
Chapter 69 Female Star Xia Yan

Su Ruoyun wanted to inquire about the situation carefully, but before she could go any further, there was a sudden sound of footsteps downstairs.

  Hearing his voice before seeing him, he only heard a female voice coming from downstairs: "Xiang Ji, you bitch, you dare to kidnap my sister, are you tired of living?"

  When Su Ruoyun heard that he was looking for trouble, she went up Lou turned around and went to the room next to him.

  Through the peephole in the room, Su Ruoyun saw that the leader was a woman who looked a little familiar.

  The woman dared to come to her door even though she was alone. She must have someone to rely on.

  The door to the room upstairs was kicked open. When the fat man saw the slender figure appearing at the door, he almost woke up from the wine.

  "Damn, why did the devil Xia Yan come back so soon?"

  Didn't you say that she went to Rongcheng... But the boss was not here at this time.

  The tied girl immediately whined when she saw Xia Yan appearing at the door.

  Xia Yan didn't care about anything else and stepped forward directly to untie her baby sister.

  "Sister, wuwuwuwu, I thought I would never see you again." The girl was freed and threw herself into Xia Yan's arms, crying very sadly.

  Xia Yan checked Xia Mingyue up and down and found that Xia Mingyue was only a little frightened. Although she looked a little embarrassed, she was relieved that she had not suffered any actual harm.

  "Stop crying, sister is here." Xia Yan carefully wiped away her tears.

  "Didn't I ask you to wait in the base? Why are you disobedient?" Xia Yan asked sternly after Xia Mingyue calmed down a little.

  As soon as Xia Yan asked about this, Xia Mingyue's face was immediately filled with anger. He pointed at the other two people who were tied up, with unspeakable anger in his tone: "They are Xu Haowen and Zheng Xiaoxiao. I was going to the base, but the two of them actually took advantage of Xiang Ji and took me to Xiang Ji on purpose."

  Xia Yan actually noticed Xu Haowen and Zheng Xiaoxiao as soon as she came in, but she only had eyes for Xia Mingyue . As a younger sister, she didn't care about others at all. When Xia Mingyue said this, her eyes immediately turned cold.

  "Is this what you did to my sister when I wasn't here?"

  Xia Yan went to Rongcheng alone to marry her mother's relics. It was obviously inconvenient to bring a group of people with her, so she left her sister to Xu Haowen to take care of her. Unexpectedly, Xu Haowen Taking such good care of her, it's her fault for not being able to recognize people well.

  Stared at by Xia Yan's knife-like eyes, Xu Haowen wanted to explain, but before he could open his mouth, a black shadow suddenly hit him, almost displacing his internal organs.

  Xu Haowen felt dizzy, as if he was going to meet the Lord of Hell next.

  Zheng Xiaoxiao, who was tied with him, was no better. He opened his mouth and spit out a ball of blood.

  Xia Yan turned her head in surprise and saw a girl about the same age as her sister walking in carrying a Tang Dao.

  The girl had a smile on her face: "Don't just chat, you won't know if everyone has run away."

  Su Ruoyun was originally staying downstairs, and he collected the group's supplies by the way. Just in time to see this drunken fat man trying to sneak away quietly, she naturally wanted to do something good.

  Xia Yan had a crush on Su Ruoyun for no reason. She sincerely thanked Su Ruoyun: "Thank you, little sister."

  She had indeed taken care of her sister just now, and she easily let go of the person who harmed her sister.

  Su Ruoyun said lightly: "You're welcome." She was going to deal with these people anyway.

  Xia Yan settled her sister, walked up to the fat man, and punched the fat man on the temple: "Tell me, where is that bitch Xiang Ji?"

  She and Xiang Ji had known each other before, but there was no intersection between them. Unexpectedly, After meeting her in the apocalypse, Xiang Ji followed her like a dog-skin plaster because of her supernatural powers, and could not get rid of her no matter how hard she tried.

  Last time, she gave Xiang Ji a knife and made him lie in bed for several days. She originally thought that bastard would learn a lesson, but she didn't expect that he dared to confuse the people around her and attack her sister. He deserved it.     The fat man was so dizzy from Xia Yan's punch that he was drunk. He was a little confused: "I, I don't know..."

  The boss didn't say anything when he went out.

  Xia Yan saw that the fat man was drunk and couldn't ask any questions, so she killed the fat man directly.

  Su Ruoyun raised his eyebrows, it turned out to be a thunder power.

  This kind of supernatural attack is more powerful than the fire power, but it is less common.

  The thunder power roamed in Fatty's body, and Fatty twitched twice and then stopped moving.

  "Sister..." Xia Mingyue tightened her grip on Xia Yan's clothes and felt a little scared.

  In the past, her sister would kill zombies with her, but this was her first time seeing someone kill someone.

  Xia Yan touched Xia Mingyue's head: "It's okay, you go over there first, sister will be fine in a moment."

  After the end of the world, it's not that Xia Yan has never killed anyone, but every time she kills someone, She didn't even do it in front of Xia Mingyue.

  There is only one thin man left. The thin man is located closer to the room, so he has nowhere to run even if he wants to.

  Xia Yan said with a fierce aura: "Where is Xiang Ji?"

  The thin man witnessed the tragic death of the fat man, and immediately told him honestly: "Our leader went out, saying that he met a top man, and he was going to kidnap him back. ..."

  Xia Yan suddenly understood that Xiang Ji, that bastard, went to Huo Huo to find another girl.

  "How long have you been gone?" Xia Yan continued to ask.

  Before the thin man could say anything, Su Ruoyun said: "Xiang Ji is dead."

  Thinking of the leader of the group she met earlier, it should be Xiang Ji.

  When Su Ruoyun said this, Xia Yan immediately set her sights on Su Ruoyun: "Isn't that the best he mentioned is you?"

  Su Ruoyun nodded: "If you are right, it is me."

  Xia Yan curled her lips, Xiang Ji was a little unhappy about not having a hand blade: "Consider him lucky."

  Since Xiang Ji is dead, those who followed him must be gone, and there is no need to keep the thin man left.

  Xia Yan directly used her superpower to kill the thin man. He was just a second-level superpower, so it was very easy to kill him.

  After dealing with Xiang Ji's men, Xia Yan turned her attention to the half-dead Xu Haowen and Zheng Xiaoxiao.

  Xu Haowen is a second-level fire power user, and Zheng Xiaoxiao is also a second-level water power user. They are very close to the base. As long as they hurry up and don't cause trouble, they can arrive at the base within half a day. It was still possible, but they wanted to kill her sister.

  Zheng Xiaoxiao looked at Xia Yan with jealousy and resentment in her eyes.

  Xia Yan didn't want to know where her resentment came from, so she solved her problem neatly.

  Zheng Xiaoxiao's eyes bulged outward, as if she couldn't believe that Xia Yan just took her life without even saying a word.

  Su Ruoyun raised her eyebrows. This girl was more agile than she sometimes was, and she directly took the enemy's life.