
Love at first sight

It a sunny day at the beach. Asana,a five year old girl met a boy called Whab in the play ground. At first sight,they stare at each other for a while then starts to talk to each other. They spent the whole hot afternoon getting to know each other. As it was late,Whab parents came for him but Asana came alone because she's from a poor family so her parents are always working to end means for the family so they don't have time to take their kid to the beach.

They next day, Asana came to the beach again to meet her friend Whab but he didn't appear there. She sat there worried till she left. As Whab was home,he was thinking of his friend but his parents would not allow him to go to the beach alone. The next day, Asana was feeling bored to go to the beach because she was thinking Whab will not come but she decided to go and when she went,fortunately Whab came with his parents on that day, so Asana and Whab met again and talked so Whab told her when his parents brings him to the beach and those are the days they could meet and Asana agreed with him. As time goes on they met and talked and talked till they knew each other very well.