
Stolen By The Moon

Astor was the first son of the HighFangs’ Alpha, a young man who was supposed to be the next leader of the pack if fate had not decided to laugh at him On the tragic day he was born, he brought a curse with him, that’s what everyone told him, and that’s why everyone hated him. Growing up he had never felt happiness. The abuse and loneliness made him hate his pack, his own people, but a promise to his mother kept him chained there, unable to be free. “My poor Astor, please help your brother become a good leader. My lovely child, forgive me” she had pleaded before she left him. He would always do as he was told, stay silent, and obey trying to not lose the last bit of family he had, the little purpose in his life until even his own family betrayed him. The brother he had tried so hard to support had thrown him away, leaving him in a place he did not know with a man that scared him, hovering over him like a deadly beast. “I must truly be cursed.” He had cried, wishing for his life to end. “You? Cursed? How can someone as beautiful as you be cursed?” the man told him and from that moment on his whole life changed.

Yaminoyosei · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
54 Chs


"Get out, the both of you, no." Ren told them, grabbing Nash by the arm and pushing him outside the door. Niss raised her hands in the air, signaling surrender, and hurried out. 

"Why is it always me? Push her too sometimes!" Nash exclaimed, annoyed with the behavior of his Alpha. 

"She is a woman you lowlife." He answered before he slammed the door right in their face. Astor flinched at the loud noise, looking at the unknown man with wide eyes, trying to figure out what exactly was going on. Taking a scared step back, he breathed in hoping that his fear was not showing much, it would be extremely lame, he thought, both of them were werewolves after all, he was just the possibly crazy and scary kind. 

"Sit." he said, nodding towards the bed he had woken up on. "You're injured, aren't you?" 

"I…I am not in pain now. I would like to go see my brother." 

Ren raised his eyebrow, surprised at how he wasn't planning on listening to him. He took a step forward, getting closer to the white-haired wolf and staring at him. Simply looking at his face with this indescribable look, pinning Astor in his spot, making him completely unable to move. 

"Is that so?" he asked and before he could even realize it Ren had raised his hand, smacking his back. Ator's eyes rounded, a muffled gasp escaping his lips while his legs gave out making him almost fall to the floor. Ren scoffed, grabbing him. "Liar." he commented, a grin appearing for a while on his face, and with a swift move, he held him up, one arm underneath his knees. 

"Please let me down." Astor said, wiggling in his embrace as he found this position quite uncomfortable. His other arm was touching his wounds again but this time it did not hurt that bad. He was trying to carry him to the bed but he tried to put up a fight. Shaking his legs and twisting his body. 

"If you move once more I will drop you." he threatened him. Surprisingly, he looked entertained, the anger from before slowly fading from his golden eyes. Astor averted his gaze, not wanting to look at him for too long. The color of his eyes though, would probably remain on his memory for a while, how they shone under the sunlight, how they were different exactly like his. 

Placing him gently on the bed, Ren even took off the werewolf's shoes and threw them in a corner of the small room. Astor could only stare, owl-eyed as things were taking a very peculiar turn. He had never been treated so nicely before and to add to that Ren was supposed to be this scary Alpha from a pack that everyone feared. Why was this huge man carrying him to the bed and helping him take his shoes off? This did not sit well with him. 

"Sit there and get some rest. I want you to…"

"I would like to talk to my brother please." Astor repeated. He needed to speak with him, and find out what had happened. Why wasn't he locked in a cell right now? He had been named a traitor after all. 

"Again with this scum." Ren said and pushed back his hair from his face, revealing once more how handsome he was. Astor gulped, seeing him so close, listening to his voice, it felt weird for some unknown reason. It was rare but this man he had just met barely an hour ago made him feel comfortable, him who was always alarmed in front of people, always wary and on edge. "There is no need to talk with your brother. He has things to do."

"I don't understand. What happened to his debt?" 

"It has been paid."


"Why are you asking so many questions?"

"I think my questioning is reasonable considering the situation I am in. You are practically holding me hostage when I have repeatedly expressed that I want to see my brother." Astor told him, staring at him as he crossed his arms over his chest like a pouting child. Maybe feeling comfortable around him would end up being negative after all. 

"Listen here." Ren said, his eyes darkening. "Why do you wish to see your brother so much when he treats you like shit? Just sit here nicely, get some sleep, and…"

"Why are you allowed to be here?" Astor asked, interrupting him. "And why is no one else around? Where is Edwin?" he kept bombarding Ren with questions to the point where the Alpha seemed obviously upset. 

"Just listen to me."


"Why no?" Ren asked, his eyes sharpening, dissatisfied with the questioning of his authority.

"I don't know you." Astor stated as he tried to get up from his bed. Ren did not try to stop him this time. He watched how he limped towards his thrown-out shoes, the way he struggled to tie his shoelaces but he offered him no help. The white-haired man was not surprised, he did not expect any acts of kindness from anyone. He just needed to get to Zeth and understand what the hell was going on. If Zeth wouldn't tell him Edwin certainly would.

The Alpha allowed him to reach the door, before the sound of him sighing stopped Astor for a second, his hand grasping the doorknob. 

"Just don't go." he told him. 


"Because it's not a good time." 


"Can't you just…"

"No, why is it not a good time?" Astor asked, his eyes determined as he waited for an answer. Ren seemed perplexed, thinking if it was wise to express what was on his mind. This man had changed many faces. From angry, to entertained, to concerned, Astor couldn't stop but wonder which one was real, no one showed their true colors so easily, especially to the brother of your enemy. There was definitely something else going on. 

"Because he sold you." Ren stated. Astor tilted his head to the side, trying to understand what he meant, wide eyes filled with curiosity. "Your brother sold you to my pack to pay off his debt," he added, making everything clear. 

"No…there is no way." Astor mumbled. 

With a shaking hand, not paying any attention to Ren he opened the door, rushing outside as if his life was depending on it. He heard them call his name many times, asking him to come back but he didn't listen. There was no way, no matter how twisted, how idiotic his brother was he was still his family, he wouldn't do something like this.
