This novel has changed its link address. You can check my profile > original works. This novel won't be updated as I rewrite in another link.
9 days later.
Izumi, luffy, and the others arrives at loguetown.
"I want to look the place where pirate king was executed." luffy say as he walking toward the town.
"Zoro, follow him and don't let him doing anything stupid!" said izumi as he gives some money to buy katana and luffy meal. Izumi also gives some money to all of them because izumi is the one holding all valuable things.
"I'll buy some provision." sanji also went away at different direction.
"I'm going to buy some equipment." said usopp.
"Me too." and nami following usopp, but izumi stop them.
"Wait nami, don't forget to buy a log pose!"
"What is log pose?" asked nami.
"It's exclusive compass for sailing into grand line. Without it, you won't be able to reach a fourth of grand line you know."
"Eh, there's something like that?"
"That's why you need to read more, you silly girl." Izumi mock her with chuckling.
Nami furiously kicking at izumi which he dodge with ease. Then she going off with usopp.
"Now then, what should I do?" Izumi talk to himself as he look into the sky.
In another multiverse.
"Umm, It's still useless to find them. This world lack of internet." Tabane was depressed at her room now. It's been two weeks she arrives in this world. She let 2 IS without pilot to roaming over the world while sending information to her hologram computer. But still no clue about the main antagonist except 100 Abyss which she had eliminated.
As tabane got cooperation from academy, she could make them IS with her-made Core in exchange of Drag-Ride.
For now, Tabane just researching the way to make her IS stronger with the help of Drag-Ride.
"Hihihi, if this plan is success, even fourth generation won't be it's opponent." Tabane chuckling as she think to surprise the white knight from her world.
Back to loguetown.
Sanji had won the cooking competition and got elephant fish as the reward. He walked with usopp and nami and they met Izumi.
"Let me carry all your belongings." said izumi. Then he put all of those into his storage.
"What an useful ability." said usopp with envy.
"If only I have that ability, I could steal unlimited amount of treasure." nami just think about if she got ability like izumi.
"You guys go back first, there will be a storm in few minutes. I'll look luffy and zoro. It seem they got a trouble." said izumi as he look at the sky.
Nami also curiously look, she frowned as she didn't expect the weather is about to change so suddenly.
"Usopp, nami-san, I'll go with izumi. You go to the ship first." Sanji could feel that luffy got trouble with marine. He turn his head toward izumi.
"Where are we going to find them?"
"Oh, you guys here? where are the others?" zoro suddenly appear from the alley.
"Stupid marimo, where have you been?" sanji asked annoyingly.
"Nami and usopp went to the ship. As for luffy..." Izumi stop his talk as he looking around with smile. Sanji and zoro couldn't understand why izumi looked around. Then they heard a shout.
"There's pirate!"
"Ah where?"
People panicked when they heard a pirate.
"They're at town square. It's buggy pirate. It seem the captain want to execute Straw Hat."
Zoro and sanji were speechless when they heard what the people said.
"Pffft." Izumi hold his laugh.
"Tsk, this stupid guy." sanji click his tongue.
"Let's go!" zoro instantly run toward the square with sanji, leaving izumi behind as he just walking slowly with the rain water begin to drop from the sky.
When izumi arrives at town square, the lightning just strike toward buggy's weapon when the weapon was about to decapitate luffy's head. That lightning made the tower collapse.
Buggy fell down with black smoke all over his body, while luffy was fine since his body immune to lightning.
"Hahahaha, I'm still alive!" luffy grinning ear to ear as there's nothing happened.
Everyone jaws dropped open when they witness miracle in front of them. They were speechless and doesn't know what to say anymore.
Even sanji begin to say as izumi arrive next to him.
"Hey, do you believe in god?"
"...." Izumi said nothing.
"Ah, fortunately. I thought I was dead." luffy talk to himself as he approach sanji, zoro, and izumi.
"Don't think too much. Let's get out from here."
They began to ran away, while marines try to stop them but failed. Izumi just follow them at certain distance without doing anything as he glance at smoker place. But smoker seem to not notice him.
As they ran away from marines, izumi told them to go first and believe in him. Then his view disappear from three of them.
"Let's go, he will be alright since he is strong. Also dont forget about what the thing he made two days ago." said sanji. Luffy and zoro agreed with what sanji said.
In the alley, there's a guy with cloak covers his entire body. He walk slowly in the middle of rain toward luffy direction. He feel someone approach him. When he turned his head, he saw a boy with tied little ponytail hair.
"Oh, nice to meet you sir dragon." The boy was izumi, he greet the man named dragon respectfully.
"Hehe, you seem to know about me." Dragon replied as he continue to walk.
"Of course. Leader of Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Dragon. The same family name as Monkey D. Luffy. Is he your son?" Asked izumi, he also walk slowly following dragon. Then Dragon turn his head with killing intent. Izumi gulped.
"Calm down sir, I'm his friend. He has excellent personality, hilarious, and care about his friends. It's normal for a lot of people wanna be friend with him." izumi said carefully. Then he sigh in relief as dragon's killing intent disappear.
"I see, don't tell him about me if you know anything." Dragon continue to walk.
"At least you should let me tell him that you are his father. Also, luffy still not strong enough to fight against logia user. So we need to hurry! And one more, I want to fucking kill that disgusting World nobles and five old geezer from world government. So we are in the same side, although I'm not your group. But even if I want to kill them, I don't have ability now, be it strength, or the person to take their positions." Then izumi begin to run.
When izumi arrives, Smoker was about to stab luffy with his weapon.
"Fuuton: Senpuuken" Izumi stab Smoker with his hand and the whirlwind on his hand blasting away the smoke body of smoker even though it won't hurt him. At least that technique saving luffy from smoker.
"Luffy, go. You don't have ability to fight him now. Let me take care of him." said izumi as he slapped his back.
"Thanks izumi. Catch up with us soon." luffy get off immediately.
"Who are you? Why did you help straw hat? Are you his gang?" smoker asked with wary.
"Does straw hat has bounty?" asked izumi.
"That's right. He is newbie pirate captain who defeated arlong. So his bounty is 30 million."
"As expected. So you don't know me because I don't have a bounty, right? Then let me get a bounty as a pirate too." izumi asked with a smile. "Sir dragon, can you please step back. I don't want to get a trouble with revolutionary army."
Smoker raise his brows and look at certain direction since he heard Dragon. 'Leader of Revolutionary Army? What does he want to do? This kid also said that he's a pirate. I never heard of him, but that technique earlier was able to blown me up even though it didn't hurt me.'
Then smoker become serious as his body become half smoke.
Meanwhile Dragon look at izumi curiously, although he suspicious, but since he know his son, he let izumi do what he want. He also wondered what would he do against logia user since attacking without haki is impossible to hurt smoker. Then a creepy smile come out from him.