
Stolen by my mate

jerricaj22 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Here goes Nothing

I was beyond angry and was fuming the whole car ride to the school. Evan gave me a sad look because he knows how much I want to find my mate even though i have 1 more month till I'll be able to find him. I will also get to shift for the first time and meet my wolf. Evan turned 16 a week ago and his wolf is grey with a black patch over his right eye. His wolf's name is Ben and he is very protective of me. Evan is hoping he will meet his mate as well. I bet she will be everything he's dreamed of hopefully out mates are from the same pack that way we can stay together.

After the twenty minute car ride I'm done pouting and we pull in the school parking lot. We park and head to the front doors so we can go to the office. We got here an hour early to get my schedule and books as I am the only pack member who's never been to a public school. After we were shown where each classroom was the other kids started to show up. As we headed to our lockers Evans head snapped up as a group of girls coming down the hallway passed. A small girl with curly brown hair and emerald green eyes stopped and sniffed the air. She had a big smile on her face when she locked eyes with Evan.