
Chapter 49 Mutant Rat

"Then how much supplies do you have?" Su Ruoyun looked Liu Xiaojue up and down. Perhaps Su Ruoyun's gaze was too aggressive, which made Liu Xiaojuan feel uncomfortable when asked.

  "I collected a lot before the end of the world, and there are still a lot of uneaten ones..."

  Su Ruoyun looked at Liu Xiaojue with a faint smile: "Are you sure you want to repay me instead of doing something else?"

  Liu Xiaojue was shocked. , but didn't show it on his face: "How could it be? I really want to repay you."


  Su Ruoyun walked past Liu Xiaojuan: "I said, I didn't save you, and you don't have to repay me. ."

  Seeing that Su Ruoyun was about to leave, Liu Xiaojue became anxious and stopped him directly in front of Su Ruoyun.

  "Come back with me. The place where I live is really safe."

  "The place is quite safe, but there are not many people there."

  Su Ruoyun knocked Liu Xiaojuan away, with a hint of disgust in her eyes. This Liu Xiaojuan still has traces of youthfulness on her chest, so she just came out to deceive others, and didn't cover it up properly. Still trying to deceive her like this?

  Su Ruoyun left. Although Liu Xiaojuan was unwilling to do so, she had nothing to do. After all, she was alone and did not dare to go head-to-head with people with powers.

  She is just a thermostatic person and doesn't have much offensive power on her body.

  She didn't trick Su Ruoyun into joining her, so she could only go back by herself.

  In the past, she mostly deceived men and occasionally women. If a man is interested in her, he will follow her directly. Most of the women will go back with her for the sake of supplies.

  Unexpectedly, Su Ruoyun hit a wall here.

  "Hey, Brother Zhou, that woman hasn't been deceived?" Hu Yinsheng was surprised. Very few people would not be deceived.

  Zhou Ping stepped back from the window: "Do you think everyone is the same as you?"

  "IQ is impressive."

  Hu Yinsheng originally wanted to refute one or two words, but he found that he had no way to refute.


  On the other side, Liu Xiaojuan knocked on the door of a unit in a residential building. The people inside saw through the peephole that Liu Xiaojuan was the only one.

  "What's going on?"

  "Why did you come back alone this time."

  The person came with a questioning tone. Liu Xiaojue took a breath and suppressed his anger: "It failed this time. That person refused to come back with me."

  As soon as Liu Xiaojuan finished speaking, the man asked: "You won't wait for the next one?"

  Liu Xiaojuan's face turned extremely ugly: "You said it easily, there are not so many people who are alone now." "

  You can cheat if you can . Ah." She goes every time. Liu Xiaojuan sometimes feels very unbalanced. Why does she go every time?

  Every time she risked her life to lure zombies to chase her, but when she came back, she could get only a little supplies or other resources.

  In their team of five, she was the one who did the most dangerous things every time, while others could just stay in the room and wait.

  "Okay, stop talking. Let's think about what to do next. If it doesn't work, just change a place."

  "It's not enough to stay in one place all the time."

  Liu Xiaojuan and the man bickered for a few more words before they became quiet.


  Su Ruoyun changed places and continued killing zombies.

  She now not only kills around Xingcheng, but also occasionally goes to nearby cities.

  This area is full of small counties. Although their development level is in the middle, they have an unusually large population.

  More people = more zombies.

  Su Ruoyun will not kill all the zombies, but will only clean up some.

  Give the rest to those who come after you.

  It would be interesting if we all kill zombies together.

  Su Ruoyun stopped in a supermarket to rest, and the cheerful mechanical voice of 007 sounded in her mind: "Host, do you want to consume?"

  Su Ruoyun: "???"

  She felt that something was wrong with the system! But I can't tell. In her memory, 007 had never been an active character, but now she actually heard a hint of excitement in 007's voice?

  "This is the host," 007 pretended to clear his throat: "Didn't the host redeem a zombie detector before?"

  "Now this zombie detector can be upgraded, but the host needs to consume points to complete the upgrade."

  "Upgrade? How many points are needed?"

  007: "Only 200 points are needed."

  Su Ruoyun refused without thinking. She now had more than 200 points in total. After upgrading, she only had a tiny bit left.

  Let's wait until later.

  Su Ruoyun didn't upgrade, and 007 didn't force him to go offline.

  The place where Su Ruoyun is now is Shanshui City next to Xingcheng. Although it is called Shanshui City, there are no mountains or water.

  Apparently there was an earthquake here not long ago, just like Xingcheng.

  The supermarket where Su Ruoyun is currently working is of good quality and has not collapsed or cracked due to the earthquake.

  Su Ruoyun felt relieved to rest here. The thermostatic clothes on her body would expire in an hour and a half. With the mentality of not wasting anything, Su Ruoyun decided to wait until the thermostatic clothes were completely invalid before she entered the space.

  The third floor is the daily necessities area, where there are also two sample beds.

  There was already a layer of dust on it, and it could be seen that no one had been here for a long time.

  Su Ruoyun swept away the dust, took out a new set of sheets from the space, laid them on, and lay down on the soft big bed.

  Very comfortable.

  But before she could enjoy it for long, the earthquake feeling came again.

  And it was more intense than the last time she'd experienced it.

  "Another earthquake?"

  Su Ruoyun got up from the bed. When she got up, she didn't forget to put the sheets from the entire bed into the space.

  In order to better observe the earthquake, Su Ruoyun did not hide directly in the space. She chose a safe corner and squatted down to prevent things falling from the ceiling from hitting her.     Fortunately, although this earthquake was extremely powerful, it went away quickly as it came.

  It only lasted about five minutes.

  Five minutes later, Su Ruoyun felt that the atmosphere in the entire mall was different.

  This feeling was exactly the same as when she was in Huangcheng.

  Could it be that there are mutant beasts appearing again?

  007: "Congratulations to the host for getting the answer right, but there is no reward."

  Su Ruoyun: "Is it the same mutant beast as before?"

  007 did not reply to her.

  Su Ruoyun wasn't angry either. She held a Tang Dao in her hand and was ready.

  There was no change in the surroundings at first, and then slowly, Su Ruoyun began to hear rustling sounds.

  Accompanying this sound, there was also the sound of a group of people talking.

  "There was another fucking earthquake just now. Fortunately, labor and management ran fast, otherwise my head would have been smashed."

  "Compared with such hot weather now, earthquakes are nothing."

  "That's right, it's a loss for the current development . It's getting better and better, otherwise in such a strong earthquake, the house will collapse, and there will be no way to avoid the zombies."

  "There are so many useless things, it is better to search here quickly."

  "By the way, Did you hear any sound?"

  "What sound? I didn't hear it."

  "It was just the sound of something moving." "

  Really? I didn't hear it. Did you hear it wrong?"

  "No... "

  Listen...fuck, what the hell is this?!"

  A burst of screams instantly broke out downstairs.

  "Fuck, don't come here."

  "Is this a mouse? It's mutated."

  "Brother, be sure, they are mutated."

  Not only downstairs in the supermarket, Su Ruoyun also encountered mutated rats on the third floor.

  The moment he saw them, a figure in a white coat appeared in Su Ruoyun's mind.

  Could it be that he also made these things?

  As if to confirm that Su Ruoyun's guess was correct, 007 came out and announced: "Warning, warning, the target character's blackening value exceeds 70%. Please take action as soon as possible. Please take action as soon as possible."

  Su Ruoyun asked tentatively: "If the target character turns black What will happen if the value reaches 100%?"

  "The process of the world's apocalypse will accelerate."


  The end of the world is linked to one person? Isn't this funny?

  Su Ruoyun had no idea how to prevent Shi Pei from turning black.

  How can one prevent a person from becoming a black man?

  Su Ruoyun asked 007, but 007 said he didn't know. Su Ruoyun was immediately speechless.

  Forget it, the most important thing in front of you is these mutant beasts.

  These mouse-like mutant beasts have the same eyes as humans, but they don't have the same faces as humans.

  Except for its eyes, which were the same as those of humans, other places were much better than the mutant beast she encountered for the first time.

  At least it's just as permeable, but not so hard to accept.

  Su Ruoyun held the Tang Dao tightly, and when the mutant rat was about to get close to her, she swung it out fiercely. The Tang Dao drew a semicircle on the ground, directly killing the mutated rat's head.

  Different from the screams that came from downstairs from time to time, Su Ruoyun used Tang Dao to cooperate with her ice power, and most of these mutated rats were killed or injured immediately.

  She also figured out that the attack and defense power of these mutant rats should be very low, but they were better in numbers.

  She managed to kill for a long time, but many more appeared.

  "There are so many things, it can't all be caused by Shi Pei."

  If it's all caused by Shi Pei, then what does he want to do, destroy the world?

  "Damn it, I was scared to death. This ghost rat actually eats people."

  Downstairs, the Liu family looked back and saw a man being crawled by a rat. As a result, he accidentally fell into the group of rats. In the blink of an eye, he was left alone. A skeleton.

  "Let's go up. These rats came in through the gate and we can't get out."

  "No, I feel like we're killing more and more."

  "What should I do? I don't want to die yet."

  Su Ruoyun said with a sullen face, killing Mutant rats, the last mission 007 released to kill mutant beasts was completed the moment she killed these mutant rats.

  Then 007 immediately released a new mission.

  "Ask the host to kill the mutated beast x 1000, and the mission reward points x 100000."

  Su Ruoyun immediately felt like he had been beaten to death.

  What is in front of me is not a mutated beast, but a water-based technique!

  Su Ruoyun, who was tired of killing, immediately became full of energy.

  She can do it, isn't she just a mutant beast? She'll be fine with a few more waves.

  Su Ruoyun outputted water powers in large quantities, covering the entire third floor with water, except for the wooden shelves under her feet that were originally used to hold rice.

  Su Ruoyun wrapped the shelves in ice. She had experimented before and found that the ice created by her power was non-conductive.