
Chapter 3: From C's World to Soul Society

Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with Code Geass and Bleach, this all fan based.

A/N: I actually had time to produce this chapter the day after I posted the previous chapter, which is very rare for me.

From C's World to Soul Society

C's World

Lelouch opens his eyes and he widens them as he was surprised to see where he was. He saw that he was standing and he looked around.

"Where am I?" Lelouch asked himself, "This place, I see…I must be in C's World."

Lelouch chuckled sadly, "Yes, I remember why I'm here. I was killed by Ohgi and the others."

Lelouch thought about what had happened at the Ikaruga and when he saw Schneizel and sighed, "I guess Schneizel beat me in his move, it makes me sick."

Lelouch then thought about Kallen and was sad and he balled his fist in frustration.

"Such a sad young man you are," a voice spoke.

Lelouch was surprised and quickly looked around, "Who's there? Show yourself."

"Up here."

Lelouch looked up and saw a figure. The figure descended down and stood in front of Lelouch. Lelouch stood back and it looked at the person with caution and saw the person wore a black gi and hakama with red obi, white tabi and sandals and had a sheathed katana on his left side. It was man with long black hair that went down to his lower back tied in a ponytail with two strands hanging in the left side of his face and had gold eyes and it was also noted that the man had a small scar running down his right side of his face.

"Who are you?" Lelouch asked.

"I'm a Shinigami," the person said.

"A Shinigami?"

"Yes, basically, I'm here to take you to a certain place."

"What do you mean?" Lelouch asked and then noticed something on the Shinigami's right hand.

"Oh, you noticed," the Shinigami said as he showed his right hand and it was a geass symbol.

"Geass…so, you're immortal."

"In some way."

"Some way, what is that suppose to mean?"

"Enough talk," the Shinigami said as he drew his katana, "let's do this."

Lelouch got nervous and backed away, "What are you going do?"

"Hmph, I don't see why you're getting nervous."

"Just what are you going to do?" Lelouch asked in a demanding tone.

The geass symbol on the Shinigami's right hand glowed and he rushed and stabbed Lelouch. Lelouch was shocked and he looked at the blade that he stabbed him in the chest and he looked at the Shinigami that had a grin.

"Am I going to do…?" Lelouch asked.

"There's nothing to worry about, you're already dead. I'm just sending you to a certain place, a place called the Soul Society."

"The Soul Society?"

The Shinigami grinned, "You'll see soon enough. Normally, this wouldn't be the way to send a soul to the Soul Society but it's thanks to the geass mark on my hand that I can do this for you, Britannian."

"So…you must know…"

"Yes, I know all about you Lelouch vi Britannia aka Zero. What a shame, you lost everything, you've been lied to, defeated and played but now, I'm sending you to the Soul Society."

The Shinigami pulled his sword out of Lelouch and Lelouch fell on his knees.

"How do…you know…all…this…about…?"

"That's not something you need to concern yourself with," the Shinigami said as he sheathed his sword.

Lelouch tries to question him but loses consciousness and fell on the ground. The place where Lelouch was stabbed creates a light that surrounds him and he disappears from C's World.

The Shinigami smirks, "Now that Lelouch will be in the Soul Society, this will be interesting. It's going to be interesting when he see certain two ladies. What will happen then?"

The Shinigami chuckled and with a grin.

Soul Society

After some time, Lelouch opens his eyes and he gingerly looks around and finds that he's on the ground. He slowly gets up and puts his hand on chest to the spot where he was stabbed and then looks down and notices that's he in wearing different clothing. He sees that he's wearing a light brown sleeveless robe with a black sash. He looks around and finds that he's in a forest.

"A forest?" Lelouch spoke, "So, am I here? Am I in the Soul Society?"

Lelouch didn't know what do and decided to check things out as walked.

"I wonder…am I really in the afterlife? I know for a fact that I died so this can't be within the living, even so, this not what I would expect. Well, for now, it would be best if find that black wearing man or someone who knows about this place."

As Lelouch continued to walk, he sees someone. The person had their back turned and Lelouch noticed that the person had long pink hair. Lelouch goes to the person.

"Excuse me," Lelouch spoke, "can you help me?"

"Hmm," the person spoke, "yes, what can I do for you?"

The person turned and it was a young woman with long pink hair who had her eyes closed. Lelouch stopped in his tracks as he was shocked to see who it was. The pink haired young woman opened her eyes and was shocked to see Lelouch.

"E-Euphie?" Lelouch spoke surprised.

There she was, his sister Euphemia li Britannia, the sister he loved second to Nunnally. Euphemia was wearing a light blue robe with a white sash and her violet eyes widened as she was shocked to see her brother.

"Lelouch? Lelouch, is that really you?" Euphie asked.

Lelouch was shocked and he recalled the painful memory of when he shot Euphie because of his own mistake with the use of his geass."

"Lelouch," Euphie spoke, "if you're here, then that means…you died."

Lelouch felt shame and nodded, "Yes…" Lelouch had a sad smile, "I got what I deserve," Lelouch then fell on his knees, "I'm so happy to see you again Euphie. You may not believe me but I never intended for what happened to you. I know that nothing I say or do could ever atone for my actions," Lelouch put his hands on the ground and had looked on the ground, "I'm the reason you did something that was completely against your nature which resulted of you losing your life by my hand. I'm at your mercy Euphie so please, do as you wish. Whatever you decide to do to me, I will not resist. Whatever pain and misery you decided to inflict on me will be nothing compare to the pain and suffering that I caused you."

"…Do you really mean that Lelouch?" Euphie asked in a serious tone.


Euphie balled her fists and narrowed her eyes at her brother, "If that's the case…"

Euphie walked closely and was very close to Lelouch and Lelouch gritted his teeth prepared for whatever his sister had in store for him.

"Lelouch…" Euphie spoke as started to reach her hand to him.

That's it for this chapter. Next chapter: Lelouch learns from Euphie of where they are and how things are in the Soul Society and what Euphie has decided regarding Lelouch.