

Amesha immediately fell in love with someone in cyberspace, she decided to meet. Chased him all the way across the island. However, the innocent girl could only bite her lip, when the wanted man did not come. Just miss him every time and start a new life. However, his heart is long.

Baiq_Cynthia_3620 · Teen
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11 Chs



3 Months Previously


In the afternoon on the back veranda of the house, Amesha sat staring at the sky dreaming about her dreams of success at a young age, studying-working-getting married. Accompanied by music playing in his ears. Occasionally he mumbles a little while continuing the song lyrics, the background of the song being played will usually appear on the BBM homepage. As soon as a notification came in, I don't know who sent it, Amesha immediately replied.

Jojo_24 : PING!!!

Mesya_flower: yes.

Jojo_24 : who are you?

The eyes of the woman who was listening to music through a headset now looked confused. What does he want? The feeling that invites him too. Now if you're not talking clearly, I should be the one asking the question.

Mesya_flower: you should introduce yourself. Very impolite!

Amesha chose to disable advanced data with her favorite music. Maroon Five took him to a new world, he forgot about pranksters. He was so engrossed that his legs swung through the empty air under the chair he was occupying.


Elsewhere, a girl with curly hair sends BBM, WA, Line and Messenger messages. However, there was no answer from Amesha and there was not even a sign that the message had been read. A thunderous sound boomed from the edge of the sky even though the sun was still shining brightly. Occasionally looking at the clock on the wall, it was still three in the afternoon.

"Meshaaaa... where are you? There's no news. Yes, I've taken him to his house!" The girl, dressed in a long t-shirt and jeans, immediately grabbed her sneakers and ran. It took ten minutes to run home, not far from Amesha's place. He was standing in front of a simple building decorated with various orchids. The minimalist designed house has a fence as high as an adult's hips. It wasn't difficult for this tomboyish woman to jump without opening it.


Amesha actually smiled when she saw two lizards chasing each other on the white wall. Occasionally his lips sang the lyrics of a song that played sweetly in his eardrums. Amesha jumped when her eyes glanced at the clock, she decided to remove a small device that had been hanging from her ear.

Aware of the noise from the terrace of her house, Amesha rushed towards the voice shouting her name, a voice that sounded familiar to the thin-faced woman who had now opened the door.

"Where have you been, anyway? Is your social media 'leaking' or are you in the ICU?" The curly haired girl started to cross her arms in front of her chest.

"Um... I'm sorry... Silvi, I didn't mean to turn off data, I wanted quality time. "So, my connection was lost," Amesha's eyes were now downcast. Two days ago, Amesha had promised to pick Silvi up to hang out, but now it turns out Silvi is picking her up.

 "Erm... you don't have to feel guilty like that. We're friends!" Silvi said.

Now the curly-haired girl's hands were wrapped around Amesha's tiny body. Silvi's mind is easy to change with just the word "sorry". They often make small noises, quickly getting along again like lovers. Even when Silvi was in junior high school, she often teased Amesha with her nosy hands, the sweet girl with a big nose only responded with a smile. That was the reason they stayed together until they graduated from high school.

The hot sky was now starting to fade, the thick clouds were dark. It was impossible for the two cute girls to continue their plan to look for food outside.

"What if we make food creations now?" Amesha's mouth suddenly flashed a brilliant idea. His friend responded with a firm nod, looking a little thoughtful. Her index finger tapped her chin, Amesha stared confusedly at Silvi's face as she remembered something. The two of them froze as if frozen, Amesha's eyes lit up - a faint smile appeared, "Cheese pie, how about it?"

"I really like!"

"Go straight to the kitchen," Amesha's tiny hands now began to tie her straight hair, making a messy but cute bun. He checks the ingredients; eggs, tapioca flour, flour, cheese, margarine, sweetened condensed milk and sugar. While arranging the ingredients on the kitchen table, Amesha instructed Silvi to grind the sugar. Amesha's hands took a small blender, mixer and large container.

"How many spoons is this?" Silvi said.

"You think we want to make ORS," there was a small chuckle. "300 grams," he continued.

Silvi was a little confused, "So I can cook with you, okay?"

A red blush now appeared on Amesha's face, her hands were nimble in mixing the dough. An egg was broken and the white was set aside, as was the fate of the other eggs, the small bowl was now filled with two egg yolks.

 "Then, what about this powdered sugar?"

"Oh, that… here!" His hand received the bowl filled with sugar from Silvi.

Mix the ingredients until orange. Amesha's hands began to gently pour the dough little by little, while sprinkling it with wheat flour, stirring until smooth. The dough is immediately flattened on a round baking sheet with a diameter of 20 cm. Now it was Silvi's turn, poking the dough with a fork. The curly girl baked the dough in a baking pan for just a moment, until the color turned yellow. Amesha was busy mixing the filling; cheese, sweetened condensed milk, one egg and powdered sugar. The new cooking competition stage begins!

The pie filling is poured over the half-baked pie crust, then placed in the oven. Their faces were worried and happy, they didn't know what it was like to try their own creations at home. The yard started to get wet with rainwater. The two girls were so happy, enjoying the rainy moment while waiting for the cheese pie to cook. Unfortunately the kitchen is messy.

"Oh… No! We have to get everything done within 30 minutes."

"But I'm tired," answered Silvi.

"Come on, let's have a cleaning race. Divide the tasks, whoever finishes first gets a bigger share of food. Agree?" Amesha screamed then when she said the last word, Silvi first took a dirty basin while wiping her forehead which was starting to become foggy.

The kitchen room measuring 2x3 meters is now tidied up by two women who have a hobby of cooking. Silvi is busy cleaning the equipment used to mix the dough. Washing several cooking utensils is Amesha's task. Silvi also wiped the table which was splattered with flour and egg stains.

The afternoon was colder than before, the raindrops became a backdrop that sweetened the atmosphere of waiting for the cheese pie. The aroma of baked pie began to reach their senses. Silvi slowly took the pie out of the oven with a hand pad made of thick cloth. Amesha had prepared a plate and knife and a pair of forks on the serving table.

"This is so beautiful," voiced Silvi's delight.

"The smell of cheese is also tempting," answered Amesha.

Pie is now served on a plate. A few minutes later, Amesha ran to her room. His best friend knitted his eyebrows together. Confused by the childish attitude that has not disappeared from Amesha's character.

"So, let's take a selfie first, okay?"

"Gosh, this child... I can't stop thinking," Silvi's lips began to purse.

"Come on, my bestie!" Amesha grabbed her best friend's arm.

As is the habit of photography lovers, they pose smiling on plates of cheese pie, from elegant and sweet styles to the most strange and ridiculous models. Some of the less good images were immediately deleted, taking new moments again.

"Come on, the cheese pie has to be sliced. "It's a bit cold, it's not nice," said Silvi, starting to blend into the small room where they were taking selfies.

"Cut the cake...cut the cake right now!" while clapping.

Silvi cut a puffy cheese pie, looking like their experiment had succeeded. Some of the thick and sticky cheese-flavored milk liquid melted slowly. The distinctive aroma of cheese started to make their saliva flow profusely. Without command, they scrambled to take pieces of the pie which was divided into eight parts. Amesha looked like she had a very big appetite, until two pieces had already entered her wide mouth. Silvi looked wide-eyed, she hadn't finished one piece yet.

Amesha continued to chew, occasionally looking at her cellphone screen. Touching the black box icon with seven white spots will give you a reply.

Jojo_24 : Okay, my name is Jony, called JoJo. Those born on March 24 have an infinite number of years. I'm not a terrorist. 

Amesha wanted to spit out what was in her mouth to her best friend. I was so amused when I read a message that he thought was very funny, but it just stuck. Silvi was curious to take Amesha's cell phone, but quickly avoided the curly girl. They are like Tom and Jerry grabbing the cheese. The curly girl had given up, choosing to sit and look away. Amesha was still smiling and responding to messages from unknown figures.



For days, every time I opened my eyes, the first thing I remembered was Jojo, it turned out that the man was someone Amesha had met in the comments on the social media homepage, I don't know where Amesha's BBM pin came from. So far, Amesha has been an indifferent person and doesn't care about the presence of a new man in her life. However, Amesha felt that there was something different about Jojo. The man, who was four years older than him, turned out to be studying in Malang in his final semester. Jojo, Amesha's unique nickname, always makes for exciting conversations, whether talking about her pets, her campus activities, and it's not uncommon for Amesha to confide in her about her personal problems.

The woman who had a sweet smile felt comfortable with Jojo's presence, but it turned out that the man did not live in Malang. He lives in Lombok, when he graduates, Jojo wants to meet Amesha and also wants to marry her. Which woman wouldn't be interested in his advances. Moreover, trying to commit in the very near future. This morning there was no chat from Jojo, Amesha started to get annoyed and her face really became gloomy every time she was asked by Mbah Yulianti - Amesha's grandmother. Amesha only lives alone with an elderly woman who still looks very sturdy and has strong joints.

Amesha is not the type of person who is completely indifferent, she will love someone who cares about her and loves her. He also remembered the promise to meet, Jojo would be transiting in Bali at the end of this year. So, Amesha must have lived in Bali before that.