perspective your life was fucking shitty, which is the nicest I can say for you in terms of your life." Thalia says.

For the next few hours, we just talk and learn a bit more about this world beyond the god side. I then have thought, as it reaches midnight. "Thalia. What do you know of this world's currency?" I ask, curiously.

"I only know of the countries currency we are in, as I grew up in it, the US currency, which is a paper dollar." At that, Thalia pulls out a small piece of paper that was green with the face of some guy I don't recognize. "This is the one-dollar bill. It is the most common not coin currency in the country that can be used. The man pictured on it is George Washington, the first US president." Thalia continues.

"What is a president? In fact, please explain to me more about the US in general." I ask because obviously, I have no clue about the country I am in. Thalia gives a basic rundown on the President, and a brief summary of the US, and what the government type is from what she remembers. I get that it is like a King, but far more restricted. Interesting. "Will there be any problems in this world, since I wasn't born in it?" I ask. Thalia takes a few minutes to understand what I mean and pales a bit.

"Shit that's right. I don't know in your case. Maybe the Mist has done something, though I might need to talk to Chiron about that. He might have a better idea in this case. While normally Demigods don't worry about that for the most part. You might have a different case, due to your unique circumstances, depending on if anyone hasn't thought of it until now." Thalia says, thinking on it. "I will take you to Chiron later today, as you do need sleep. Before we do go back to camp though, I have to ask. What does a Great Fairies Tear taste like?" Thalia asks, confusing me.

"Uh, I am not sure how to describe it. It has a taste yes, describing it is far harder, as it is something only that can be drank, and only you can have an idea on what it tastes like. I can't really describe it, as it isn't something I really can't describe. I would let you have some, but I think it would hurt you due to the fact you aren't injured." I tell Thalia, who just nods in understanding.

"I wish to ask, why did you seem upset when we ran into each other?" I ask, remembering her look when I ran into her.

"I was irritated because there are three groups of people in this camp. My friends like Annabeth and Percy for example, even if I don't fully get along with him at times, the people who suck up to me because my father is Zeus as you know, and the ones that want to get into my pants, because I am again, the Daughter of Zeus. Besides that, I don't like dealing with some of the campers because they can be very irritating. You happen to be in a odd spot since you are so new but experienced in the world at the same time. But due to your experiences, I don't think you would do something stupid, or try and take advantage of a situation that isn't in combat." Thalia says, in an irritated tone, then calming down.

"Thank you then. If that is what is going on with you as a Daughter of Zeus, what do you think would happen if it came out about my parentage?" I ask, curiously. Thalia thinks for a minute, then pales.

"For one, expect the Aphrodite cabin to be trying to teach you, love. Not the romantic, but the 'fuck me so you can be broken in' love they like to preach. Well, most of them. A couple are good people, but for the most part the Aphrodite cabin hates the fact that Artemis, and her hunters, swore off love. Most of the guys in the camp will be afraid you will be like your parent, and act like her. I know you know this, so I won't go into detail there. That's with the camp by the way. The Gods will have a tizzy. Mr. Sun Guy will be the hardest to say honestly. Love Goddess will just be irritated that Artemis is still technically a virgin, the rest either will be in shock or just curious. My father is the only exception, as he has two buttons. Anger, and horny, but he does care for his kids for the most part. I may not fully like him, but I acknowledge that the laws are fucking retarded, but from a perspective of ours, it would make sense to prevent us from trying to kill each other to prevent the gods from watching their own kids kill each other just for their attention. Demigod wise, as godly kids have a different story. The gods show their care for their kids in their own ways, like the Sea God for example. He tends to be over lavish with his kids in terms of gifts because he can't necessarily be with them due to the laws. The Death God shows his care by having his kids be taught by powerful and intelligent figures if they didn't go insane from their mentality. My father is the distant, but still caring god, and most of them remember all the kids they have, even if it is a lot. Certain gods have away around this due to their domains, but it isn't a common thing. There will be those who try and punish you for your parent's actions, so be warned there. Can I ask you one question though?" Thalia explains, before asking the question. I just nod my head to signal to go ahead. "When you were talking about the Goron Zora and Deku masks, and how you kept the masks, why didn't you use them when you saw us against the Maticorn on the cliff?" Thalia asks, curious.

"To sum that up, the masks spirits wanted to move on, to rejoin with their spirit in the afterlife, but couldn't due to the masks. I found a way to let them, but it came with a deal. They had to give something up to move on. This was two years after Termina, so it wasn't like they didn't know me at that point, so they decided to leave me with a ton of abilities. As you know when I saved Annabeth, I can fly technically. That was one of the few abilities the Deku mask gave me. In the Deku form, it would need a flower, but because I am powerful in magic, I can fly with my magical ability. But I can't hold it forever, and when I floated back up with Annabeth, I was about one-fourth of my magic left. I can also control plants, to a degree. Though I don't have much practice with it, and I don't know how to work on it. The final ability it gave me, was the ability to dig into the ground, and hide like a plant. I know, the image is funny, but it worked quite a few time funny enough. The Goron mask was the most expansive of abilities. Goron strength, the knowledge of how Gorons can smith weapons, culture, and the goron's lines of combat abilities. The ability to enhance my swords power with fire. My shield can be made into an offensive weapon by growing spikes on it. And the ability to curl up into a ball and go insanely fast. Don't use that one though, as it was meant for a goron form, and in my normal form... Doesn't end well. The Zora Mask gave me one of the most versatile abilities. It lets me breathe underwater like I breathe air. Essentially, I can be underwater for an unlimited period of time. It also gives me the maneuverability of a Zora in water, meaning I can swim fast, and fight underwater. Knowledge of playing a guitar and Zora combat knowledge and history. I can also form an electric barrier around me, but it is extremely consuming of magic and is very dangerous. That may seem like a lot, but consider most of the abilities either require a ton of magic or are generally unusable to me. It doesn't mean it is useless, just I have to be careful with them in some cases. I wanted to free them without the sacrifice they had to give, but it was the only known way for me at the time. That is why the masks weren't used. They are no longer in existence." I say, and Thalia just nods in understanding. We just sit there for half an hour, looking at the stars. I make sure to not look at the moon, as I try to avoid being reminded of Termina. Thalia gets up, and stretches.

"Link, we should head back to the camp. Before either, we get caught, or a monster decides to try its luck." I nod my head in agreement. We head back to the camp, and I walk to the Hermes Cabin and see my stuff untouched. I do a quick inspection, find everything in place, and go to sleep.

I wake up as the sun starts to rise over the horizon, some of the light glistening over some freshly fallen snow, the cabin still out like logs, and I see Thalia at the door, with a tired look, looking at me. "Sorry Link, couldn't sleep. I think our talk deep enough where I couldn't stop thinking about it. We should head to Chiron before the rest of the camp wakes up." Thalia says, with a quiet yawn, akin to a mewing cat. It was weirdly cute to me. Don't know why. I do notice that I feel better after talking to someone who doesn't have a connection to Artemis. She doesn't seem to care about my achievements, and is more focused on me as a person, I think. I can't read people in that sense, but that is what I get the feeling of.

We walk to the Big house, which is where Chiron sleeps I guess, and Thalia knocks on the door. A few minutes pass and Chiron slowly walks out of the door, looking confused. "Thalia, Link, why are you up and here so early?" Chiron asks, curious but tired at the same time.

"Well, Link has something important to ask, that he asked me as well. Go ahead Link." Thalia says, backing away to let me speak.

"Well, I was talking to Thalia after I finished with the hunters, and I asked her a few questions. About stuff like the currency of this world in the not godly side. I realized that since I don't exist in this world legally speaking, that I could get in serious trouble for that. Is there a way to make sure my stay in this world is legal and won't expose anything?" I ask Chiron, who looks confused at first.

Thalia jumps in real quick. "Chiron, he has no papers in the world, due to him not being born in this world. He needs to be made a legal citizen of the country, to avoid any problems." Thalia says. Chiron, who suddenly wakes up, realizing the question now.

"Oh. Well, that is a really good reason to see me. I can easily have it done in a couple of hours, and some Mist manipulation, have you be a legal citizen easily. Normally it is much harder, but your circumstances makes it a more serious case than normal. I will quickly get to it, and let you know when it is done." Chiron says before quickly enter the Big House to get started. Thalia just sighs.

"Well, that was far easier than I thought. Chiron will take good care of it, that much I can say certainly. It was actually nice talking with you Link. Let's hang out again tonight. To talk of course." Thalia says, leaving to go back to her cabin. I just stand on the spot, wondering what the Din just happened. I just started exploring the camp, just to see what it has.

Later that night, as I was just standing near the forest entrance nearest to the Hermes Cabin, talking to one of the nature spirits, learning a bit about their forms of plant life's, Thalia comes over I thank the Nymph as they are called, for the conversation, and the nymph reenters her tree, and I look at Thalia.

"Good evening Thalia. What's wrong?" I ask, noticing her frown.

"Annabeth is missing. At some point in the morning, while we were talking to Chiron, someone snuck into the camp, and took her. It wasn't noticed until breakfast. You weren't accused Chiron and I said you were talking with us when it happened. We aren't allowed to go after her without a quest, which is fucking stupid." At that Thalia started releasing sparks from her hands. "If she was fucking kidnapped, then why would they need a gods damned quest to go get her! No, they are more fucking worried about a fucking capture the flag game between the campers and hunters due to tradition, while one of our campers were kidnapped!" Thalia first starts sounding frustrated, then ending it with a extremely angry tone, with electricity sparking all over her hands. One of her hands touches mine, and I get shocked by the electricity unexpectedly. Thalia realizes she is sparking, and quickly backs up from me to cool off, and the sparks stop. "Sorry Link. I didn't mean to shock you." Thalia says, a bit upset at herself for shocking someone on accident.

"It's okay Thalia. I know it wasn't on purpose. Like you told me, it is better to vent, than to bottle it up." I tell her. She laughs at that.

"True true. I did tell you that. Electrocuting someone is not a proper vent though, that's just abuse." Thalia says, and we both laugh at that. We just talk a bit, then I ask a serious question.

"Thalia, you know the currency I use?" I ask. She nods her head. "Do you know how much it could potentially be worth in this world?" I ask.

"Not really. You would have to show me to get an idea. Even then, I could only guess." Thalia says.

I pull out my Giant wallet from Hyrule and pull out one of my green rupees. Thalia gasps at it. "That could easily be worth a couple hundred thousand dollars easily," Thalia exclaims in shock.

"Really? It isn't worth much in the few lands I have been too. It is just a basic green Rupee." I say. Thalia shakes her head.

"Link. Gems like that are rare. Just one of those could set you up for a long time. If you have a few wallets with a variety of colors and sizes, you could easily be a very, very rich man. King rich, to give an idea." Thalia says as I think for a minute, and then realize what she means.

"Wow. That's... Something I never could have imagined. While I have no need for money, some currency for this land would help me insanely. Make me fit in better among things." I say, and Thalia nods at that.

"It would, help you survive in this world. Link lets go back to a different topic, as that isn't a great topic. Don't know who's listening." Thalia says, and I put the wallet back up. We talk a bit longer when someone taps my shoulder, and Thalia gets an irritated look. I turn around to see Zoe looking at me with an expression I can best sum up as curious and irritated.

"Hello Zoe. Is something wrong?" I ask. Zoe just gives me a dirty look.

"Which side will you pick?" Zoe asks. Thalia gives Zoe an even dirtier look, and I am just confused.

"What do you mean?" I ask Zoe confused.

"You know the capture the flag game is coming up. Which side are you supporting?" Zoe asks, and before I could say anything, Thalia speaks up.

"You know full well he doesn't have to support a side." Thalia says at Zoe, who looks irritated at her.

"With his parentage, he should be able to choose the right side!" Zoe says, more irritated at Thalia.

"He doesn't have to choose a side Zoe. He hasn't been in this world long enough to do a true pick yet. He can decide on his own, but you are pushing it before it's time. Doing so will possibly make him not like your group, and do you want your goddess upset with you?" Thalia says to Zoe in an annoyed tone. Zoe stays silent at that. I guess she realized something to do with Artemis, and she just glares at Thalia.

"Why do you wish to speak for him then?' Zoe asks.

"Because you walk straight over here when I am talking to him, and drop that question for no gods damned reason! I wasn't going to ask, as I thought it might be better for this time that he isn't involved! Hades I was going to tell him he doesn't even have to be in it!" Thalia says.

"Honestly, I was just going to ask to watch it, nothing else. Maybe another time I would join in, but for now, I would like to pass on it." I say, to try and diffuse the situation. Zoe and Thalia just look at me with looks of irritation. "Hey, I am just stopping this before a fight starts out. Zoe, I won't choose a side because I don't know much about either side to make a choice. I want to learn before I jump into something. Thalia, calm down before you shock someone." I say. Thalia looks at her hands, see's sparks coming our of them, her cheeks turn red for some reason, and then tries to calm herself believe. Zoe just looks at me.

"You do have a good reason. Fine, I will let it be for now." Zoe says, before walking off. I turn and look at Thalia.

"Was there something else going on that I wasn't aware of?" I ask confused. Thalia looks at me and seems to realize what I was asking.

"What happened was a power move. She was wanting you to side with them over the campers, because of your parentage. If it wasn't for that, she wouldn't even have bothered with you. It was basically that. Nothing else." Thalia says, stuttering slightly, which confuses me. She seems to be from what I know and interact with, a straight forward, blunt, a lady that will kick your ass, and hates the stuff like a barbie doll, when I found out what that was, and doesn't give a shit on what others think of her. The stutter is odd for her, as she doesn't stutter normally. I don't push it, and keep it in my head for further thought.

"Thalia, I wish the campers luck in the Capture the Flag game at the very least. It is tonight right?" I ask.

"Yeah, tonight." Thalia says, distracted by something.

"Well, see you later then." I say, walking off to the sword arena, mainly to make sure to stock up on Great Fairies Tears. The sword gets hot sometimes when being made into it. I guess it is a process I don't know of.

All right. I don't got much to say, other than hey, I am trying my best with characters like Thalia. I could have ended it on the fact that Annabeth got kidnapped (Will explain that later in the story) but I felt that it could go on farther. But hey, with my thought of Thalia x Link being set up, Thalia won't be a hunter at all. Not sure if I will save Zoe yet, or have a different hunter take over yet. Other than that, I hoped you enjoyed it.

EDIT 1: Fixed a couple of minor issues, and changed a couple of words.