
chapter 4 The Trip

Darsh reached Jolly grant airport after a long tiring journey. From where he reached his cottage in an hour. He doesn't want to stay in a 5 star or 7-star hotel, as he wants to spend this time as a tourist, not as a well-known business tycoon. So on his wish, Kabir arranged a cottage on the outskirts of the city. The cottage was arranged with well efficient staff.

The staff members have the instructions to not disturb darsh unnecessarily and to only follow his orders.

After getting a relaxing nap,Darsh ate his brunch and left for sightseeing. A black SUV was available for him, as on this trip he likes driving, especially on hills, mountains, enjoying the beauty of nature. Darsh was enjoying the drive with a cold breeze and peaceful surroundings. Mostly living in big cities, he was now enjoying this peaceful place.

Kabir has chosen a nice destination for his desertion period.

Anyways senior Singhania's made sure to keep tabs on darsh and arranged security for him, but from a well-maintained distance, so that his private time is not disturbed.

Darsh has a very clear idea of his family's insecurities, so he never objects to these matters. He acts like he is unaware of the tabs and security around him. He was very much aware of the types of danger his family name carried with it. Many rivals of their family were trying to destroy them in the business world, but to their disappointment, they were never able to get a chance to destroy their family name, fame and respect. Darsh knows very well that whatever his family is doing for him, was only for his well being.

Darsh first visited robbers cave, a famous tourist spot, after exploring the place and clicking pictures for his memories, he called it a day.

The next morning he went to explore

Sahastradhara road and enjoyed paragliding there. When he came back to the cottage he fell asleep as soon as he hit his comfy bed.

On the fourth day, he takes a rest in the cottage, sleeping and watching some latest Hollywood movies. On the same night, he went to a famous restaurant to explore the best dishes or speciality of Dehradun. Usually, he follows the dietitian's diet plan for his fitness, But when he is enjoying a holiday it is hard for him to follow the diet. So he just enjoys every variety of food which is available to him without complaining about the oil or spices in it. After

Returning to work he used to hit the gym hard to remain fit.

On the next day, he went to explore the local market of Dehradun. Darsh bought some pashmina shawls for his dadaji and chote papa ., some woollen suits and stole for choti maa and dadi. He knows that the family members only prefer designer clothes, made by well-known designers from India and abroad but when it comes to gifts bought by darsh they accept anything wholeheartedly. Darsh had already bought gifts for his cousins from New York, which was demanded by them only.

But darsh wanted to give them something that will be a remembrance of this trip. While exploring the market he saw many married couples who were enjoying their honeymoon period in the hill station. How the couples were holding each other's hands and their blooming faces with happiness.

Darsh knew that no matter how blessed he is with money power status, he doesn't have this kind of love in his fortune. In his opinion love is not meant for him, he experienced it once in his life but, The Conclusion was love doesn't suit him. So he decided to stay single all his life.

The local market was bustling with people, the shopkeepers were inviting more like screaming at travellers to check on their stuff. It's the old way of publicity to increase their sales.

In the evening he sat on the balcony of his room in the cottage and started enjoying the view of nature. The peace in the environment, the cold winds were flowing calmly. He closed his eyes to just feel the peace of nature., he didn't know when he dozed off on the balcony couch only.

The main attraction for Darsh on this trip was trekking, as he loves adventure sports. It was his fifth day in Dehradun and his first day for trekking, Kabir has arranged an instructor cum guide for his trekking trip. Darsh was not in favour of taking a guide along, Kabir convinced him by doing some melodrama and emotional blackmailing.

However, he was looking forward to this trekking trip as a lifetime experience.

Little did he know that this would be a lifetime experience or a life-changing experience for him.

Chauhan villa.

When Sanjana returned home she was surprised to see her nanima and nanaji were back from the wedding. She greeted her nanaji and hugged her nanima.

" Meri gudiya ( my doll), how are you beta and did you eat properly hmm. And tell me how your exams were, the driver reached on time na, I ordered him to be at time hmm why are your eyes looking so dull haan, didn't you sleep well."Dhani Chauhan asked lines of questions without giving her time to answer.

Parmesh Chauhan just shakes his head and leaves for his room. Sanjana took a deep breath as nanaji's presence was sufficient to make her nervous.

I am fine nanima and my papers were good too, tell me how was the wedding? Did you enjoy it?

Hmm, the wedding was good. People were asking about you but I told them that you have your exams so they told me to bring you to the wedding next year.

" Hmm, sure we will go."

Nandi entered the hall with a tray, Sanjana flinched at her presence. She started her sugar-coated words again " Ask your gudiya mummyji I never let her pick even a spoon as it was her exams na. Kyun Sanjana,"( Am I Telling the right Sanjana ).

Sanjana nodded in yes as she doesn't want to listen to her mama's venomous words.

Dhani gave a knowing smile to Nandini " I know beta I know "

Sanjana excused herself and left for her room. She took some deep breaths as Nandin's presence always reminded her of her miseries.

" No matter, How much she tried to forget her childhood but every time Nandini's hidden warnings even her normal talk took her back to memory lane.

" You are such a bad omen haan, when you took your first breath your mother took her last breath. Poor Naira, how unfortunate she was to have sworn a child like you."

" Trust me you are such an omen that wherever you will go your dark shadow will harm people. What bad we do that we have to see your cursed face daily "

All these lines she was listening to from childhood, Nandini never left a chance to degrade her. Sanjana wiped her tears and freshened up to join her family at the dinner table. She has to keep this facade that she is happy with here as her nanima has struggled a lot for her upbringing.

Many people were fed up with lies about Sanjana's fate but Dhani didn't give her ears to them. I am the only thing their daughter left for her. She always takes care of Sanjana, she taught me the importance of relationships in life.

Sanjana knew that in future she had to marry a man of her grandparents' choice and she was ok with it too. But after completing her studies.

This is the reality of her life and she has to accept it.