
Friends and New Ideas

Niss knocked on Astor's door, the werewolf staring at her as she stood a few meters away from him. She could come in but she decided not to, she waited to be allowed inside. Astor of course welcomed her, the young woman stepping in hastily as she watched Astor place a few of his clothes back in their drawers. They had arrived back home with Ren later than them and now they were taking their time to settle in. 

"Sorry to disturb you." She said and Astor frowned, his eyebrows coming close together. The Niss he knew would have jumped on his bed by now, yapping about all kinds of things but the blonde woman seemed skeptical, hesitant to approach him. 

"You are not bothering me." He told her. "Do you need something? You can sit with me if you want." Astor patted the place next to him on the bed, smiling at her and she slowly relaxed. Taking her place next to him she stared Astor into his green eyes, regret showing in hers. 

"I want to apologize."