
Stolen Heart at First Sight

Novel has been taken down!!!!

BLUE_WAVY_ · Urban
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19 Chs

Mere Librarian you say?

Sunniva was escorted to her room, and the door was closed behind her.

She walked with a heavy heart, appearing defeated and as if she had lost everything, before finally settling down on the bed.

Everest was notorious for his cruelty and brutality. Sunniva knew that he was marrying her to inflict misery upon her; he wanted her to feel utterly wretched about herself.

The mere thought of marrying him caused her heart to ache so intensely that she found herself wishing she could end her own life and escape it all. However, there were no sharp or dangerous objects within reach.

"Should I jump out the window?" she whispered to herself, moving towards the window and peering down to gauge the distance between her room and the ground. The idea of falling from such a great height made her skin crawl and her heart skip a beat.

But she couldn't simply remain still and watch as she was forced into marriage with Everest. She couldn't fathom what each day would be like, living in the prison-like mansion.

The sound of keys jingling at the door suddenly snapped her back to reality.

Old Lady Williams, the long-haired maid, and a man in his late forties stood before her. The man firmly held a brown box and approached Sunniva as if he had been given specific instructions. He unlocked the box, revealing medical supplies. Sunniva recognized a syringe, cotton wool, and antiseptic.

"What are you doing?" she asked the man, who held a syringe and cotton wool in his hand, as he positioned her hand on a small pillow, preparing to inject her.

"Master has ordered me to take your blood for testing, as you will be marrying him tomorrow," the man replied calmly.

"Just do as you're told, there's no need for unnecessary questions," Old Lady Williams warned sternly.

The act of drawing her blood could only mean one thing: she would be forced to consummate the marriage with the Mafia lord after the wedding. The mere thought sent shivers down her spine.

The man finished collecting her blood and soon departed with Old Lady Williams, leaving Sunniva alone once again as the door was locked.

"What am I going to do? I must do something," Sunniva murmured, tears streaming down her cheeks as she anxiously bit her nails.

She refused to surrender her virginity to Everest. Never! she whispered to herself, making her way back to the window.

Several servants dressed in white gowns with black accents bustled about the mansion, attending to various tasks. The mansion was adorned with flowers and ribbons in preparation for the wedding the following day.

The sound of bells chiming drew Sunniva's attention away from the window once more. The short, black-haired maid and a man in a black suit entered, accompanied by other unfamiliar maids carrying various tailoring tools: scissors, thread, measuring tape, and more.

"I am the fashion designer, and I am here to take your measurements for the wedding dress," the man said with a bright smile as he approached Sunniva, assisted by the other maids who held her arms.

"That's too tight, I can't breathe. Loosen the tape a bit at the waist," Sunniva requested of the fashion designer.

"It's just right, my lady. Your wedding dress must look impeccable at all costs," the man replied, his focus unwavering as he continued his work.

Once the measurements were complete, the fashion designer and maids exited the room, locking the door behind them, providing Sunniva with a moment of relief.

She lay down on her bed, her face turned towards the ceiling, lost in her thoughts, and eventually drifted off to sleep without realizing it.


It was the day of the wedding in the Mafia lord's mansion. The day that would forever alter her life had finally arrived.

Sunniva desperately hoped that the blood test would yield a positive result, sparing her from marrying Everest. She longed for a miracle from above, as it was her only hope of escaping this forced union.


The door swung open, causing Sunniva to sit up straight on the bed, her gaze fixed on the entrance. Fifty maids stood before her, with Old Lady Williams leading them, leaving her in shock. The maids carried trays filled with various items: hairpins, undergarments, shoes of different styles, an array of makeup shades, and more.

Without needing to be told, Sunniva understood that the test had come back negative. She was free from any diseases, and she would indeed be marrying Everest Taylor.

"Her ladyship will be marrying the young master today, after which she will become the young mistress of this house. Treat her with respect from this moment forward and ensure she is dressed beautifully. Note: No mistakes will be tolerated," Old Lady Williams sternly warned the maids, who all responded with a slight bow.

"There's no escape after all. I am trapped here," Sunniva muttered to herself, her face filled with sadness and despair.

She was led to the bathroom, where her body was bathed in a tub adorned with flower petals.

Once she was finished bathing, she was brought out completely naked and made to sit on a chair with her legs placed on a table.

An elderly woman entered the bathroom, likely in her eighties, with neatly styled white hair, dressed in a fluffy white garment, and leaning on a walking stick.

"Spread your legs," Old Lady Williams ordered with a serious expression. Sunniva looked up at her in confusion, trying to comprehend what was being asked of her.

"My lady, please open your legs wide," Old Lady Williams repeated, leaning towards Sunniva with a smile on her face.

"Why should I?" Sunniva asked, her hands instinctively covering her breasts and private areas.

"It's a virginity test. Please comply to make it easier for Old Lady Agnes," Old Lady Williams explained, gesturing towards Old Lady Agnes, who already had gloves in her hand.

The two maids held Sunniva and spread her legs, causing old lady Agnes to begin her examination.

Sunniva felt shattered and betrayed, tears streaming down her cheeks as she watched the old lady insert two fingers into her private area, leaving her feeling flustered.

"She's a virgin," old lady Agnes announced with a smile, while the other maids nodded in agreement with a smile plastered on their lips.

Sunniva felt hurt, her heart aching. She couldn't believe that women like them would harm their own gender.

"Congratulations, my lady," said old lady Williams with a bow.

"Congratulations, my lady," echoed the other maids with a bow.

The maids then lifted her up and placed her in front of a large mirror. They began to approach one by one, each carrying trays of accessories.

One maid applied Sunniva's makeup, another styled her hair, and another helped her put on her shoes.

But none of it mattered to Sunniva as tears continued to flow down her face.

"We won't be able to finish your makeup if you keep crying. Your tears are ruining it," a maid complained sadly, but Sunniva ignored her and continued to cry.

"At this rate, you'll be the ugliest bride," old lady Agnes sighed heavily.

"And the master will punish me and my family. Please, have mercy and stop crying," pleaded a trembling maid.

"Just do your work and don't upset the young mistress with your tears," ordered old lady Williams with a sigh.

Normally, old lady Williams would have slapped Sunniva, but she refrained and expressed her frustration with heavy sighs instead.

"They're all afraid to hurt her. She will become their lord's mistress in a few hours."

Eventually, the makeup was done, though not perfectly, and Sunniva was lifted up by two maids and held by her arms. Old lady Williams stepped forward to help her with the undergarments. But she seemed reluctant to stop at the fifth undergarment.

A worried maid approached old lady Williams and whispered something in her ear.

Sunniva breathed a sigh of relief when old lady Williams released the undergarment robe, as it had become difficult to breathe.

"This is trouble!" exclaimed old lady Williams with a frightened expression. "You stay with her, lady. The rest of you, follow me," she instructed, pointing to the lady standing by the bath.

Old lady Williams, old lady Agnes, and the other maids left, leaving only the bath maid to watch over Sunniva.

Struggling with the heavy undergarment, Sunniva pushed the maid to the floor when she tried to help.

She managed to get up on her own and made her way to her room, where she sat on the queen's bed, lost in thought.

She couldn't understand why old lady Williams had left in such a hurry, but one thing was clear: she had a chance to escape the mansion.

With a determined expression, Sunniva got up from the bed and walked to the window, observing the busy maids.

"This is the perfect opportunity," she murmured to herself before returning to the bed.

"What's your name?" Sunniva asked the maid, who had her head bowed.

"I'm Rose, my lady," she replied.

"Come closer," Sunniva ordered, and the maid obeyed. But Sunniva suddenly punched her in the face.

Rose's nose bled from the gold ring on Sunniva's finger, and she winced in pain.

Sunniva then used her high heels to hit Rose on the head, causing her to lose consciousness.

Cursing with hatred, Sunniva realized that Rose's unconsciousness provided an opportunity. She undressed herself and then changed into Rose's clothes, helping Rose change into hers.

With all the servants occupied, no one would be able to tell who was who. Disguising herself as one of the maids was the perfect plan to escape Everald's mansion.

Sunniva quietly left the room and locked the door, blending in with the other servants who were still busy inside the mansion.

She hasn't even walked s long distance when she heard s voice call up to her making her retract in her steps.

"Hey, you, help me take these crabs to the kitchen," one of the chefs ordered Sunniva, causing her to pause.

She took the tray with her head bowed, planning to find a way to drop it unnoticed.

Walking down the hallway, Sunniva finally placed the tray on a table before she could make her escape.

"Hey, you, come inside!" a voice commanded from behind just as she was about to leave.

"I'm sorry, but I work in the kitchen and I need to return there," Sunniva said, avoiding eye contact with the man.

"Leave the kitchen. They can find someone else. Master Everald requires your presence," the man insisted.

The name Everald sent shivers down Sunniva's spine. She had been trying to escape him, and now this man was asking her to see him. Never!

"I'm sorry, but I must go now," Sunniva replied, preparing to leave.

"Who dares to defy my command?" a voice yelled from behind, a voice Sunniva instantly recognized. It was Everald's voice.

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