

On the Chaos Continent, where celestial energy and martial strength reigned supreme, lived a legendary cultivator named Wang Chu. After practicing for millions of years in higher planes, he had become a master of countless disciplines. Though his cultivation level was average, Wang Chu was hailed as a genius. Everything he did seemed to be successful – beast taming, alchemy, formation crafting… even forging armor and brewing wine! If that wasn’t enough good fortune for one man to have, fate dealt him another unexpected card – something that had never been seen before! His physical body was awakened by some greater power. The news spread through the continent like wildfire and all ambitious factions were sent into an uproar: ancient sects, hidden clans and celestial empires alike. They saw him as an incredibly rare treasure; an unimaginably beneficial tool to get their hands on. As such, Wang Chu became the target of countless harassment attempts from all directions. Each step he took was blocked by relentless adversaries who wished for nothing else but his demise. The struggle between them reached such heights that their collective armies seemed like they would flood over each other like waves. Ah! But it seemed that fate still hadn’t played its final hand on Wang Chu just yet. Due to some strange circumstances or divine intervention — nobody knew for sure — he was reborn in the body of an Earth wanderer!

AncientBeing33 · Eastern
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23 Chs

Chapter 5: Meeting the Duo II

During the Invasion in the Antiquity war, both humans and Divine Beast fought in order to resist the overwhelming and unknown strength of the so-called God Race. A God named Vecna who controls the Gnolls and Orcs lead the charge against humanity after the War of the Ancient.

In that Era, humans just freed themselves from the Divine Beast who enslaved them for millions of years, although human resources were exhausted from the past war. Valiant and fierce ancestors stepped up to stop the Invading Race.

That's the first encounter between humans and the god race that is recorded in the annals of the upper realm. One of the most famous individuals during that war has a physique that can absorb the negative energy from humans, divine beasts, and gods. Despair, death, desperation, pain, hopelessness, and other forms of emotion from the war became his fuel to single-handedly turn the tides of battle, even Vecna, the god of trickery and betrayal was forced to descend and was wounded by the blades of that individual.

That person was the first Ancestor of the Asura Clan, Su Zheng, the Harbinger of Gods. Wang Chu didn't expect that he will witness an individual who has the same physique as one of the first Ancestors of the human race. He saw a 15-year-old youth sitting in a pile of decapitated corpses, drenched in blood, and with numerous wounds from all over the body.

The blissful expression while cultivating in front of his murder victims made him look like a maniac on the battlefield, although he only has a golden core cultivation level, he slaughtered more than a hundred Nascent soul Cultivators , thousand with the same cultivation as him and countless mortals were beheaded in this mountain range.

An Asurendra body is different from the one's in the Immemorial physique rankings, it is not listed because ever since the first ancestor of the Asura race, no one was able to awaken it. It was even rumored to be an exaggeration to boost the prestige and reputation of the members of Asura clan, only those old lineage who exist since the Antiquity War knows the horrors about this physique.

"Host discovered a potential disciple" 

Name: Su Chen

Cultivation: Golden Core Realm

Physique: Innate Asurendra Constitution

Unranked in Immemorial Physique Rankings

The warning from the system solidified his hunch, the Innate Asurendra Constitution of the Legend really appear in this current era. Although the advent of this physique signifies the fortune of the human race, it also very unfortunate since it indicates that the dogs of God Race from the upper realm is currently strong. 

The universe has a way of balancing things, although he presumed that the Heavenly Dao is manipulated, certain laws since creation cannot be bend by human intervention. The more mortals struggle to control it, the more it will unknowingly respond by creating certain treasures, or even blessing certain individuals. 

"Kid, why did you kill them?" Wang Chu asked in a low voice. He noticed that among the pile of corpses, a lot of them were normal people without any signs of cultivation.

"Young lord, please wait for my young master to explain, I am sure there is a reason why he killed these people". Old Ji panicked when he noticed that the atmosphere was getting worse. He observed that although this person was very strong, he had a very serine atmosphere, an indication that this guy was a type of cultivator that doesn't like violence and slaughter. 

"They rape and pillage people from different villages, why shouldn't I kill them? Being killed is the only outcome that they deserve. The people with no cultivation scout for them, they lie and cheat the elderly, swindle those who are weaker than them, and kill those who oppose".

"Senior, although you try to show your compassionate side, you cannot empathize and understand the perspective of the weak people, your aura reminds me of the elders from my clan. You think of mortals as ants that can trampled if you want to and saved if you desire to".

Su Chen noticed that aside from Old Ji calling the guy with courtesy, this individual has a natural aura that presses him just like their grand elder. This kind of aura can only be cultivated by people who have been around strong cultivators for a long time, they instinctively cause those who are weaker than them to feel like inferior beings. 

"You really are arrogant, aren't you? Deep in your bones, you killed them because it'll help your cultivation. You think you can manipulate anyone? Help them? when does the your Su clan cared about outsiders?"

"You believe these people are beneath you? Is that why you think your actions are justified?" Wang Chu's voice grew stern. "That their lives don't matter, compared to your own?" 

Su Chen's gaze remained steady as he replied, "I don't expect you to understand. You see me as arrogant, but you fail to see the truth." 

"The Su Clan has always had its flaws, but I cannot accept that we should let innocents suffer because they're weaker than us. We may not be the strongest, but we do protect those who can't protect themselves."

"And yes," Su Chen said with a sneer. "I killed them not only to rid the world of their evil. But also to strengthen myself." He continued at a more quiet tone , "In this world strength is everything and it will help me save those who are dear."

A hint of understanding flashed across Wang Chu's face as his expression softened slightly . "Strength is important," he agreed reluctantly, "But without compassion and mercy... What's the difference between monsters and humans?"

Su Chen squinted one eye at him while his voice turned defiant. "There is no doubt that compassion and empathy have their place," He pauses for a moment before continuing "However they cannot always protect the innocent. Sometimes one must be willing to do whatever it takes."

Wang Chu knew Su Chen was right. There were times when it seemed like there was no other way out other than doing something terrible. However, he shook his head at Su Chen's words.

"Maybe you're on to something..." He said with regret in his eyes. "But remember later down the line young one. True strength lies not just in power.. It is also wielded by wisdom and righteousness." He turned around preparing himself for a long walk away from here.

Su Chen watched him leave before he turned to face the corpses with a heavy heart. The carnage could not be ignored, and he started to question if there was another way. A way that would let him protect the innocent without having to sacrifice his humanity. There was no time for these thoughts though, the battlefield called to him once more as he clenched his fists tightly.

Old Ji noticed Su Chen's strange aura. He saw Wang Chu approach his master earlier and was curious about what they were discussing. When an opportunity arose, he quickly went over and bowed respectfully.

"Senior Wang Chu," Old Ji asked with respect on his face "I couldn't help but notice how extraordinary young master Su Chen's aura is." 

Wang Chu looked at Old Ji deep in thought before answering, "Su Chen possesses a rare and powerful constitution known as the Innate Asurendra Constitution."

Old Ji's eyes widened in suspicion. "The Innate Asurendra Constitution? I've heard rumors of it in the past, but I never thought it was real." 

"It is." Wang Chu nodded sternly. "Few people can ever awaken its powers because of how mysterious it is. It is said that this physique can absorb negative energies like despair, death, and suffering transform them into strength."

Old Ji became even more suspicious after hearing this news . "That means…" He began before pausing for a moment "It fills Young Master Su Chen with the weight of untold darkness."

Old Ji glanced back at Su Chen, who stood amidst the battlefield, his gaze focused and determined. "And what do you make of young master Su Chen?" he asked.

Wang Chu took a deep breath before answering. "He walks among us with a burden heavier than any rock," Wang Chu said as he watched Su Chen intensely. "He is stubborn and hard like the metal that hangs off his waist. Although I fear that if he isn't careful, one day he will be consumed by darkness… But maybe… Just maybe…" Wang Chu's voice trailed off as he turned to Old Ji.

Old Ji nodded solemnly, understanding the weight of what Wang Chu didn't say. He looked up at the boy once more feeling something pull on his heart strings. A tiny bit of hope twisted into a knot in his stomach and made him smile for just a moment. In this world that kept getting darker and darker every second there was still light shining through from people like Su Chen.

Update after 2 years HAHAHAHAHAHAH

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