
Stop in the Name of Love

Rhea Sommes has never had it easy; a mother who died before Rhea was even in high school, a father who can't get himself together, and no one to turn to. All she wants is to get through her senior year of high school in one piece, leave her crumby small town of Sunset, New Mexico behind and never look back. When classmates Jordan and Dominic starts to show interest, will her plans all go out the window? Jordan Mars wishes he could disregard his family, old money snobs who buy their way to the top and out of trouble. He would rather defend the little guy and fight for what he believes in, no matter how much money his daddy throws his way. When he gets up the courage to approach Rhea, and possibly help her in a tough situation, he'll have to come to terms with who he is and what he does to her. Will he be able to protect her, or will he only cause her more pain? --------------------------- This story contains harsh language, scenes containing suicide and self harm, scenes containing violence, scenes containing sexual actions as well as sexual violence, alcoholism, and abuse (physical and verbal). The author does not condone any of the actions or any of the behavior portrayed in this novel.

Kitty4818 · Urban
Not enough ratings
51 Chs

Chapter 29

Jordan prances into the store, holding two small pieces of colorful paper.

"You excited for tomorrow?" He asks, he's asked every couple of days.

"Yes, just like I was yesterday. You look ready to explode," I close the register, "I never really thought school dances were your thing."

"Eh, usually they aren't. You make it worth it."

It's been almost a month since we started dating, and he's been consistently loving and attentive the whole time. His mom was really hoping I'd come over for Thanksgiving but Jordan didn't want to put that pressure on me. He instead had picked me up late that night and took me on a drive, just us. This month has been one of the best of my life.

"Were you able to get that night off?" He asks, taking my hand.

"Yeah, they weren't surprised when I brought it up. They said I've definitely earned a Saturday after being available every weekend these past few weeks. What time does it start?"

He looks at the tickets, "Err... Eight o'clock. You still get off before six? We could go to dinner."

"That sounds nice," I smile.

"Where are you two going?" Mr. Marsh brings out a pick up order.

"Winter formal is tomorrow night," Jordan proudly announces.

I smack his shoulder, too late, Mr. Marsh is already all over it, "Oh how exciting! Why didn't you tell me Rhea?"

"I didn't think it was a big deal."

"It's your first high school dance," Mr. Marsh starts saying, "It's a new experience. It's something special to look back on when you grow up. If you need to get off early to get ready you can, just let me know."

"No it's alright. It doesn't even start until eight."

"Do you have a dress?" I nod, earning a big smile from Mr. Marsh, "Why don't you get ready here? I'd love to see the dress."

I glance at Jordan, who shrugs, "It would save some time, give us enough time to get dessert at dinner."

I wrinkle my nose, "Ok, Jordan can you bring my dress here instead of the library?"

He nods and walks off, browsing the aisles. Mr. Marsh quietly leans next to me.

"I do appreciate you coming in today, I wasn't feeling great and needed the help, I'll be sure to give you Sunday off. I'm glad you're going to that dance tomorrow."

"But Mr. Marsh, Sunday's are always busy. Won't you need help?"

"Maybe, but I've got to give you at least one day off. I'd rather work alone Sunday than not see you before that dance."

I feel my shoulders slump, "How about you give me tomorrow off and I'll still come here to get ready? I'd rather here than the library anyway," I give a weak chuckle.

Mr. Marsh takes a moment to respond, but gives a big smile and nods. He goes to the back room, leaving me and Jordan alone out front.

"He really cares about you, does he know about your dad?" Jordan looks through the hammers.

I shake my head, "No, at least I don't think so. I've worked for him since freshman year, so we just have grown close. He's great like that."

"I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to get close to you. Of course I know stuff they don't," His devilish grin appears.

"Stop it!" I laugh, "Do you ever think of anything else?"

"Aside from you? No. Aside from sex with you? Yeah. I think about how I can help you with math, and your dad. I think about where to take you on our dates. I think about what to get you for Christmas."

"What are you talking about, you don't need to get me anything."

"I know, but I want to. I want to make you smile."

"You already make me smile."

I glance at the clock, surprised by how much time has passed. It's almost six.

"Oh..." I smack the counter lightly, "Mr. Marsh! Look at the time!"

I hear some stumbling as he finds his way back to the front room. He glances at the clock.

"Good gracious! I should have let you go forever ago, I need to close up. Go on you two, scat! I'll see you tomorrow."

I quickly gather my stuff and leave with Jordan. He takes my hand tightly, pulling me against his chest when the door closes.

"Have I told you how much I love you today?" He whispers against my lips.

I shake my head, wrapping my hands around his upper arms. He presses his lips to mine, his warmth seeping into me.

He pulls away, "I love you."

"I love you too."

He moves to take the space next to me, his arm still around my waist, "So, you know that the weekend after the dance, we start winter break. Two weeks of no school, and then Christmas and New Years."

"With no school, we can go out more," I get excited, "I'll be working more those two weeks but I'll still have more free time."

"What about your dad?"

I slip away from him, "This isn't a good time of year for him, he tends to drink more which of course makes him meaner. It's just hard."

He nods, letting his hands drop to his side, "I'm sorry you have to go through that. Maybe this year can be different."

I shrug, "I doubt it, but I don't really want to think about it. I'd rather just be here with you, and enjoy that."

With a sad smile, he pulls me close, placing a gentle kiss on my head.

"Where do you want to eat? We can go out or I can see if my parents are out for the night, I know Rosie misses you."

"I don't like sneaking around behind your parent's backs. It makes me feel... Shifty."

"Would you prefer they be home and mom overload you with questions while dad just stares at you? With them gone," He gives me his crooked grin, "We can hang out in my room."

I chuckle as he leans in, grazing my neck with his teeth. He gets me in the car while he calls his parents to see if they're home. I hear him laughing as he rounds to the drivers seat. His laugh is such a happy, light sound, it always makes my heart flutter.

"Rosie is excited, mom is home, dad's at the office," He shoves his phone in his pocket, "Mom is excited to see you again, just be careful, she might try to talk you into Christmas dinner."

"What's wrong with that? Dad probably wouldn't even notice me gone."

"Yeah, but... My dad, who knows how he'll be? He's the kind of guy who'll ask why you aren't with your family, just to push your buttons or to get a reaction from me."

"I'm sorry," I slump into my seat, "It was a dumb idea I guess."

"No, no I'm sorry... I'd love to have you for Christmas dinner, I just... My dad has made an art form of pissing me off, and I don't want you stuck in that. He's not really worth the energy."

I don't know what to say, I don't understand the relationship they have- if you can call it that. I pull out my phone. Seeing the first text message from Maria in over a month.

"Hey, sorry! College apps and basketball are killing me, I miss you! Call me tonight and we'll catch up. I'm so sorry! <3"

The petty side of me wants to ignore her. I've definitely been on her back burner, but I know how busy she is. I type a quick reply.

"I'll try, I miss you too. Thanks for not forgetting me."

I debate deleting that last part, but I mean it. It's hard not to feel forgotten when your best friend disappears for a month, when almost no one in school knows who you are, when your dad doesn't recognize you he's so drunk, when he's so out of it he doesn't see anything wrong with beating his own daughter.

I feel a twist in my stomach. Grabbing my belly, I start to wonder if I'm going to be sick. I remind myself to push away the bad thoughts, I tend to feel sick when my thoughts get dark. I don't know if it's psychosomatic or whatever but it sucks.

"Are you alright?" Jordan puts his hand on my leg.

I force my hand down, "I'm ok."

"Are you sure?"

I nod, he doesn't seem convinced but does it really matter? We brush it off, driving in silence. Jordan is taking me to a movie and dinner, but honestly now I just want to stay in the car and hide in the backseat.

The mall is busy when we get there, I almost lose Jordan twice in the crowds. He says we should eat first and I don't care enough to argue. I order the same as him, but can't stomach to eat anything. I poke my food with my fork, which most certainly catches his attention.

"What's going on?" He asks reaching for my hand, I pull away, "Rhea you can't just not eat. It's not good for you."

"I'm not hungry..." I grumble, half aware, "My stomach hurts."

I don't look at him, I'm just... Drained. I guess Maria finally texting me reminded me just how long it's been and how lonely I've been. Jordan not wanting me to come over for Christmas doesn't help, I remind myself that it's because of his dad but my mind won't accept that.

"I'll be back," I stand up, realizing Jordan was speaking but I wasn't hearing any of it, I walk off to the bathroom.

I lock myself in the stall and quickly throw up. I don't really know what I have to throw up, seeing as I haven't eaten today but I do. I sit there coughing and gagging as I lean against the wall. I can't tell if another is coming so I sit there. My face is numb, it almost tingles. My mouth is dry, and my throat hurts. I feel my body tense again and I hurry to hunch over the toilet again. It hurts, especially when my stomach runs out of stuff to throw up.

I sit there, tears stinging my eyes, as my body tries to reject whatever is in my stomach even though there's nothing left. I hear a small voice and stifle my crying.

"Hello? Is someone in here? There's a young man out there looking for his girlfriend."

I stand up, forcing my wobbling legs to carry me to the door. I push away my tears and step out. I see a young woman, probably in her twenties looking for feet under the stall doors. She looks up at me curiously, I force a smile.

"Hi, I think your boyfriend is out there. He seems worried, wanted me to come see if you were ok. That is your boyfriend right, tall, dark hair, blue eyes?"

I nod, I try not to show that I feel sick again, "Thank you," I force myself to say, "If you wouldn't mind going and telling him I'm alright I would appreciate it."

She nods with a smile. In a blink of an eye she's out the door and I'm alone again. With an exhausted sigh I slouch against the wall, I clutch my stomach and beg it to stop. No such luck, I quickly dart into a stall and throw up again, my throat feels like burning sand paper.

I make my way to the sink, washing my hands and making sure nothing is on my face before I walk back out to find Jordan. He's leaning against the wall not very far from the door. He's staring at the ground as I walk over.

"I'm sorry," I mumble as I get closer, catching his attention.

"What just happened? Are you ok?" He pulls me into a hug, the jerky movements making me think I might get sick again.

"I'm fine, I just... I want to go home. I don't feel well."

He puts his hand on my forehead, "You don't feel warm. Rhea, you haven't eaten anything today, maybe that would help."

Just the thought of food makes me feel ready to explode. I cringe, closing my eyes hoping to will away the nauseous feeling in my stomach. I moan as my stomach does back flips, I don't know if I can handle getting sick again.

"Alright, I'm calling my mom, letting her know we're on our way. You need some rest, come on."

His arm wraps around my waist as he grabs our stuff and leads me back down to the garage. I'm almost glad to be in the cold, damp garage because it doesn't smell like food.

I pull my legs to my chest, I don't bother with my seatbelt, I don't really care to right now. He watches me the entire drive.

"Did you eat something that could be making you sick?"

I shake my head, he lets out a long, deep breath. He starts the car, clearly lost in thought. I lay my head on the window. My stomach pain dies down, but now my head hurts. I don't think I'll be eating dinner tonight.

The drive to his house is quiet, his mom greets us and Rosie takes my temperature. When they see there's no fever they guide me to the living room, they talk to Jordan while I sit on the couch. I don't even realize I'm falling asleep until my eyes are closed. I drift away peacefully.