
Stolen My Heart

Isabella smith a cursed princesses from birth her mother as a maid to the queen of ( gulden) but the lustful king eyes couldn't bear but to have is queen maid on night he took advantage of the poor maid and after a year Isabella was born out of spite and anger the queen asked a dark wizard to place a cured spell on the baby . Isabella heart would bleed untill her soul mate was found. Volga a ruthless and cruel demon lord who was fared by all and the king over all supernatural beings a long time war had been happening between the human and supernatural beings in other to stop the war Isabella is to wed the lord and become is wife. Read this beautiful love novel of two souls my novel is filled with romance,drama,pain,tragidy, revenge. Please support my novels it my first time writing

Mary_Stephens_4547 · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Missing Queen ( 1)

Five ladies sat quickly on one had said a single word still stunned by the event. Adora rolled her eyes already bord of the silence.

" Why are you all acting like babies it was just a dance I not like the told you to go naked yes prince mazel asked you for a dance alpha diago asked you also what the big deal and Isa why are you also frozen it not the first time you and Volga have gotten close and who cares if beta dories asked you Emma for a dance and not Juliette and Clara were is your face still red he is no longer here. You ladies her boring me out ";She spoke annoyance laced in her tone.

grace awkwardly robbed her hair ";Sorry adora we are just still stunned anyways the next game is about to begin. it for only beings already mated " She spoke trying to make the atmosphere lively again.

" Yes Isa you be playing as well " Juliette chipped in.

":I guess so ' She robbed her shoulder lightly feeling the temperature increase going freezing cold. she wondered why the temperature increased all of a sudden maybe it was all in her head.

A man dressed in all black is aura was powerful and confident he gave a very bright cool smile over at the ladies.

Adora rolled her eyes " Show off " She spate eying the man down.

Isabella asked curiously staring over at the man.

" Who is he adora " She asked still staring at the man from the sport they sat.

" He is my ex lover prince Lorin he is a wizard '; She spoke her voice sounding a bit provoked.

Grace asked shocked almost laughing.

" How could you date him that man is the most biggest flirt slash play boy or such I say play man in the whole ream what were you possibly thinking could come out of such a pointless relationship " She couldn't understand how the woman brain worked.

" Well my poor heart was tempted by the offer he proposed " She started her eyes reflecting a hidden glint..

Emma finally asked the question the all wanted to know.

" Which is ?" She asked her eye broil slightly raised for the ridiculous answer adora would give as always.

" A one night full of fun" She responded shamelessly continuing in her speech.

" But the wipe couldn't even fulfill is promise after three rounds on bed coward" She cursed at the man loudly.

grace hissed while Isabella coughed really loudly unable to bear the woman shamelessness, Emma and Clara giggled the couldn't believe how bold the woman was spilling out nonsense with so much pride .

" So who dumbed who " Emma finally asked.

" Me of cause right their and then I can't take such from no man " She declared proudly. " My mate better be something" smiling foolishly to herself.

The ladies all boost out in laughter an able to hold back the laughter anymore.

Their attention was taken back to the man who was still speaking but there perverted mind which adora had corrupted couldn't help but wonder the man size to make adora complain so much.

" The mating game is about to start so females get your special item as a gift to be handed to you mates before the game begin and I think you should also go to the dressing cotters and get some peers of pants your might not be able to hide in gowns " The man spock in a teasing tone before giving a bowl and walking out everyone clapped but a special someone by their side did other wise.

' Boo...oOoOO " She screamed into the air for everyone to hear.

" Silly woman common let go help Isabella pick a nice comfortable peer of pants for her to move in " Grace spoke walking off with the others adora quickly got to her feet joining them.

Many female were at the shed having a conversation with one another will laughing happily .

Adora picked of a peer of white pants and bright blue leather bra cross top exposing q lady waist when worn. adora gave Isabella the clothes she stared at them with a no expression written on her face.

" Wear it, it good at times to expose a little bit of skin and think of it as your wearing it for Volga wouldn't you like to watch him stare at you like a love sick puppy" She spoke trying to win Isabella over into buying her idea.

Isabella thought about it for a while before she finally agreed. she didn't like the clothing but if it kept her husband attention on her then it was worth the try.

She walked off to the dressing area and grace gave adora a seriously look.

" Your trying to corrupt our innocent Isa. you tricky woman"

adora smirked making a puppy face " Me.. how can I possibly teach someone what they don't already know and besides she is still going to get routine aways am sure the lord is good on bed if not that he is not my time I would have tried my luck " She winked at grace.

Grace faced palmed herself inwardly she shouldn't have expected any less coming from the woman Infront of her.

Isabella finally walked out of the dressing area trying to pull the top down even if she knew it was totally a waste of time.

The ladies commented all at once.

" Wow..."

Adora high-five herself for a job well done. it had payed of Isabella looked hot and sexy with her flat tommy and slider waist exposed her hips and perfect figure was brought out by the cloths she was putting on.

" You Look so bad ass right now all thanks to me " She praised herself smiling stupidity.

" It to opened are you sure it a good idea " She looked at grace for help the woman only gave her a awkward grain.

" It fine stop pulling the cloth so much you going to get it all messed up. Do you want to make Volga happy or not " She woman stared at her warningly.

Isabella sighed in defeat " Yes I do want too. "

" Then if settled the game as began let go ladies" She pulled Isabella by the hands.

Emma helped them take a leather jacket along it seemed they had forgotten the temperature in the land was always freezing cold expect the wanted to find a frozen up statue of Isabella in the woods she would be needing the jacket.

Isabella shivered the cold wind touching her bear skin.

Emma voice rang in her ears " Got you covered have the jacket" She passed her the leather jacket. Isa gave her a thank you look the finally reached the area were many ladies stood holding a item in their hand as their partner stood Infront of them discussing sweetly at one another.

once again Volga was no were to be seen.

" Good luck" The all hugged her wishing her the very best before heading off.

Still standing alone in the open filed of couples her eyes suddenly cut her figure that kept her mouth wide opened.

Volga stepped out of a shed with is chest bear without clothing is hair was roughed and a red cloth had been tied around his right hand knuckles. He only wore a black peer of pants.

His packs, abyss were in full display for everyone to see a sexy dragon tattoo both on is back and lift shoulder. His muscling body and perfect figure was a hot temptation. something in her did a double flip in excitement her heart beat were playing drums. Her eyes had love emojis.

Wasn't the one meant to be drawling over her why was going the other way around she thought to herself filling her face burn up. The temperature wasn't cold anymore now the only thing smocking in her eyes was him.

She wasn't the only female taking a pick secretly at her husband almost every woman in the filed was shamelessly drawling over her man.

She wanted to snap at them and shield his body from from their lustful gaze.

She spoke mentally " Isn't he meant to be the one feeling this way why those he always have to do something to piss me off " She seemed frustrated by the whole thing even only she looked around men also had their eyes on her . But the couldn't stare directly like the females were doing because a someone was raining down fire with his eyes on them.

He had sported her standing a long all by herself for a while admiring her sexy seductive body those perfect waist slim and slender bright blushed sun kissed skin. her angelic face beautiful thick black hair pulled up into a ponytail fanning her face once in a while as the wind blew.

His beast was drawling over her from the inside he had stepped out of the shed intending to get the same stare from her.

But he then realized he had so many men drive of his mate their eyes we're glued to her shamelessly. His eyes stared to blaze with rath as the quickly noticed trying their best not to look directly at the lord's woman.

He walked over to her pulling her into his embrace bering is face by the side of her neck as he inhaled her sweet scent. He snuggled in like a child disparate for is mother attention. He pulled away from here staring at her bright red face she had been blushing so hard for him. His beast grained cheekily in contempt.

" Sexy" He complemented watching her blush even harder. Isabella gathered all the will power in her to complete him on how she really felt to try and be like adora.

But she couldn't find the right words she so she did what her heart wanted and leaned up picking him quickly on the lips.

everyone attention was on them admiring the open display of affection the were the most baddest couple in the whole filed.

Volga blinked by his wife sudden boldness not that he didn't like it but she got is beast excited and it screamed more in his head. Her head was lowered playing with her fingers shyly it was the most cutest thing Volga had ever seen.

A gentle smiled lifting her chin upwards to stare into his eyes he lowered his face robbing his nose against hers. Her heart beat picked up.

" Your So beautiful My treasure the most beautiful woman I have laid my eye on " He smiled speaking gently. kissing her forehead to her eyes then on her cheeks before slowly claiming her lips kissing slowly but passionately.

All the ladies faces turned bright red staring away from the couple at their mates the were all filling the temperature decrease.

Are friends who saw the whole seen were blushing as well adora fanned herself with her hand

" Why those the place suddenly feel hot. it so unfair I want my mate " She cried out.

Juliette commented beyond stunned " Who knew the lord was a romantic type "

Emma grumbled " They are feeding us dog food again so unfair "

Grace smiled gently washing the two people from the distance they were perfection in her eyes.

Not everyone thought the same malisa nails dug into her nails watching the scene blood dripping down her palm her eyes blazing with hate. She stormed off angrily.

Volga and Isabella broke from the kiss eyes still stock on each other breathless.

" I Love You Isa " He proclaimed with a bright smile. And her world crashed not able to process the words.

The man lifted her up spinning her around happily screaming the words again openly.

" I Love You Isabella " He placed her down " And no one else " Placing her palm against his beating heart. Tears filled the corner of her eyes a smile slowly appearing on her face.

" I Love You Too Vol " She confessed her feels too. He pulled her into his embrace.

Thank you all for reading see you soon on the next chapter. well like I said their is no fun in a romance novel without sudden twist byee ♥️♥️♥️♥️