
stop it don't read it

Guy dropped in the dungeon wakes up at the 1st floor My novel follows a scenario script format works that I won't be visiting bleach dbz one piece, ( don't know much about the three worlds ) ( don't judge me ) works I will be visiting nasuverse black clover fairy tail *will update as I go further* I plan to put at least 50 chaps before hopping to a different world

Live_wire · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs


So I am currently hanging out with Hestia at her stall


Well firstly because the system is offline

Secondly, because I don't want to get into what happened with my level up meeting because it was boring as hell

Thirdly I want to see what my goddess actually does

Drake: so when do you leave here

Hestia: four hours later

Well I am not going to wait that long well let's go have a chat with my partner

Drake: well I'll leave now I need to do some stuff

Hestia: bye Drake kun

She says waving

Drake: bye

I walk towards the Hephaestus Familia and the Newby was about to stop me but someone held him back and told him my identity

Well I guess I don't have to be like a wuxia protagonist and scare everyone after they offend me but the air seems a little different they seem to be like they have seen a star

Well never mind let's talk to our friendly neighbourhood smiting goddess

{ Hephaestus's room}

So I am currently sitting on the couch in her room

Hephaestus: wow didn't know you could brew this good tea

Says Hephaestus sipping on it

Drake: you do know that you are talking to someone who literally made the most popular bar in orario more popular

Hephaestus does not say anything and just finishes her tea

Hephaestus: so what are you here for

Drake: well I am a little bored from the dungeon diving an-

As soon as I was about to continue my next statement Tsubaki busts the door

Tsubaki: goddess we have emergenc-, oh hi Drake

Drake: 'wtf' OK what happened

Hephaestus: what is it Tsubaki

Hephaestus: we have an order from Hermes Familia it's for their captain Asfi Al Andromeda

Hephaestus: what do they want

Tsubaki: she wants a dagger her budget is about 100 million valis she wants it by the end of the week

I look at Hephaestus who has a frustrated look

Drake: can't you deny Hermes

Hephaestus: well I owe him a favour and If I don't do it he will spread rumours about us lacking the ability

Drake: so what are we going to do

Hephaestus: it seems like we will have to cut our time short here I need to forge that weapon

Drake: don't you think you're forgetting something

Hephaestus: what


realisation hit Hephaestus

Hephaestus: oh

Drake nods

Hephaestus looks at me with puppy eyes

A trick that I did not think she would have know but

goddamit she looks frickin cute

Drake: you don't have to do that I was going to help you anyways

Hephaestus: thanks Drake I will remember this favour

Drake: na no problem

{ forge}

Drake: so what is the order

Tsubaki: she wants a dagger made out of mithril and adamantite she also wants it so be a growth type

Drake: well I will handle the forging and you handle the growth thingy

Hephaestus: well that requires magic

Drake: sure, sure

{ 6 hours later}

I am currently holding the finished dagger

Carnival Dagger

Rank - B+

A dagger made form mithril and adamantine

Abilities: critical hit - 15% chance to deal double the amount of damage

Drake: well here you go

Hephaestus: thanks

She then does some chanting and words start to appear on the dagger as my runes start to glow and both of them synchronize

Drake: did that just happen

Hephaestus: what happened

Drake: runes don't synchronize like that unless you don't follow the original pattern of the runes or it's not done by the same guy

Hephaestus: what does that mean

Drake: well I don't know either there can be a possibility that your magic is really compatible with my runes and will strengthen them

Hephaestus: and that clear form the dagger I mean normally with your runes it will cost about 10 million but it just skyrocketed after me adding the magic to it

Drake: yep that's at least about a 100 million for the dagger

Hephaestus: thanks Drake I did not expect it to be done very soon

Drake: you're welcome

Hephaestus: so what do you want as compensation

Drake: well not anything right now but I guess we can settle on something later

We both leave the forge and Tsubaki meets us

Tsubaki: oh drake sorry I didn't get to say this but congrats on the level up

Hephaestus: huh

Drake: thanks

Hephaestus: what does she mean

Drake: well I am level 2 now

Hephaestus sighs and says

Hephaestus: why am I not surprised with that

Drake: oh well I think I should leave now or else Hestia sama will cry

Hephaestus: yeah go ahead and take care of her

Drake: bye