
Stolentino: Come Lay Down

Val had just recently broken up with his ex, Vox. Needless to say, it rips him apart. He meets someone at a bar named Stolas and they have fun getting to know each other. Will this one night stand turn into someone permanent, or will Val be left alone all over again with shattered dreams and a broken heart.

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3 Chs

Prologue - Val’s P.O.V

I was laying there on the ground. I saw nothing but darkness, well, that was until my eyes slowly opened, revealing a wooden ceiling. I didn't know where I was, what happened or anything, everything was a haze. I had a sharp pain in the back of my neck and bruises all over. My arms and hands were stained with my blood and I felt like I couldn't move. There were a couple bottles of wine next to me, which explained the sweet taste in my mouth. I was so lost and then, even through the blurry vision that my eyes were in, I spotted out Vox. He looked down at me, just weakly laying there on the ground, smiling down at me like a bully at recess. And in that moment, I remember everything. Vox had did this to me, he had hurt me and I felt weak and miserable. I tried to move, but my aching muscles only glued me to the ground. Vox then pulled out a gun and pointed it at my face, just inches away from it coming in contact with my cold skin. It immediately sent chills down my spine. It would only take not even a full second for him to pull the trigger and to end my life, drowned in blood on a soft carpet. I became scared, my heart was racing, and I felt like I had nothing. Vox took his other hand and started to choke me with it, he seemed to enjoy watching me in pain or going through a traumatic experience. I could feel my lungs squeezing, desperately trying to find air, but none came though. As time flew by, he only squeezed my neck harder with his warm hands, I could feel tears coming to my eyes. I didn't even have the strength to fight back, to try and save my own life. My neck began to turn a dark shade of purple until Vox let me go, letting me get some air as I coughed loudly and let my tears flow down my face. I could feel them slowly dreading downwards, they were cold. Vox then took one of the bottles on the ground and smashed it into pieces, making a loud noise as the broken glass scattered across the room. He took my arm and cut it with the broken glass bottle. I could feel the burning pain that my arm was in. I couldn't even scream, my body felt too weak to do so. It was like I had tape over my mouth, like I was invisible, like I didn't matter. So why did it matter if he killed me or not, I meant nothing to nobody. No one noticed me, no one liked me, no one cared, so why did it matter? In fact, why should it matter to anyone? I could only ask myself these questions as Vox continued to slash me with the bottle, only going deeper and causing more pain within each attempt. I weakly turned my head as I saw the dark colored blood dripped down my arm and onto the carpet I was laying on. My eyes gave up on me and so did my body, I had passed out and that was all I remember and that's all I'll never forget..

before I woke up in reality and couldn't breathe. A sharp pain began to form in my chest.

I threw my pillow across my room as I wrapped all my arms around myself, feeling hopeless to everything. I could feel my tears dripping from my face onto the cold mattress I was laying on. it didn't feel warm anymore, no one was there. it's been 2 weeks now. the more I thought about it, the more I missed his scent, his touch, his presence, his...everything. I had it all and didn't even realize it, I had threw it away and now it's gone. I laid back down, trying to go back to sleep because I knew I wouldn't be my best if I didn't get enough rest, like even if I was my best right now. At the same time, I didn't want to dream again, I just wanted to not be awake. I continued to twist and turn, fully hiding myself under my cover. Despite me doing that, I still felt cold. My whole body felt pale and something kept me anchored to my bed. I began to shiver, feeling like I was in a freezer. I peeked out my head from under the cover I was using and immediately placed it back inside. I felt nothing but a cold gust of wind blow into my face, fully regretting my decision the next second. I closed my eyes, wishing that this was all a dream..

Vox...please come back..