

Behind him Genma moved far faster than his bulk would suggest, ripping the door to the garden nearly off its hinges. He stood there for a moment, staring out into the small garden looking around irritably. Behind him his wife asked "What is it?"

Genma frowned thoughtfully. "I could've sworn…" After a moment he shrugged and came back inside.


Ranma scowled as he raced back into Nerima, shaking his head. I can't trust mom, and I sure as hell can't trust dad, but who can I trust? I could go to Ukyo, but I don't think she could help me with this. There're too many honor obligations on me, too much coming at me all at once! I need to get away, need to talk to someone completely unconnected to everythin'! I need to find Dr. Tofu again. But Ukyo might be the only one who cares that I'm gone as in really cares rather than cares that his meal ticket, her toy, or cover or, umm….whatever Shampoo thinks of me as, is gone.

He landed on the roof of Ukyo's eatery, and was almost immediately challenged. "Halt varlet, who goes… oh, Ranma-sama, it's you. I do apologize, but might this humble one ask what you are doing here so late?"

Ranma looked around, only now realizing that it was actually the middle of the night by this point.

Then he turned back to Konatsu who had moved out from a shadow by a cooling fan, one hand delicately holding a kunai. As usual Konatsu was dressed as a female ninja, fishnet underthings, a pink ninja suit, and his long hair done up in an intricate style, held in place by a hairclip that could no doubt double as a weapon. The only guy around here that can match some of my skills, and he dresses more like a girl than any of my fiancé Akane should take tips if she's so worried about her own femininity.

That thought brought a scowl to Ranma's face as the memory of everything he'd learned came back to himagain, overriding his normal amusement and good humor at the Konatsu's cross-dressing. "Sorry…" he said a little shakily before he drew himself up. "Er, I mean I'm sorry I'm here so late." He went on in a more normal tone. "Didn't realize it was so late. Is Ukyo awake? I'd like ta talk to you two."

He knew Konatsu would listen in anyway, better to have him in front where Ranma knew where he was.

Ukyo had actually been asleep, but after Konatsu woke her up gently, was more than willing to hear what Ranma was there to say this late at night. She knew that her friendship with Ranma had taken a few hits lately, but deep down she still cared for him, though not romantically. She taken a good, hard look at herself lately and realized that the two of them just weren't compatible. Ukyo was ready and willing to settle down, head to college, get a good education and continue to run her small stall until she could move on to bigger and better things. But Ranma was the eternal wild child, and the idea of seeing him ready to settle down was just silly.

Besides, she wasn't blind, she knew why Konatsu hung around her and had taken to calling her his mistress. She was still uncertain of her own feelings towards the male kunoichi, but they did make a strangely decent pair. "So sugar, what brings you to my rooftop this evening?" She asked smirking even as she moved to cook them some okonomiyaki.

Ranma however held up a hand as she moved towards her kitchen. "Don't, I don't think I could keep anythin' down right now. So many things've hit me tonight, too much stuff I need ta deal with. I need to go, I need ta get out of Nerima. I don't think I'm gonna be coming back, and I figured you should know why."

"A moment please." said Konatsu sharply, holding up a hand. Konatsu delicately got to her his feet, moving with all the grace of a ballerina or a high-class acrobat and quickly disappeared to most normal people's senses, hurrying towards the door. A moment later he was back, brushing one out of place strand of hair back into his coif. "I needed to make certain that there were no listening devices or anyone trying to overhear us. One can never be too careful after all, and news like that…" The cross-dresser shrugged.

"I should've thought of that." Ranma said shaking his head. "I'm just too rattled right now."

"We're here to listen to you if it helps sugar, that's the least we can do." Ukyo said sitting back down next to him and taking his it gently. She winced a little when Ranma looked at her somewhat distrustfully and moved away slightly, but still smiled at him encouragingly. "Seriously, what's wrong?"

Ranma bluntly stated the most important part of what he had learned. "According to her, Akane and Ryoga have been going out for six months." Ukyo's eyes widened while Konatsu's narrowed in speculation but before either could say anything Ranma went on. "And that's just the tip of the iceberg."

The retelling took about forty minutes or so going by the clock, by the end of which both Ukyo and Konatsu were both looking angry, though most of the money matters had gone over Konatsu's head just like it had Ranma at the time he heard it. "That's some tale sugar." Ukyo said shaking her head. "Though it explains a lot. I was surprised that Akane's attitude towards you didn't change after the whole Phoenix Mountain thing, and the Seven Lucky Gods crap before that. After all…" she smiled whimsically. "What girl doesn't want her knight in shining armor to ride in on his white horse and rescue her?"

"Apparently one who's already got a prince in mind." Ranma laughed, now seeing some humor in it. "Of course her prince doesn't have a sense of direction, so in terms of savin' her, he's pretty useless."

His listeners laughed, though Ukyo was looking at him worriedly. Hiding his hurt under humor was what she'd expect from Ranma, but no one should be able to do that when they'd just had their heart ripped out. Ukyo might not have liked it, but she had always known that Akane was the one who'd been in the driver's seat in the race for Ranma's hand. To see him able to see any humor in this, well, it was just weird.

"Well anyway." Ranma said with a shrug. "I figured you two should know what's going on. I'd get out of dodge if I was you. The fallout of me leaving is going to be huge, and Akane and the others are going to look for someone to blame."

"I was planning to move away anyway sugar."Ukyo replied, coming back to the here and now. "I'd offer to go with you, but…"

Ranma shook his head quickly. "I need to be alone for this, there's more going on than just Akane and her… does the word cheating even apply since we weren't, y'know in an actual relationship?" Ukyo again frowned again at that, as did Kotatsu, but Ranma went on not noticing. "Well anyway, some of the other things that I overheard tonight have bothered me a lot, and I need a doctor's opinion on some of them."

Ukyo nodded her head, then reached across and brought Ranma into a hug, noticing that he stiffened a little and tried to shy away but she wouldn't let him for a moment. "I understand sugar, I hope whatever doc ya go to can help you get your head on straight, and whatever you do outside of that…" she shrugged. "I hope you find a place where you can be happy. I'm sorry that place wasn't with me." At that Ukyo pulled back smirking while she smacked Ranma on the shoulder. "But I can understand that you're still looking."

Ranma stared at her then nodded smiling and punched Ukyo in the shoulder before reaching across to shake hands with the cross-dressing ninja. A moment later Ranma was gone, and Ukyo turned to her other friend. "We got a busy night ahead of us sugar, so let's start packing. Once the news that Ranma's not going to come back from this gets around all hell's going to let loose, and I'd rather Cologne and Happosai in particular not come looking for us." Ukyo was willing to put herself and Konatsu up against most of Nerima's martial artists, but not the two grandmasters or Genma possibly, if he took the fight seriously.

"Shouldn't we go after Ranma-sama?" Konatsu asked. "I realize he wants to be alone, but is that really for the best?"

Ukyo shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe not, but it's him making that choice not us. Besides, both us've caused trouble for him in the past too, we might be sad about it, but that's in his mind somewhere as well. Maybe a clean slate is what he really needs." That thought was somewhat painful but Ukyo knew that Ranma really would want space from everything that reminded him of Nerima after something like this. "Come on honey, we've got packing to do."


It took Ranma two days to cross most of Japan down to Honshu where Dr. Tofu's new practice had opened. It was small and homely like his last one, and Ranma smiled. Tofu really did like that whole personable touch. Ranma couldn't really picture him working in a huge hospital with lots of other people. And Tofu also always opened his own door, which was a problem at the moment. Dr. Tofu blinked in shock looking at the young man before him. "Ranma, how, wha…UMmph!"

Dr. Tofu's head jerked back at the blow to his chin, and then he was lifted off his feet and dragged further into his practice before he could recover. "That was for leaving without saying goodbye to anyone, not even Kasumi!" Ranma said setting the doctor on his feet and closing the door. "The whole clean slate thing is appealin', but you don't have people chasing after you, ya could have at least left a message behind or something."

"Dear who's this?" Said a young woman, coming out from inside the offices. She was tall, taller even then Kasumi and had a rangy look like a former athlete who had only recently stopped exercising regularly. She had black hair down to her waist done up in a long ponytail, and moved somewhat gracefully, not martial artist gracefully but certainly athlete gracefully which matched her body's build.

On one finger however was a wedding ring, which caused Ranma's eyebrows to shoot up. "Damn doc, you really did get married, what the hell?"

"It's true." Tofu replied, wincing a little as he felt his jaw. "I suppose I deserved that, but there's more going on than you know. This is an old friend Keiko, don't worry, we'll just be talking for a bit."

"More than a bit doc, I didn't come here just ta smack ya one for leaving. Like I said, I understand now why someone would just run away, but my reasons are way larger than yours."

Tofu frowned thoughtfully motioning Ranma into his observation room. "Before you ask, the reason I didn't say goodbye even to Kasumi is because of what my old sensei found when I met up with him at a symposium about two months before I actually left Nerima. For one thing, my sensei pointed out rather bluntly that the difference in our ages isn't that all that much different from Akane and me."

At Ranma's shocked expression Tofu's laughed quietly. "I've known about her crush on me for quite some time Ranma, it was rather obvious after all. When that was pointed out to me, I realized how foolish it was chasing after a girl half my age. Then he found out that I have… well the technical terms are a bit above even your ki knowledge Ranma, but what it comes down to is that I am physically allergic to being near Kasumi."

"It was masked by my, um well you know how I acted around her, turns out my father had the same reaction to my mother, but he was able to control it over time. I never would have been able to, and I would have continued to be a major danger to anyone who came to me for medical attention during that time."

"Thereafter he introduced me to Keiko, his daughter, and the two of us hit it off. With her I was able to get over my 'love response' in a few weeks after falling for her, just like my dad did with my mother." Tofu paused for a moment, sighing. "I can't say I was happy about leaving Nerima behind without saying goodbye to Kasumi, but a clean break really was necessary."

"I guess I can understand." Ranma said with a shrug. "Whatever Doc, like I said I wasn't here just to smack you one, I need your help."

"I'm always willing to lend an ear Ranma," said cautiously. He was always leery of getting involved in Ranma's adventures, knowing what they could cost him.

Ranma related everything that he had discovered recently, watching as Dr. Tofu took it all in. After moment the doctor shook his head. "I would've never suspected that Akane would be so duplicitous, I definitely think that girl needs to see a psychologist. It says something about her that she was able to convince herself that her cheating on you and keeping it a secret was all your fault in the first place. And Nabiki not telling anyone about it, that is a pure enabler attitude."

"I think I need to see a psychologist too Doc, since I ain't nearly as angry as I should be about it." Ranma said with a shrug. "At first I was furious, and a little weepy I'll admit." He said, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Even that small an admission of softer feelings came hard to Ranma.

"But not now. And on top o' that what Nabiki said bothered me. I mean you know how boys are supposed to, er, react to girls, I mean, um, physically?" Ranma said trailing off in embarrassment and looking away. "That um, that ain't ever happened ta me. And given the fact that Shampoo jumps on me every time, well Nabiki mentioned that it was kind of odd that it never did, and I wondered if there was something that could, you know be, wrong with me in that area…"

Looking at the embarrassed and almost scared young man in front of him Tofu frowned thoughtfully. He was almost inclined to ask about Ranma's female form reacting in an aroused manner to exterior stimuli, but he knew the youth had problems with his female form even now. Plus he'd probably kick me through a wall for suggesting it. "There are pressure points that could have that effect, but why would anyone have done that?"

"Doc I stopped askin' questions like that a long time ago. If there's some way Genma could screw me over, he'd find it. Anything that wasn't the Art was a waste of time, I mean I ain't exactly interested in that kind of thing either, that's one thing oyaji was right about: the Art bein' more important than that stuff. It's just if there's somethin' wrong with my body, I want it fixed."

Dr. Tofu frowned further. He always considered Ranma's single-minded nature odd, but combined with the other things Ranma had just mentioned and his other observations during his time in Nerima, it might be there was something odd about Ranma even beyond whatever had been done to make him not become sexually aroused. "All right Ranma lay down on the bed and we'll see what we can find. I never did do a full physical on you did I?"

Ranma shivered a little at the very idea, not exactly comfortable with the idea of anyone touching him at all. But this was why he'd come to Tofu. He knew he could trust the older man, at least as far as Tofu not using what he found against him was concerned.

The procedure took over an hour, as various injuries and odd reactions were noted, with Tofu pausing a moment and actually shaking his head a little in jealousy at one point, making a comment about being thankful his wife wasn't in the room. Then he actually blushed a little as he performed the same physical on Ranma's female body, a process that was even slower and much more cringe-inducing for both of them.

Finally Dr. Tofu stood back shaking his head thoughtfully and very grimly Ranma was worried to note. "Well Ranma, I have good news and bad news, which do you want first?"

"How's about the good news?"

"Well the good news is I do know what's wrong with you, and they're both relatively easy to fix. Putting them on you in the first place would've been much tougher, but fixing them is much easier."


"You have two closed ki points. The good news is that reopening them should have an almost immediate effect on the flow of your ki. I noticed that your ki flowed differently than most men, but I'd put it down to the training you went through, more fool me I suppose."

Dr. Tofu shook his head. He would castigate himself for years for not noticing this, and wondered why some of the other masters in Nerima haven't noticed. Deciding to think about that later he went on. "The first is the Youthful Mind point."

He pulled out his trusty Betty, which he had brought along from Nerima pointing at a point here and there on the back of her head, and then twisting it around to point at two points on her chest. "Those are the points that would've been hit to inflict the Youthful Mind on you. It's a technique developed in the distant past by samurai who wanted to start training their children very early in their development. It makes you more pliable, and hampers both emotions and higher-end thinking in favor of heightening your ability to learn things physically."

Tofu shook his head again ruefully. "I can't believe I didn't spot it, I thought you were just a regular martial artist with a case of ADHD when it came to anything else." Once again Tofu had to stop himself from slipping into self-recrimination. Instead he turned Betty around once again for so that her front was towards Ranma and touched three points down low right above his crotch region. "This is called the Imperial Favor technique. It kills off practically your entire libido."

"Libido?" Ranma asked, cocking his head. "What's that mean?"

"I think I have several books you need to read Ranma." Tofu replied, shaking his head quietly. "The Technique was developed in China during the period where the eunuchs began to take control of the Imperial bureaucracy, suffice it to say it helped them add new members to their numbers, but it certainly hasn't helped you. However…" Tofu frowned thoughtfully. "I can undo the Youthful Mind right now, the other one I want to do a little more research on the effects of undoing it before I do anything, and I have no idea what the points being on you together could have done."

"Mind if I do some exercises while you do, Doc?" Ranma asked getting up off the bed.

"Certainly, just don't break anything." Tofu left leaving Ranma to himself for few moments before coming back with a large tome. He sat down reading through the old looking text thoughtfully then looked up at Ranma, watching as the youth moved through some kind of kata with such speed and precision most Masters could not have matched it. That brought to mind Ranma's physical abilities, which Tofu knew for a fact was so far beyond human norm that it was almost unbelievable. In fact no one outside of Nerima and certain parts of China would believe it at all.

But in relation to undoing the Imperial Favor Technique that's not a good thing. "As I said, Ranma," Tofu spoke, getting the boy's attention. "I could undo the Youthful Mind point now. The effect of undoing it will be slow to build, and it won't affect the Imperial Favor technique, I wanted to make certain of that. But undoing the second, um undoing it might have…"Tofu groped for an example that wouldn't make the nervous young man in front of him bolt.

"It might make your ki go out of control." He said finally not wanting to try and explain what really might go out of control. The Imperial Favor technique had indeed been developed by the Imperial bureaucracy, but they hadn't actually been the ones to create it. It wasn't initially created to make the process of creating a eunuch easier, but to punish those accused of sexual deviancy. Yet it didn't actually kill the libido, instead it suppressed it.

"Picture a spring Ranma." Tofu went on, now not trying to lie or change the subject at all but not being completely truthful without actually touching on the subject matter. "You've been living your life with it wound up, pressed down as it were, as much is it could be. Once I release that point all that energy is going to come out. Especially since I think the Youthful mind is going to mess with your ability to handle your emotions somewhat. In fact, considering that, I'd recommend we wait on undoing that technique as well, just to be on the safe side."

"Cool!" Ranma said holding up both hands and making the victory sign, utterly ignoring everything Tofu said about his emotions, confident in his self control. "You mean I'll be an even better martial artist, faster, stronger and all that?"

"Yes I can honestly say that will be part of the side effects." Tofu said. "The main effect will be different, but after solving this issue, you'll be able to react normally to stimuli, and other things."

Ranma nodded, taking it at face value that Tofu meant his heightened ki would be the main point. "Still don't understand this libido thing doc, but if it makes me at least normal in one way I guess I'll jump on it."

"Good, but I'll need to prepare a room for you. After all, you wouldn't want to accidentally hurt anyone until you got control of it, would you?" Once again Tofu did not specify what it was, allowing Ranma to draw his own conclusion, which the younger man did nodding seriously. A little white lie won't hurt him. "In fact, while I find someplace to do this, I'll teach you how to release the points yourself."

Finding a safe place to do this took the rest of the day, and the room wasn't a room, but a former isolation-style jail cell. The area Dr. Tofu had set up his practice in wasn't quite run down, but it wasn't high-end either, and had several old buildings from World War 2, the jail being one of them. The walls were still solid, and with the help of a few of the locals Tofu was able to prepare one of the rooms for Ranma.

Watching the men work Ranma wondered why they were bringing in those magazines and laughing to themselves. Though the water, large portable light along with food supplies were also a little worrying. "Interestin' place doc, though I gotta ask why it wasn't torn down. And um, is there something ya should be telling me?"

"Oh, there was a plan for this place to be turned into a year-round haunted house, though it never went anywhere. As to your second question, I have no idea how long it will take you to get control of your ki Ranma." The doctor replied. "I'd rather you stay here until you're certain that you can jostle someone in a crowd without shattering every bone in his or her body."

"WHa-? Ranma gasped, looking at him aghast. "It's gonna be that bad, really?"

"Ranma, you routinely move faster than most people can see using that Amazon technique correct? Until you figure out how to control your ki, you might be moving even faster than that normally and not even notice it. And as you should know, speed has a mass all its own. And that doesn't even consider your ki itself going out of control."

"That would be bad." Ranma nodded his head seriously. Unlike most of the others in Nerima, Ranma had always taken the Art and the Code seriously. The idea of accidentally hurting someone accidently like that appalled him. "Though if I'm gonna be in here for so long, I would've preferred to have somthin' to say 'bout the reading material Doc. And what's in those brown bags anyway?"

"Graphic novels." Dr. Tofu said with 100% accuracy. "I thought you might like them especially after you're done undoing the Imperial Favor Technique. Now, show me that you've learned where the pressure points are so that we know there won't be any mistakes."

"Cool." Ranma said raising one finger to his forehead in a salute. "Hope there's some Naruto in there. I'm this close to figurin' out how to create my own version of a ki blade, like that lightnin' attack o' the One-Eyed Emo. Shapin' ki out of your body like that is really hard, but I think it's doable."

"That's nice Ranma." Dr. Tofu replied shaking his head. He honestly hoped that this wouldn't change Ranma so much, his single-minded attitude towards the Art was actually something Tofu admired. He just hoped that ability to concentrate and bring so much intelligence to bear would now spread to other areas of study. And whoever actually marries him will be very happy if it does, he thought to himself laughing quietly. Well, so long as they are bisexual at least.

Ranma nodded and did so gesturing to the different parts of his body he'd have to touch, looking a little uncomfortable at some of them down near his boy bits, while also explaining how hard he'd have to touch each of the pressure points. He was actually grateful that he'd be alone to do that, having someone else around for that part would be weird.

"I would recommend you remove the Youthful Mind point first Ranma, but that is up to you." Tofu said, moving towards the doorway. "Good luck." With that Tofu left, locking the heavy door behind him.

Ranma frowned hearing the locks on the door. Doc must be really worried about my ki going out of control doin' all this ta isolate me. Hmmf, I'll show him, I bet my control is up to the task whatever happens. Still, best follow his advice about the order. With a confident smirk on his face Ranma raised his hands up to his head, tapping here and there on different points of his head, and then two more on his chest.

For a moment nothing happened and Ranma frowned, wondering if he had done something wrong in the order or the pressure needed. But after a second Ranma's teeth clamped down while his heart sped up as rage hit him, more rage than he had ever felt before, more sadness. It was as if that first moment where he learned about Akane's betrayal had come back to him multiplied a thousand times over.

A small trickle of emotions before had suddenly become a flood. Everything that he had learned back in Nerima as well as everything before that but which hadn't registered for long mixed with other things that had built up inside of him without Ranma even noticing. Ranma went mad, sobbing, screaming, shouting about Akane, about his mother, about his father, and not surprisingly the Kunos and Amazons.

Pounding the floor and the walls Ranma was completely out of control with rage and grief as it hit him all at once, his ki igniting and roiling off him as Tofu had warned him, though not actually believed would occur, rather more afraid of what would happen when Ranma's libido was awoken. Tofu had no idea how much ki Ranma had built up since Tofu had left Nerima, enough to challenge Herb, a dragon descendent. Now that ki was flaring out like a heat haze, burning the ground of the cell underneath Ranma.

How long that went on Ranma didn't know, but when he finished he wasn't in the cell he'd begun in, instead he was in one of the outer rooms of the former prison. He blearily looked through tear streaked eyes at the carnage of his trip through the former penitentiary, shattered walls, ripped out doors, hell even melted bars here and there, along with the floor looking as if it had been scorched.

Ranma chuckled a little weakly before leaning against the outer wall, which had shattered in a few places, around what looked like holes made by his fists marching through it. "Wow, I don't think anyone's going to want to use this place as a haunted house anymore. Not without a lot of redecoratin' and rebuildin'." He shook his head laughing while his voice echoed through the confines of the jail.

He shook his head, thankful the doc had gone to such lengths despite his initial arrogance about his control over his emotions. "Damn, I always looked down on the others fer always getttin' so angry all the time, particularly…" Ranma paused, shaking his head and not wanting to use her name lest he set himself off again. And that was only one of the techniques, what's going to happen when I release the other one?

Moving back through the wreckage of the jail Ranma sat in the center of the semi-bare room he had started in. For a moment he debated waiting to do the next one. He knew his emotions were all over the place, hell his hands were shaking, and the doc had told him not to rush the process. But after a moment Ranma's usual confidence came back to him, if somewhat limited. I'll hold on until my hands stop shakin' can't make a mistake in where I press or how strong after all.

How long Ranma meditated he didn't know, but it was dark out by the time his hands stopped shaking and he stopped feeling spikes of rage and sadness. Okay, let's do this! After centering himself for another moment Ranma began to touch the required pressure points, wincing a little at the pain of them. It was like pressing a sore black and blue mark that went right to the bone, which caused flares of pain to spread out nearby even while the ache at that point receded.

The last one in particular doubled Ranma over in agony as ki began to flow through his body in a way that it wasn't used to. "All right, that hurt! That hurt like nothing I can think of…" After a few moments the pain receded, and Ranma frowned. He could feel his ki was building up somewhat, but not nearly as much as he had feared given how Tofu had been going on about it.

There was a sense of something else building up too, but he couldn't what it was. "I don't see what doc was worried about this point fer, the first one gave me a hell of a lot more trouble…"

Then it hit him, and he looked down in pain as a part of him that had never responded to anything shot to attention. "Wh-what the hell!?" Then he groaned aloud as that something he couldn't identify roared through him. "GUHHHH, wha…."

Images of the girls he had known in his life began to go through his head. Things he hadn't noticed before really, or had simply thought were interesting in a mild sort of way. Now the mere memory of them made all his higher brain functions shut down.

For several hours Ranma lost himself again, his body demanding his full attention. Afterwards his pants were soaked as if he'd been hit by a super soaker. When he hesitantly touched his pants over his crotch he found them very sticky as well as simply wet. Worse there was a smell in the air, quickly dissipating but still noticeable that Ranma couldn't place.

Even as he watched though his crotch region began to twitch again, his penis once again showing signs of heretofore unknown life. For a moment Ranma was almost tempted to redo the pressure points, not having any idea how to deal with this. But he wasn't one to give up, and the feeling of his ki moving through his body told him that even trying would be a very bad idea indeed. Putting a dam up in front of a small stream was one thing, putting it up again after that stream had become the Chang Jiang at full flood was something else entirely.

"Er, maybe something to take my mind off it." Ranma thought, moving over to the bags of graphic novels. His mind however was replaying conversations he and his two friends had several times, where the two of them talked about girls to what he thought was excess. Huh, if this is what they have to go through, maybe they ain't as perverted as I thought. Now if I could only remember some of the terms they used…

By that point Ranma had reached the bags, and gratefully began to pull out a strange assortment. Some were medical texts, mostly about pressure points, ki, old style healing and other things of that nature, simple copies of older tomes that Tofu had tied up with a note, saying it was a Christmas present for not noticing the problems in Ranma's body before this. Ranma grinned then stuffed them all into his ki space for now, joining a few other books he already had in there that he had bought at some point thinking they might help him but never was able to muster enough interest in to actually read.