
Stone Chronicles: The Saga Of The Power Stones

In a captivating city, Isuze Riyuga's life takes an unexpected turn after a perplexing dream. Near a life-threatening incident, he experiences something extraordinary, leaving him questioning his own abilities. As he grapples with newfound mysteries, the line between reality and the extraordinary begins to blur, setting the stage for a thrilling journey into the unknown.

Isuze_Riyuga · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Isuze Riyuga

In the heart of summer, within the captivating city of Ikovia, where lush greenery met urban elegance in the enchanting nation of Verdía, a university classroom hummed with intellectual fervor. Bathed in the morning's golden embrace, Isuze Riyuga, a 19-year-old with striking black hair that seemed kissed by the sun, piercing grey eyes that held the mysteries of the universe, and a face that could easily grace the most prestigious of magazine covers, occupied his seat.

Professor: "Does anyone have an answer to this question?"

Isuze: *confidently* "I do. The answer is..."

As he confidently answered the question, providing a clear and insightful explanation, the students around him couldn't help but be impressed. The guy sitting beside him, who had been struggling with the concept, turned to Isuze

The Guy: "Isuze, you're amazing. How do you always know the answers?"

"Thanks, Mida" Isuze replied with a smile in response, appreciating the compliment but never one to boast. He then glanced out of the window, his thoughts momentarily drifting to the mysteries of his past and the challenges he had overcome.

"The class is over," the teacher announced, prompting a chorus of rustling bags and shuffling students

Mida came to Isuze

And looked at Isuze with a hopeful expression. "Hey, Isuze, are you free today?"

Isuze furrowed his brow and replied, "Sorry, Mida, I can't take the day off from work today. You know how they are at the workplace."

Mida sighed, his disappointment evident. "Ah, too bad. I was hoping we could hang out."

Then, Mida came up with an idea. "How about we go to the pizza shop where you work part-time as a waiter, and I'll take leave after we get there?"

Isuze's face lit up with a polite smile. "That sounds alright, Mida. It'll be nice to catch up for a bit. Let's do it."

As Mida and Isuze Ryuga strolled down the sunlit street towards the pizza shop, Mida couldn't help but admire the bustling city around them.

Mida turned to Isuze with a curious expression. "Isuze, how did you end up working at that pizza place?"

Isuze smiled and replied, "Well, it's convenient because it's near my house."

Mida followed up with a friendly inquiry. "What about your parents, Isuze? Are they nearby?"

Isuze's expression turned serious. "Unfortunately, my grandma, who used to take care of me, passed away recently. Now, I have to take on my responsibilities by myself."

Mida's face filled with empathy and a hint of regret. "I'm really sorry to hear that, Isuze. I didn't mean to pry. That must have been a challenging time for you."

Isuze nodded, appreciating Mida's understanding. "It's alright, Mida. You didn't know. Let's continue our walk and enjoy the day."

As Isuze and Mida arrived at the pizza shop, Mida turned to Isuze and said, "Well, Isuze, it's time for me to take my leave. You go ahead and enjoy your shift."

Isuze nodded appreciatively. "Thanks for coming, Mida. I'll catch up with you later."

Mida bid farewell and started to head off while Isuze entered the pizza shop. Once inside, Isuze made his way to the staff-only room, where he quickly changed into his work uniform, ready to start his shift as a waiter.

The door closed behind Isuze, and the sounds of the bustling pizza shop filled the air as he prepared to begin his workday.

The restaurant was buzzing with activity as customers filled the tables, and the demands of the job started to take their toll on Isuze.

As Isuze rushed to deliver orders to various tables, his mind began to wander. The exhaustion was evident in his thoughts.

"This job can be really tough sometimes," Isuze mused to himself. "Balancing multiple orders, dealing with impatient customers—it's more challenging than I expected."

He made his way to a table where a group of hungry diners eagerly awaited their pizzas. One of them impatiently snapped their fingers, saying, "Hey, we've been waiting for ages!"

Isuze managed a polite smile, despite his weariness. "I apologize for the delay. Your pizzas are on their way."

As he navigated through the crowded restaurant, Isuze couldn't help but think about his grandmother and how he had taken on this responsibility to make ends meet.

"Grandma, I hope you're watching over me," he thought silently. "I'm doing my best, but some days are really tough."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the pizza shop, Isuze Riyuga could finally see the end of his long and tiring shift. He wiped his brow, sweat-drenched from the demanding evening, and couldn't help but marvel at the sense of accomplishment.

The final orders had been served, the last customers had left with satisfied smiles, and Isuze knew he had given his all. As he cleared the tables and put away the menus, a sense of weary pride washed over him.

Isuze thought to himself, "Phew, that was one tough day. But I did it. I handled every order, every customer, and every challenge that came my way."

With a grateful nod to his colleagues, he made his way to the staff-only room. As he changed back into his regular clothes, he couldn't help but glance at his reflection in the mirror, the tiredness in his eyes offset by a quiet sense of achievement.

"Grandma," he whispered softly, as if sharing his triumph with her memory, "I hope I'm making you proud."

After a challenging yet fulfilling day at the pizza shop, Isuze Riyuga locked the door behind him and stepped out into the cool evening air. The city lights illuminated his path as he made his way back to his small, cozy house.

Isuze entered his cozy home, his tiredness evident as he prepared a simple yet satisfying dinner. The soft, dim lighting from the pendant lamp above cast a warm glow on the wooden dining table and chairs. His home was a haven, filled with comfortable furnishings and memories.

He had made some rice and purchased a flavorful curry, a comforting choice after a long day at work. The aroma of spices wafted through the kitchen, mingling with the faint scent of the jasmine plant on the windowsill.

As he sat down at the dining table, he took the first spoonful of curry and savored the rich flavors. The warm and spicy aroma filled the room, providing a sense of comfort that was much-needed after the day's challenges.

Isuze Riyuga: *sighs* Today was one of those days... *takes a bite of curry* But at least I have this delicious meal to look forward to.

Isuze's Thoughts: "I really needed this. Sometimes, the simple pleasures in life can make all the difference."

*pauses, lost in thought*

Isuze's Thoughts: "This curry reminds me of home. It's like a taste of nostalgia."

Isuze Riyuga: *smiles to himself* "It's amazing how food can soothe the soul."

*continues to eat*

Isuze's Thoughts: "I wonder if I should start looking for a new job. This one's been draining me, and I need a fresh start."

*finishes the meal*

Under the starlit canvas of the night sky, Isuze Riyuga decided to take a much-needed break. He changed into comfortable attire, slipped on his favorite pair of headphones, and made his way to the nearby beach.

Isuze's Thoughts: "The beach at night is so peaceful, a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of the day."

He walked along the shoreline, the cool sand beneath his feet a welcome sensation.

Isuze's Thoughts: "There's something calming about the sound of the waves, like they're whispering secrets to the shore."

Finding a quiet spot, he settled down and gazed out at the moon's reflection on the water.

Isuze's Thoughts: "I needed this break. It's a chance to clear my mind and just be in the moment."

Isuze closed his eyes, the music from his headphones providing the perfect soundtrack to his night of relaxation.

As Isuze Riyuga continued his nighttime stroll along the beach, he noticed something unusual out of the corner of his eye. It was a stone, nestled in the sand, and it seemed to emit a faint, ethereal glow, capturing the moonlight's reflection.

Intrigued, Isuze bent down to examine the mysterious stone. Its gentle, pulsating glow seemed to beckon him.

Isuze's Thoughts: "This stone is unlike anything I've ever seen. What secrets does it hold?"

As Isuze picked up the glowing stone, something astonishing happened. The moment his fingers closed around it, the stone began to emit an even brighter, more mysterious glow. The soft radiance enveloped his hand and spread across his entire body, casting an ethereal light around him.

Isuze : "I can't believe this is happening. It's like a scene from a fantasy story."

sorry, it's may be long but upcoming chapters will be shorter from this one

Isuze_Riyugacreators' thoughts