

 Megan is a successful professional who only prioritized her career above all else. She is not just any lawyer but a renowned and very intelligent one.  She is among the best in the country and has never lost a lawsuit. But what happened when he met Timothy White? One of the wealthiest bachelors in the city and is thought to be the third richest bachelor in the entire city of New York.  He's used to girls chasing after him. He is recognized for being the city's best playboy and for being ruthless and vicious. He dumped the females after using them as playthings.

Yenc · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 22. Finally All Is Well For Timothy and Megan

Timothy received a call from David as soon as he settled into his car. He responded without delay.

He asked David, "What's up, dude?"

"I notice, Someone seems incredibly cheerful today."

"You have no clue how delighted I am," he said with a smile.

"Timothy, I'm happy for you. How was the appointment?" David enquired.

"Pretty well actually. Megan is healthy. The baby is fine and developing well. Megan and I were able to hear our baby's heartbeat, and I promise you it was the most incredible sound I've ever heard. At that time I felt blessed and whole. I'm already looking forward to our next checkup."

"Today isn't even finished yet, but it's already one of the finest days of my life because she agreed to give us a chance, for which I'm really grateful."

"Congratulations, dude. I'm pleased everything is working well for you. Always keep her happy and please don't mess things up.

"I won't, I swear," Timothy vowed.


Timothy's constant smile caught everyone's attention throughout the day. He was particularly kind to his employees, even giving them an early day off. However, he continued to work past his regular time of 5 p.m.

He decided to message Megan before he left the office.

"I love you."

When Megan responded to Timothy's Text message, his smile became larger as his phone immediately beeped.

She replied, "I love you too," which caused Timothy to feel ecstatic.

"What should I order for you?" Timothy asked, "I hope you had a fantastic day. I know you haven't had dinner yet."

"I did. Thank you, but I'm not hungry. I'll just have a glass of milk before I go to bed."

"Are you home by now? Please eat something, even if it's just a little, for the sake of our baby. Remember what the doctor advised?" He pleaded.

"I just returned home. I'll just find some food. I'll phone Tammy to ask her to pick up something because I'm too exhausted to cook."

"It's okay. Just let me know what you want, and I'll order some for Tammy too."

"Some Korean food will do."

"All right, it will be brought to you shortly. I'll contact you before I go to bed, I'm ready to head for my place."

"Thank you. I'll be waiting for your call."

As soon as Timothy was comfortable in his flat, he grabbed his MacBook and called his mother on face time to let her know how his day had gone well.

As soon as his mother's face appeared, Timothy laughed. Her face was covered in some white scrub. " You're still doing your facial routine, Mom."

"Of course!" She smiled and said, "I have to look gorgeous for my husband. How's it going? You appear quite joyful tonight."

"Mom, I'm good. Today, I went with Megan to her doctor's appointment."

"Are you serious?" Victoria inquired in shock.

"Yes, mom. She asked whether I would want to accompany her when she called me yesterday."

The entire time, Vanessa was grinning. " Wow, that's incredible. How it went? How is my grandchild?"

"Mom, it went fine. Your grandchild is growing and well, and Megan is doing fine too."

Timothy held up the ultrasound image in the hopes that his mother could see it clearly through his MacBook as he showed it to her.

"Awesome!" Charles said.

"The baby is already a month old mom and dad. I'm already looking forward to the upcoming appointment. Does that make me odd?" Timothy was forced to inquire.

Victoria answered with a proud smile on her lips, "Of course not."

"I believe that feeling is normal. Congrats, son," Charles grinned.

Timothy smiled and said, "Thanks, dad."

"How did it make you feel to hear its heartbeat?"

Victoria questioned, despite the fact that she was aware of Timothy's emotions. She was grateful that Megan allowed her son to share in that special moment with her.

"Mom, words couldn't express how I felt. Today was one of those days that I'll always remember. I'm grateful and feel so blessed."

"That implies that you and Megan get along well, right?"

"We are, indeed. We've decided to give way to our feelings for one another. I want to build up her trust slowly throughout the course of our relationship."

"Son, I'm overjoyed for you. Finally, everything is going well for you," Charles said.

"Please always make her happy. Your first priorities should be Megan and your child," Victoria continued.

"Thanks, Dad, and yes, mom. I swear to keep my word and make her happy."


"I recall that my mother persuaded me to go to a surprise engagement celebration. She stated that Timothy would propose to a girl. Timothy and I didn't get along, so I told her I wouldn't go."

"Jacob then informed me that everything had been canceled because the girl had actually been someone else's girlfriend on the day of the engagement. I recall him saying Timothy was heartbroken," Tammy said.

"I'm very sad he had to go through that. Don't you agree that you ought to have informed me about it? "Megan enquired.

"To be honest, I never thought about it." She remarked, and Megan nodded in agreement.

"I never understood the complete story so I wouldn't have known it was that incident that prompted him to start acting like that."

"Let's just say that I never had any interest in learning anything about Timothy White. However, I'm glad you guys are okay now. I'll pay him a visit so I may speak with him directly. He has to know that if he hurts you or my god baby, I'll have to deal with him."

"God baby?" Megan grinned.

Tammy confidently declared, "Yes, I'm your best friend, thus I'm your baby's godmother."

Megan laughed she hadn't given godparents for her child a second thought, but Tammy was unquestionably going to be the godmother.

"He had a tattoo of my name on him."


Tammy questioned incredulously, her lips forming a smile.

"Yes, on his wrist."

"He is quite interested in you," Tammy guaranteed. She said, "I won't be surprised if he proposed very soon."

Meg blushed. "I don't know yet."

Laughing, Tammy said, "Yeah, me too. He wouldn't want to scare you away. It might not happen right away, but it will happen eventually."

"I decided to give him a chance, and I sincerely hope I don't mess it up. You are aware of how terrible I am at relationships," admitted Megan.

Tammy grabbed her hand and said, "You'll be OK. I think things between you and Timothy will work out." She told Megan, "Just be yourself, love him, and make time for him."

"Remember that bracelet he sent me?" the one with the engraving, "I love Mommy?"

Tammy gave a nod.

"I noticed the identical bracelet on him, but I was unable to understand the writing."

Tammy joked, "Maybe it was your name in a different language. Did you question him?"

"I wanted to, but my phone started ringing. It's not Spanish since I understand a little bit of Spanish."

"Perhaps it's Italian or Greek. Aunty Victoria was raised in New York and is a mix of Greek and Italian descent. Timothy is quite fluent in a number of languages, according to Jacob."

"My baby comes from a family of excellent descendants," Megan sighed.

Tammy joked, "Count yourself lucky not everyone gets a baby daddy as attractive, wealthy, and flexible as Timothy White."


When Timothy had finished speaking with his parents, he called Megan, who answered after a few rings.

Megan greeted him with "hi," as she had anticipated his call.

He smiled, "You seem eager to hear from me."

"I guess so. How did work go?" As she settled into bed, Megan questioned.

"Mentally exhausting, but I had a great day and couldn't stop grinning. I'm sure everyone in my company noticed."

"Same here," Megan laughed.

"I asked my secretary to grab me a frame. One that matched the ultrasound image of our unborn child yet." Timothy stated, "I put it on my desk and couldn't stop staring at it. I appreciate you giving me the greatest present ever. You cannot possibly imagine how much today meant to me."

"You're welcome, and we appreciate you coming to visit us," Megan grinned. "I had longed to know what those words meant the words inscribed on the bracelet you wore today."

"Oh!" Timmy mumbled.

"Yes, so what are they saying?"

"The phrases on it, refer to someone very precious to me. I'll tell you what they mean the next time we meet."

"No problem, but I really hope that precious someone is me."

"Hopefully!" Timothy laughed. "How is our child doing? "

"He's fine"


Timothy said again.

"I don't want to refer to him or her as "that" any longer," Megan grinned.

"But you want our child to be a boy, right?" he questioned.

"I don't mind what gender it is, but I'm praying it's a boy so he can watch over his younger siblings."

When she replied, Timothy grinned. Both she and he desired more children, so he was hopeful she will have them with him.

"What about you? Do you prefer a boy or a girl?" she questioned.

He admitted, "I haven't really given it much thought, but I'm okay with any gender."

"So let's let God's Will would decide then," Megan said in her closing statement.

"My parents were thrilled when I showed them the ultrasound image through face time this evening."

"Our baby is very fortunate to have two sets of grandparents who will spoil him or her," Megan said with a smile.

"I know, my mom is eager to see you, too. I promised her I'd bring you to her house soon so you can meet them." Timothy grinned.

She said with a yawn, "I'm ready anytime you want us to go."

"It was wonderful chatting with you, my love. Let me let you go to bed. Someone's drowsy already."

"It was lovely chatting with you too, and I wouldn't have imagined going for the ultrasound alone. It was worthwhile having you in there," Megan said with a grin. "Sorry, I get weary easily these days."

She continued, "And thanks for the dinner."

"Anything for you and our child. Have a wonderful night's rest, and don't forget to dream of me."

"I'll try" Megan laughed.