

Alright. Let me break it down for you. I died. What a shocker, another one of those fics is what I would say if I were seeing this as a fic, but this time, it's different. I know you've probably heard that a thousand and one times but just... Just read the fic man. It's good. Hope it is anyway, since it is my life story. So sit back, get comfy and read a few chapters. Who knows, you might just like it. P.S. I ain't the most saintly person.

KingSk · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

It's finally begun. 1

If you notice anything that doesn't belong to me, that's probably the case. All writing belongs to their respective authors.


A white light suddenly engulfed me and I found myself lying in a bed. Just as I was about to get up, a screen appeared in front of me.

{ Hello contestants

You have all made it to the world safely. As you all may have noticed, you are in your new beds. You all have homes of your own along with a monthly stipend.

Now let's get into the meat of things. There are ten of you. Five girls and five boys. I will send you to worlds of my choosing and you will complete a goal or two for me. You will more likely than not face off against each other in these worlds and the winner not only gets to live on but gets a reward while all the losers possibly die.

Or not, depends on how I feel and if I may have plans for you but most of the time, you'll die. So that's basically it. Oh yeah, I may or may not also remove your memories of the world you go to if I find it interesting. Like right now.

Each world will have different rules from the last. For this world, I was more lenient.

In the challenge of this world, I shall allow one male and one female to live. You shall be able to team up with each other if you guys want. Up to you, but if you so choose to do so, a mark on your and your teammate's hands will appear signifying that you guys are in a team. You can't remove them so choose your teammate wisely.

Now, I'm sure you are all wondering what your guy's challenge is. Well, here you go:

Kill Kuro-sensei. I nerfed him since he was too OP for some noobs like yourself and I don't wanna get bored along with the other spectators, so you guys are lucky. If by the end, and you will know when it's the end, no one kills Koro-sensei, whoever I feel got the closest to doing so will be the winner.

Oh, by the way. You'll be getting your body's memories soon. }

" Kuro sensei. Why is that name familiar? " I began digging through my memories and I couldn't remember any Koro which was weird. My memories had become clearer with a better brain yet I still wasn't able to remember anything about a Koro. Rereading the screen allowed me to conclude that such memories had been taken away.

Sighing, I got up and stretched before taking a look at the time. It was still early in the morning. Six to be precise. I sluggishly went to the bathroom and took a nice bath which was where my body's memories came in.

No parents. To be expected.

Once I got out, I began brushing my teeth. While doing so, I stared into the wall-mounted mirror.

"Damn, who the hotty in the mirror."

Smiling at myself had set a good mood for my day already. After completing the rest of the morning ritual, I began to dress in my new school uniform.

" I thought I was done with school. " I mumbled annoyedly.

Apparently, from my memories, the school my body had been originally going to had been destroyed along with surrounding neighbourhoods and schools by an earthquake. It was going to take a long time to get it back into shape so the students had to start attending nearby schools.

" If I had to guess. This was done to give a reason as to why there would be more members in whatever show, anime or movie this is. " I spoke my thoughts allowed.

My home was an apartment and a rather big one. " Nice. " I said examining the place.

" At least my body had the same tastes as me. " I noted continuing to examine the place.

I prepared a simple but delicious egg and toast breakfast before taking my new phone and bag and then heading out. I wasn't familiar with the route I needed to take nor was my previous self so I used a GPS to help get there. On the way, I put on the pair of Bluetooth earphones I had tucked away in my pants and began bopping to the music.

I had noticed many glances on my way to school, not only from students but adults. "Have they never seen a black guy before? " I mumbled to myself.

Can't blame them too much though. I was a looker. Being five-eleven, handsome and foreign, I must be a catch. My thought earned a snicker from myself.

Damn, I've only had my body for a few hours yet I've become so narcissistic. I better make sure it doesn't get too bad.

I had also noticed something. Hair and eye colour were a lot more varied than back on OG Earth. It gave me the idea that the world was from an anime. Or the Japanese were more colourful than I thought.

When I made it to the front desk of the school, I was guided to a waiting area already filled with nineteen other students. The room's tension was thick. I could even see some people shaking for various reasons. I didn't bother trying to analyse anyone yet until I knew for a fact that they were my opponents.

We all silently waited for twenty minutes before a man we learned was the principal came to greet us. We were then given our timetables and guided to our classes. After dropping off a bunch of students, we were taken out of the school and up a hill.

I found this a bit weird but didn't comment. I noticed only four boys and five girls were in my group. I guessed that they had to be my competitors.

I began lagging behind to get a better look at everyone. The first person I noticed was a blond girl with blue eyes and an athlete's body from what I could see. She clearly wasn't Japanese, and I guessed she was either European or American.

She had a serious look on her beautiful face which showed how she wasn't here to play games. There were no visible inklings of her ability showing on her so I decided to focus on someone else.

The next person to catch my eye was the only guy near my height. It was clear from his tight-looking uniform how muscled the guy was. He kinda had the early marks of the Chad meme face developing. With black hair and eyes, it would even match if he grew it and cut it right.

If I had to guess, he was also from Europe but what I cared about was the guy's skill. If the guy was smart, he would have gotten a long-range attack skill as I doubted many could handle a melee against him, strength-wise anyway. If he was a muscle head, he would have gotten something to increase his strength further.

The last person slightly interesting was a girl who looked to be half-Chinese. She had short hair, only reaching her shoulders and a decent figure. She seemed to have a resting bitch face or something truly maddening was on her mind but I doubted I would wanna get in her way on a bad morning.

The rest of my opponent's looks were honestly on various levels of mid but I made sure to carve every aspect about them in my mind. I couldn't be caught lacking just because I failed to recognise any of them.

My thoughts were broken when our guide stopped and told us to wait for a second. They went inside the building and a few minutes later, a young man with spiky black hair and eyebrows came out with the guide in toe.

He eyed all of us down before clearing his throat.

" I'm Karasuma, an agent sent from Japan's Ministry of Defense." the newly identified agent said before scratching his head.

The agent sighed before finally speaking. " What I'm about to tell you is what we call in the business, classified. You know what, I think it's better to show you. "

Just as he said that, a large yellow tentacled abomination appeared.