
Chapter 4

Authoress:Nwankwo Onyinyechi Judith

My friend became as confused as I was, I told him to keep the blame part aside and move straight to the point of how to fix the problem, "I just need suggestions" I said as I tapped his arms. he seem like he just came back from a trance, I didn't blame him, the Situation is shocking so I felt it was okay to be taken aback.

I took my friend's advice and decided to work with it. Three days after the incident at the bar, I called Celine and told her to meet me up somewhere undisclosed as she was a married woman, and people do not need to see us together. She agreed to come over, I booked a room for the both of us and ordered food and a bottle of red wine just so we would have a good time to talk. I promised myself that I wasn't going to let my emotions overshadow me as I would resist her with both my mental and physical strength. lo and behold my strength failed me as I fell for her touch the moment she took a shower and stepped out of the bathroom. Her bare body was enticing. I couldn't take my eyes off it, she walked up to me and kissed me on my cheeks, she caressed my chest with one hand I used the other hand to take off her towel. No! I said In defense, we don't need to do this, this is not why we are here, let's have a real conversation I said as I closed my eyes against the sight of her alluring body. A little bit of fun will not be a bad idea for the night, Felix, she called my name. Did she just call me by my name? I opened my eyes and raised my brows as my eyes followed. She looked into my eyes and planted a kiss on my lips, it was warm, comforting, and irresistible. I couldn't help but rub my lips reclutantly against hers, we spent minutes exchanging a saliva and romancing each other. Just then it came down down me that I needed to be stop, if I need a Solution I need to act upon one and execute it. I slightly pushed her away, "Celine "we need to talk" I said once again.

Celine took a seat beside the bed and told me she was ready to listen to what I had to say. I cleared my throat and began " I have agreed with your decision on keeping the pregnancy, but that would be under one condition, you are going to let me marry Maria and I promise you, I would see to the security of both you and my unborn child .she let out a loud guffaw and looked at me straight in the eyes, so you want me to pretend and just watch someone else take you away from me? Do you want me to just stay calm and pretend like all is well while another woman gets your full attention and affection? You and I know you don't love that fiancée of yours, why would you want to make the same mistake that I made? There is no fun in getting married to someone you don't like, it's just going to be pure hell. After those words, she dressed up and left the hotel room with the food and drinks untouched. She ruined my plans.

I didn't know how I would convince Celine to spend some time with me as she used to. It became more difficult to get close to her, she started avoiding me. She was in tune with her intuition which made it difficult for me to execute my plans.

Celine was the woman I love, but choosing her was going to be a hard choice to make, it could ruin my career, as well as my reputation. My biggest regret was ever falling for her charms. Even though I never really regretted all my encounters with her, the Consequences of my actions are more graverious at this point. I wish we had never met, maybe my life would have been peaceful and drama free.

One morning, I had these thoughts of fleeing Town and going somewhere new. At this point, I didn't mind leaving both women aside and starting up a new life somewhere where bodynobody knows me. But if I leave, it is only going to bring my atrocities to light, and my job would be at stake. But then, a part of me still wants Celine, a part of me still wants her around, should I run away with her? How do I even run away with a woman and kids from another man? How do I run away with someone's wife? The part where she is being married is what scares me the most from what I have learnt so far, her husband was a millionaire business tycoon who is doing extremely well for himself he was just a cheat and an abuser and Celine deserves better.

I don't know how long Celine's divorce was going to take to be finalised and I don't know if I could wait for her to be finally free so that I can elope with her and leave town for good. I was already searching on several websites to see if I can get another job offer, I had also started making research about the new state I would be moving to if everything goes as planned. I tried to keep in touch with Celine as often as I could, she was big on texting so I made sure I texted her from time to time but I also noticed that her responses was sparse, this is unlike her.

On Friday evening, Maria booked dinner at my place. She said she was coming over and she would be bringing some cooked food she has prepared at her place for us to eat together. The idea sat well with me at least I would be able to execute my plans and also apologise for it afterward. We had dinner while talking about Work and other stuff. afterAfterwards, I convinced her to take a drink with me. "A glass of red wine after this delicacy would not be a bad idea" she smiled and told me she was not going to be drinking too much because of the baby. It didn't matter to me, I just needed a perfect situation to execute my plans.