

On the Chaos Continent, where celestial energy and martial strength reigned supreme, lived a legendary cultivator named Wang Chu. After practicing for millions of years in higher planes, he had become a master of countless disciplines. Though his cultivation level was average, Wang Chu was hailed as a genius. Everything he did seemed to be successful – beast taming, alchemy, formation crafting… even forging armor and brewing wine! If that wasn’t enough good fortune for one man to have, fate dealt him another unexpected card – something that had never been seen before! His physical body was awakened by some greater power. The news spread through the continent like wildfire and all ambitious factions were sent into an uproar: ancient sects, hidden clans and celestial empires alike. They saw him as an incredibly rare treasure; an unimaginably beneficial tool to get their hands on. As such, Wang Chu became the target of countless harassment attempts from all directions. Each step he took was blocked by relentless adversaries who wished for nothing else but his demise. The struggle between them reached such heights that their collective armies seemed like they would flood over each other like waves. Ah! But it seemed that fate still hadn’t played its final hand on Wang Chu just yet. Due to some strange circumstances or divine intervention — nobody knew for sure — he was reborn in the body of an Earth wanderer!

AncientBeing33 · Eastern
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23 Chs

Chapter 8: Lecture and Cultivation

After resting the night, Wang Chu plans to teach Xiao Chi about cultivation and cultivation levels before they subdue the Sky Devouring Beast. Su Chen and Little Xiao heard their master calling them, so they got up and gathered on a stone platform in the forest.

"Today, I will teach Xiao Chi about cultivation and cultivation level. If you want to hear it, stay here Su Chen " Wang Chu said calmly.

Cultivators are divided into six types, which are innate attributes that they were born with. Weapon Specialist, Physical Enhancer, Beast Masters, Soul Manipulators, Ocular User and Elementalists." Wang Chu explained.

"Weapon Specialist refers to people who are born with an affinity for any weapon. They are more sensitive and can nurture it in a very efficient manner. Their strength will multiply if there is a weapon in their hand. Most Weapon Specialists have an independent nature and fierce combat skills."

"Physical Enhancer on the other hand has total mastery of their body enhancement ability. Enhancers can enhance not only their physical body but also their soul as well as others around them. In short, they're the most versatile among all types of cultivators and they're also the strongest when it comes to raw power. 

"Beast Master is a cultivator who relies heavily on demonic/divine animals to fight and cultivate. The higher your cultivation is, the more strong and number of divine beasts you can control. 

"Soul Manipulator is usually gifted when it comes to souls usually skilled for surprise attack because it's not suited for one on one battle but also dangerous because it plays with souls"

"Ocular Users are users with the rarest eye bloodline in the world, there are very few in between them, and their abilities vary from each clan. Some have seeker ability and can pry into the future for a few seconds or years depending on their strength. Some can manipulate illusions and put their enemy in constant pain."

"And lastly we have The Elementalists or Element benders, if ocular users were considered rare then this is the opposite as they're everywhere in the world. They weld the power of nature to use against evil elements such as water, fire, earth, and air. Some talented cultivators use elements such as lightning, ice, and any kind of element. Although they're common, it doesn't mean they're weak."

Xiao Chi raised his hand to ask a question. " Master, what is my cultivation type?"

"You are a Physical Enhancer Xiao Chi, and you have a rare physique called Sacred God Demonic Body, although it is not yet fully awakened, that physique will multiple your innate ability to cultivate in the future". Wang Chu explained slowly.

"Remember, Xiao Chi," Wang Chu continued, his gaze locking with the young disciple's, "your Sacred God Demonic Body is a rare and powerful physique. With diligent cultivation, you have the potential to surpass even the greatest of cultivators."

Although Su Chen, was impress when he and Xiao Chi have sparred, he didn't expect that an an Immemorial Physique will appear in this realm. What surprised him also was that, even thought he came from a prestige background, this is the first time someone explained to him in detail what are the cultivation types.

"Master, if I'm not wrong, I'm a Weapon Specialist right?" Su Chen asked.

"Yes," Wang Chu nodded. "You have a natural affinity for being a Weapon Specialist, and it shows."

Su Chen was surprised, "Most Asura's are Weapon Specialists?" Wang Chu chuckled. "Yes, most of us Asuras do excel in weapons," he confirmed.

Wang Chu remembered the legends of the Asura warriors who'd fought bravely with their weapons. They had been especially skilled at fighting and making their enemies surrender.

"Being a Weapon Specialist isn't just about swinging around weapons," said Wang Chu. He looked ahead, thinking of each word carefully. "It's about bringing out the spirit within your ancestors to strike down your enemies, you are a descendant of God slayers Su Chen, always carve that in your brain. I know that you not are truly convince about accepting me as your master, but believe me when I told you that only I, can truly help you harness your full potential."

"Master," Su Chen spoke confidently, his voice filled with sheer determination." Give me a little bit more time, If I accept you without any of the elders permission, I might be banished from the clan!"

Wang Chu nodded firmly. A proud grin slowly spread across his face.

"I know you will accomplish that goal" he replied simply." With dedication and perseverance, you can achieve anything."

He gestured towards Su Chen and Xiao Chi," You see," He began." Each type of cultivator has its strengths and weaknesses in battle"

Everyone stared intently at Wang Chu as he provided them with more knowledge on the topic.

"Weapon Specialists are one-on-one fighters," Wang explained while staring deep into Su Chen's eyes." While they're skilled at reacting quickly to enemy attacks by using weapon mastery to cut them down instantly..."

He then shifted his attention toward Xiao Chi.

"Physical Enhancers are versatile powerhouses that use brute strength to obliterate any opposition" He continued while looking directly into his eyes." However, this can be dangerous as brute strength alone will only get you so far."

Beast Masters rely heavily on their beasts during fights which is great for small skirmishes but not bigger battles. He's told them to adapt accordingly.

"Soul Manipulators rely on their enemy's darkest fears and secrets to cripple them" He added." They're the best at assassinations and surprise attacks, but can easily be consumed by the darkness of their powers."

He locked eyes with Su Chen," Ocular Users can see through all of your illusions and predict your every move. You are a member of Su Clan, descendants of Asura, when you breakthrough to Nascent Soul, you can tap into a secondary attribute. If you can awakening your clan's Abyssal Sight, you might even surpass your current clan leader in the future. 

Wang Chu paused for a moment before adding," However, this also means you're extremely vulnerable if you're unable to adapt quickly enough."

"Lastly, there are the Elementalists," Wang Chu finished. "Elementalists can master the elements and use them with great strength. With fire, water, earth, and air they can cause powerful destruction in large battles. But they must always be careful of their surroundings and how far their power goes. One wrong move could end up causing a lot of damage."

Su Chen and Xiao Chi's ears perked up when Wang Chu said this. They listened carefully and knew that they were going to have to remember these things for future reference.

"As cultivators…" Wang Chu spoke more seriously now. "You need to work on your individual strengths," his voice was strong in command. "It's important that you acknowledge your abilities so that you can become stronger still." 

"The journey of a cultivator does not end when one understands his/her innate talents," continued Wang Chu. His voice was filled with authority. "You must also move through the levels of cultivation, each bringing you nearer to the discovery of your true potential."

Pausing for a while, he allowed his words to sink in before giving more information on that. "The first stage of cultivation is Qi Condensation," said Wang Chu, "here the cultivators learn to harness the energies around them and condense it into their life force called Qi."

"Then comes Foundation Establishment," he said, "where they strengthen their foundation and build upon it for further growth. This phase is crucial because it serves as the bedrock upon which all future cultivation rests."

"After Foundation Establishment comes the Golden Core stage," spoke Wang Chu solemnly; "it is at this stage that a cultivator's qi becomes refined enough for them to be able to solidify it into a Golden Core inside their dantian area. This core that sprouts within oneself acts as one's reservoir of power increasing the strength and resilience."

"The next level is Nascent Soul," said Wang Chu, "where a cultivator transcends limitations imposed by physical bodies and creates what is called Nascent Soul – an entity representing the true self in a metaphysical sense. It is quite a significant milestone since it opens up new powers and perspectives for these.

"The next higher level above Nascent Soul is Saint Realm," began Wang Chu reverently, "which marks a milestone where cultivators achieve enlightenment and mastery surpassing those who are ordinary mortals; hence they become revered figures who can wield power spanning realms."

"The Emperor Realm is the pinnacle of mortal cultivation," Wang Chu's voice resonated with awe. "It is a stage where you become a true master of your domain, wielding power and authority with wisdom and grace."

"The Law Manifestation Realm is a stage where you begin to comprehend the fundamental laws of the universe," Wang Chu explained. "It is a stage of enlightenment, where you gain insight into the nature of reality and harness the power of cosmic forces."

"Domain Creation is the stage where you transcend the limitations of the mortal realm and create your own domain of existence," Wang Chu continued. "It is a stage of mastery, where you become a true sovereign of your domain."

"And finally, the Eternal Realm," Wang Chu's voice filled with confidence. "It is a realm beyond mortal comprehension, where you attain immortality and become one with the eternal essence of the universe. This is also the current limit of the world that we are living in"

Su Chen listened with rapt attention as Xiao Chi's mind struggled to grasp the vastness of what was being presented before them along that path' Each stage represented a new challenge and opportunity for growth, and they knew that their journey was only just beginning.

"As you progress further," Wang Chu added, "you will encounter even higher realms of cultivation: Dao Ascendant, Dao Ancestor, Deva Realm, Realm Lord, God Realm, and ultimately, the pinnacle of cultivation, the World Creation Realm."

Su Chen and Xiao Chi were overwhelmed by the wide journey that lay ahead of them, after Wang Chu concluded his teachings on cultivation levels. Every phase was a new summit to reach and a fresh quest to conqueror. Even though they knew they had many things to learn and obstacles to surmount, both of them were ready for the challenge with determination, bravery and courage. 

Old Ji; an elder who had silently observed the lesson from far then came forward with his eyes shinning bright as he gathered his thoughts and prepared to leave the stone platform

Master Wang Chu," Old Ji's voice seemed suspicious but curious at the same time said, "Your knowledge in cultivation exceeds what I would expect of someone so young. Most practitioners including those in higher realms do not know about World Creation Realm. How come you have such deep understanding?"

Wang Chu looked back into Old Ji's eyes without getting upset by old man's intruding queries, calmly. In my travels, I have encountered rare knowledge that has opened up new doors beyond our world," he replied before adding "I have been traveling for many years reading ancient texts."

As Old Ji contemplated upon these words of Wang Chu, he narrowed his eyes even more. Deep down inside him it was evident that this young lord had knowledge beyond his tender age and it aroused suspicion intertwined with interest.

Certainly!" said Old Ji softly with a deep thought while fixing his gaze on Wang Chu. "It appears that there is much more about you than what meets the eye young Lord," he added cautiously while turning away from him saying, "I will keep an eye on your progress."

After bidding farewell to others through a nod of acknowledgement which did not betray any emotions in him, Wang Chu turned around and left. Behind him Old Ji watched with sharp sight , already trying to figure out some questions regarding this mysterious young lord.


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