
Chapter 1: Prologue

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach and I don't own Code Geass.

A/N: I just couldn't help myself and this idea just came to me. So here is the first chapter of this crossover fanfic.


It was a nice day in the Soul Society and within the walls of the capital known as the Seireitei; a Shinigami of the Gotei 13 was walking and heading to one of the Division's barracks. It was a woman with pink long hair with two braided strands that hung from each of her sides and had violet eyes. She was wearing a typical Shihakusho and wrapped around her left arm is a badge and it was the division badge for the 10th Division. She was passing by other Shinigami and they looked and greeted her.

"Good morning Lieutenant," One of the Shinigami greeted.

The woman gave a warm smiled, "Good morning."

"Morning Lieutenant," Another Shinigami greeted.


"Good morning Lieutenant," Two female Shinigami greeted.

"Morning," The woman said with a smile.

The pink haired lieutenant walked by and was greeted by four male Shinigami who saw her and blushed with a smile.

"Good morning Lieutenant," The four Shinigami greeted simultaneously, "you're looking as lovely as ever."

The lieutenant giggled, "Thank you. Keep up the good work."

"Yes ma'am," The four Shinigami said happily.

The pink haired lieutenant moved on and then saw another Shinigami. It was a young man with red short hair and blue eyes and also wore a division badge around his left arm and it was of the 11th Division.

"Good morning Naoto," The pink haired lieutenant greeted.

"Oh, morning Euphie," Naoto greeted back.

They walk together for a bit.

"So today's the day," Naoto said.

"Yes, the ceremony for the new Captain of 12th Division," Euphie pondered, "say Naoto, did you heard anything about the previous captain, Hikifune?"

"No, but it's not like my worthless Captain would know himself since he doesn't really care about what's going on with the Gotei 13. You?"

"I haven't really had the chance to ask him."

"Hmm, I see."

Naoto and Euphie get ready to go their separate ways.

"Well, I'm going to go get my Captain," Euphie said, "We'll see you there Naoto."

"Yeah, see you Euphie," Naoto replied.

"Good luck dealing with your captain."

Naoto sighed, "I'll try…but…oh well, see you at the First Division Barracks."

Naoto and Euphie went their separate ways. Soon, Euphie walked through barracks of her division and got to the door that was her captain's room. Euphie clears her throat and knocks on the door.

"Lelouch, it's me," Euphie called.

"Oh Euphie, come in," Lelouch replied.

"Yes," Euphie said as she slid the door open and let herself in and slid the door close.

Euphie saw Lelouch sitting on the floor with his arm on an arm rest reading a book. Lelouch was wearing his Shihakusho and wore his 10th Division captain haori over it.

"Lelouch, are you ready?" Euphie asked, "It's time we went for the Captain Ceremony."

Lelouch sighed as he closed his book and put it down, "So it's already time."

"Aren't you excited Lelouch?" Euphie said with glee, "I know I am."

Lelouch chuckled, "You really enjoy these ceremonies, do you?"

"I'm just curious, do you know who the new 12th Division Captain is?"

"No but it will be interesting to see. After all, these things are meant as a surprise," Lelouch said with a smile.

Euphie chuckled, "That's typical of you, my dear brother."

"Let's go, my lieutenant."

"Yes, my captain."

Lelouch slides open the door and he and Euphie see a young woman with long orange hair and yellowish green eyes and wore a typical Shihakusho and it was their third seated officer.

"Oh, Lulu and Euphie, good morning," The orange haired woman greeted.

"Good morning Shirley," Lelouch greeted.

"Morning Shirley."

"I thought you two would be on your way to the ceremony," Shirley said.

"We're on our way now," Euphie said.


Lelouch put his hand on Shirley's shoulder, "Well see you later, and keep things in order while we're gone."

"You can count on me Lulu," Shirley said while blushing.

Lelouch nodded and left for the First Division barrack with Euphie following behind him. Shirley watched as her captain and lieutenant walked away and went to the other direction within the barrack. What neither of the three knew was that they were being watched by another Shinigami. The Shinigami in question was wearing a cloak with a hood over his head and on the top of his right hand was a geass symbol and the Shinigami had a grin.

"This has been very interesting," The cloak wearing Shinigami said and then chuckled.

Meanwhile, Lelouch and Euphie continued to walk to their destination.

"It's amazing, isn't it Lelouch?" Euphie said.


"Well, it's been forty years."

Lelouch knew what his sister was referring to, "Yes, it has."

"Even after so long, I'm still surprised through all this, I'm sure it's the same way for you and Shirley."

Lelouch smiled, "Yeah."

"I wonder how things went in our home world after we died. I wonder what became of Britannia, about your families and friends."

Lelouch had his thought and thought about the people he cared about and left behind, "Nunnally…CC…Milly…Rivalz…I hope they're able to still live on…Nunnally, I hope you're still live on…"

Flashback: 40 years ago in the Black Knight's Flagship, Ikaruga

Lelouch, in his persona as Zero with Kallen standing in front of him as light flashed on them and there were Knightmares and core members of the Black Knights pointing their guns on Lelouch.

"It's over Zero!" Todoh said.

"How dare you play a con game with us!" Chiba added.

Other members of the Black Knights were cursing him out calling him a fraud and a despicable con man and Lelouch noticed Diethard with a camcorder pointing on Lelouch. Lelouch also noticed his older half brother Schneizel observing and it was all the explanation that Lelouch needed and was frustrated and he has given up and lost the remaining hope he had.

Flashback End

"Even after I was killed and to hear about Nunnally and to hear the truth about my mother…"

"Lelouch," Euphie called out.

Lelouch got out of his train of thought and looked at his sister, "Euphie…"

"Thinking about the past…of the things that happened?"

Lelouch looked away on the ground and nodded, "Yeah…"

Euphie had a downcast look and was concerned for her brother, "Lelouch…"

"C'mon Euphie, let's hurry."


Lelouch and Euphie hurried themselves to get to the First Division barracks and they set themselves to make sure they were not late.

That's it for the first chapter. Next chapter: Going back to how it started, starting with the Black Knights turning on their leader in the Ikaruga.