
Chapter 56- A deep discussion and unwanted moments.

Azusa and sakashi had decided to head back to the hideout. As they walked and made their way through the park. They kept silent for a few minutes. Azusa glances at sakashi occasionally and sakashi did the same. Azusa wanted to converse as they walked close to each other hand in hand. Sakashi kept squeezing his hand harder and harder as if something was bothering her. Azusa glances down at her once More and smiled softly. He stopped at a bench and sat down and pulled her into his lap. Sakashi just went along with him and pressed gently into his chest as she sat on his lap silently. It was almost 11 o'clock at night couples were seen walking together on their nightly strolls through the park. Azusa smiled and looked at sakashi. "I really loved your voice when you sang by the way." Azusa told her softly as he stroked her hair. Sakashi blinked keeping silent but gradually smiled. Azusa looked up to the sky and sighed. "Let's go home now shall we?." He told her as he began to stand pushing her off his lap and back to her feet. "Wait..." sakashi said calmly and pressed her palms against his chest and pushed him back to sit on the bench. "Are You ok sakashi?." Azusa asked while he sat back down. Looking at her in concern he gently grabbed her hand. "Azusa, aren't you tired of hiding your feelings? Don't you think it's time to leave your criminal life? Even if it means betraying Wesley and Matt? We have a child together. It's time to start a future." She told him as her eyes looked at him directly in the eyes. Her pupils grew and her eyes shined in the moonlight. Azusa sighed and looked away. "Sakashi not yet. It's easier said then done. I can't." He told her firmly. "Why not? Just leave! Betray them! Turn them in! Or turn yourself in. Please. Your only hurting yourself and me..." she told him as she began begging him, like she was desperate. "Why? are you unhappy with how it is now?" He asked her curiously looking at her firmly. " well I, I am happy but." She told him as she questioned herself. Azusa could see she wasn't fully happy. Seeing kalebize and loomodo resparked her memory of them, he knows her feelings are scattering again. Azusa glared and gets a little annoyed. "Azusa please, stop the life of crime, your better then this! I know you hate it. But It's not you, just turn yourself in. I promise I'll..." she told him as she pleaded him before she was stopped. "You'll what? Stay with me regardless? That's a lie and you know it! I told you I'm not ready yet! It's not that easy sakashi!!!." Azusa started sounding more aggressive and angry in his voice tone. Sakashi's eyes began to cloud with tears. "Azusa.... I'm not lying... I..." she spoke softly as she looked down. "I love you." She told him and looked down and allowed her tears to splat on the ground. Azusa looked at her and sighed. He leaned over and rested his arms on his legs and gripped his hair with his head faced down then pulled in frustration. Couples continued to walk past them, some looked concerned about why they looked upset, some laughed and joked about a couple fight, some didn't react at all. A few minutes later a little girl walked up to sakashi and tugged her dress. "Mrs, are you ok? Would you like a flower?." She told her as she was holding up a flower with a smile. Sakashi looked at the little girl and smiled and wiped her tears away with her right palm. She knelt down and tapped the top of the girls head as she received the flower. "Thank you sweetheart. I'm ok. Just relationship stuff. Now run along." Sakashi told the little girl calmly. The little girl smiled and ran back to her mother and continued walking. Sakashi stood back up and looked at Azusa tossing the flower infront of Azusa. "Imagine that flower is me that you picked! Without your love and nourishment it's gonna die! You picked me from my own garden I was originally happy In and now I'm about to die emotionally if you don't take a step to care for me like I properly need! Your just weak and not man enough to do the right thing! Your a coward who's scared to go up against your so called family who don't even care about you!." Sakashi told him Firmly. "Im going to turn myself in because I am apart of you guys! Just tell them I ran away. I'm not scared of them!." She then told him as she started walking towards the town. Azusa Then became furious and grabbed Sakashi's wrist and yanked her towards him and slapped her. "Are you this dumb? If I loose you now they will not show any mercy on you or me!! It's not that easy sakashi!" He began yelling at her in pure anger. His eyes lost all passion and sympathy for her. Sakashi's face was faced to the right pointed away from him as tears flowed from her face, her eyes were closed and a faint red hand print was seen on her left cheek. "Besides, you say I don't enjoy what I do? You say I hate what I do? You say I'm hurting myself if I stay? You say your a picked flower that's dying from my lack of care? What about all those times I cared for you when you felt ill? Stressed, worried, scared? Did that not show you any change you want to see? If you want love and care then Let me show you what I enjoy to give it to you! What I love to do and what makes me happy being a criminal!." He begins starting to squeeze her wrist harder as his eyes become cold and angered. Sakashi looks at him starting to feel scared. She looks around for people but doesn't see anyone at the moment. She feels Azusa grabbing her other wrist and pushed her backwards until her back slams forcefully against a park sign. She looks at him in fear as tears fall. "Your scared." She tells him softly as she feels his grip become tighter on her wrist. Sakashi looks down in fear with her eyes closed and trembles. She becomes ready for a beating from him and braces herself. As tears flowed down her face Azusa looks at her and glares. He knows she's right but only finds himself getting annoyed even more as he begins to act tougher. He becomes consumed with self doubt and denies his real feelings. He smirked and released her left arm and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a blade and slowly brushes it over her lips. Sakashi lifts her left arm to try and grab the blade to try and disarm him only to find her other arm released. She decides to try and use both arms and grab the blade. Azusa smirks and grabs both her wrists lifting her arms above her head and pressing them tight against the sign. And pressed his right knee over her legs. His grip was firm and hard, she couldn't move. Sakashi tried to squirm and move but immediately stopped when she felt his blade press against her neck. Azusa leans down and whispers in her left ear. "I could easily kill you right now and enjoy it. I could easily inflict pain on you and enjoy it! One thing you don't know is once I crave blood, it doesn't matter if I care for you or not! I will go crazy! The only man I can't beat is Wesley. He's got a power I never want to go against! Matt I could kill him easily but if I betray them now like you want me to. I could end Matt quick, he's not the problem, But then I will lose to Wesley. Then he will come after you, your ignorant to how difficult this life really is. So pure and innocent, until you kill something alive! You don't know how cruel this world really is." Sakashi's heart raced as her body trembled. She kept silent and listened. Azusa smiled and smelled her neck and began to lick her neck softly. "Hmm the taste of fear." He whispered. He placed his blade back into his pocked and released her arms and stepped back, Sakashi dropped to her knees trembling on the ground. Sakashi heard people coming and slowly looked up. She realized she wanted kalebize, she wanted out and wanted help. She was tired of fearing for her life. Azusa was just about to calm down and walk home with her like nothing happened. He was pulling his hair back and began tying it up into a piney tail. Sakashi glances at Azusa and stood up. She knew the couple that was coming isn't aware they were at the sign, the couple is to distracted in each other and infacuated. Sakashi took a deep breathe and began to attempt to scream 'help' and run. Azusa could feel Sakashi's distress and began to read her mind. Once he realized what she was about to do he grinned. He waited until she opened her mouth before he covered her mouth and pulled her back into him and whispered. "I see you wanna make some noise? How about you let me help you with that! I'll also show you what I enjoy the most! Don't forget your mine girl." Sakashi went wide eyed and tried to elbow him hard in the gut but got stopped, Azusa immediately wrapped his other arm around her and locked her arms in place to her sides. He kept his hand over her mouth and bent her forward until he pushed her to her knees on the ground bitting her neck and sucked hard. It had just struck midnight, the park was darker, the trail lights turned off and the couple had walked past the sign without seeing Azusa and Sakashi. Azusa chuckles quietly as Sakashi looked at the couple passing by and closed her eyes. Azusa gently released her mouth and arms. He flipped her around to face him as he pushed her against the sign. Sakashi looked at him with tears flowing. "Why do you hesitate? If you really didn't change, you would of already started." She told him firmly. Azusa smirked. "Oh how innocent you are to not see I'm just playing around before I destroy your body! You want me to start so bad! Then I will." Sakashi kept silent and looked at him before looking away. "Fake love! That's what you have to give." Sakashi spoke softly. Azusa became hurt by that comment and got furious, he gripped her dress from her breasts and yanked hard, ripping her dress off and grabbed her neck lifting her up pressing against the sign. "Fake love aye? I'm ok if you think that way." He whispered into her ear before he turns her body slamming her against the sign till her left cheek and chest are pressed against the sign. He folds both her arms behind her back and holds them together firmly. He loosens his pants till they drop to the ground then grips the back of her head and pulls her hair back. "This is gonna hurt." he told her before entering into her anal forcefully. Sakashi goes to scream but Azusa quickly releases her hair and wraps his arm around her until he covers and presses his hand over her mouth stopping any scream. "Your MINE." He whispered into her ear as he nibbled aggressively on her right ear and thrusted at full capacity. Sakashi felt so much agonizing pain she wanted to end her life. Her body throbbed in pain and some blood could be seen dripping from her anal and down her legs.


1.) why do you think Azusa is lashing out so harshly?

A. He's scared and fears Wesley the most.

B. He's scared he's gonna loose sakashi and wants to act tough.

C. He's scared to do the right thing and change.

D. Something else.

2. Do you think Azusa will change?

3. Will sakashi stay with Azusa even if there's a chance to escape?