
Chapter 47 : Something is Bothering Circe Again


Samuel’s heart was hammering in his chest, and he couldn’t help but smirk in response. He dried himself off from the shower, letting his mind daydream about the evening events. As he thought of Circe’s smile and her laugh, his pulse quickened. Samuel stopped and looked at himself in the mirror for a moment.

Before meeting her, he’d gotten to the point where he had almost given up hope that the Moon Goddess would have a mate for him. He was resigned to spending his life alone. He smiled widely and picked up his toothbrush. Samuel took extra care in brushing his teeth and hair, combing it back with his fingers. He wanted to look the best he could for her.

He moved to the closet and carefully sorted through his assortment of clothes. It all seemed too plain, too unappealing. He’d never given much thought before to what he wore. He simply grabbed what he felt matched and took off for the day.