
Chapter 22 Professor

Shi Mu Chengsi agreed to Su Ruoyun's request to accompany him.

  Ni Shen walked beside Su Ruoyun: "Ice powers are rare. Miss, you are so powerful."

  Su Ruoyun replied: "Your powers are also very powerful." In such a short period of time, he was able to master the powers and control them. At this level, it's pretty good.

  Ni Shen scratched his head, obviously a little embarrassed: "Miss, you are so kind, Brother Mu never praises me."

  Su Ruoyun: Easily get a good person card.

  From the classroom to the laboratory, you need to pass through a dormitory building, and the distance is not close.

  Ni Shen never stopped chattering along the way, and thanks to his eloquence, Su Ruoyun was able to learn a lot of information that she didn't know.

  For example, heat-tolerant people appeared in the shelter in Area A and could endure temperatures as high as 70 degrees Celsius during the day. The superpowers appeared after the heavy rain.

  Many people who had been exposed to the rain that day had awakened their superpowers. When awakening the superpower, you will fall into a coma and so on.

  The two of them awakened their superpowers because they got caught in the rain.

  "The laboratory is here." Mu Chengsi slapped Ni Shen on the head: "Be quiet."

  Ni Shen immediately made a gesture of sealing his mouth.

  Mu Chengsi walked into the corridor, always alert to whether zombies might suddenly appear somewhere.

  Su Ruoyun was much more leisurely and followed behind silently.

  The watch on her wrist did not indicate the presence of zombies here.

  The rooms on the first floor were all locked and no one was there.

  The group continued walking up.

  Su Ruoyun didn't have much impression of Cilin University, but for such a small county university, the teaching facilities were pretty good.

  It is more high-end than some first-class universities, which is strange.

  third floor.

  There was a slight collision of glass, and Mu Chengsi took the lead to go up and investigate: "It's okay, it's Professor Shi."

  Ni Shen and Su Ruoyun followed.

  Shi Pei looked at Su Ruoyun and his group: "Are you the only ones here?"

  "Yes, Professor Shi, let's take you back first."

  Su Ruoyun stood behind Ni Shen and looked at Professor Shi, who was wearing a white coat and was not wearing any With the mask, you can see the other person's delicate eyebrows and sharp jaw.

  The other person's skin is pale, probably because he has been in the laboratory all year round.

  Not only is he young, he is also quite good-looking.

  Shi Pei's eyebrows furrowed together: "I want to take away all these experimental instruments."

  Mu Chengsi: ...

  He glanced at the room where Shi Pei was. There were only large instruments in there, and there were instruments for whatever they were used for. Five or six, plus so many miscellaneous things, it would be impossible to pull them back without two trucks.

  They came out of the Area A shelter this time, and they were the only two of them.

  Because they were in the same city, so many people were not dispatched.

  Now that he had to bring so many things back, Mu Chengsi was suddenly in trouble.

  Mu Chengsi tentatively asked, "Professor Shi, how about you come back with us first, and then we bring people here to move things?"

  Shi Pei was silent for a long time before reluctantly agreeing.

  If the conditions offered to him by the director of the shelter in Area A were not too tempting, he would not have moved.

  Shi Pei packed up some important information and planned to take it away first. He pointed at Su Ruoyun and said, "Come and put all these things into this backpack."

  Su Ruoyun didn't expect that she would be ordered. It was just a simple task, and she didn't refuse: "Okay."

  Shi Pei was quite satisfied with Su Ruoyun's attitude, unlike those nymphomaniacs in the school who always gulped when they saw him.     Su Ruoyun stepped forward, put together the information Shi Pei had mentioned, and put it into her backpack. She clearly saw the word Shi Pei on the signature of a document.

  It's indeed the same person.

  Mu Chengsi and Ni Shen did not escape the fate of being ordered. The group left the laboratory carrying four large backpacks.

  Before leaving, Shi Pei carefully checked every corner of the laboratory, sealed and locked the passage leading to the laboratory.

  Su Ruoyun was speechless. The doors inside were obviously locked with passwords.

  Is there any special treasure here?


  The four of them went downstairs together. Su Ruoyun casually glanced at his watch and found that the ten little red dots on it were very obvious.

  Zombies have appeared. It seems that she can continue to complete the system tasks.

  Su Ruoyun only reminded in a low voice: "Walk slowly and be careful of zombies."

  Neither Mu Chengsi nor Shi Pei said anything, but Ni Shen was still the one who talked the most: "You know, little sister, just look at me." However,

  he As soon as I finished speaking, I was slapped in the face.

  "Be careful!"

  Mu Chengsi fired the power of thunder and lightning from his hand, turning the zombie in front of him black and into a piece of charred coal.

  He took the dagger from his leg and cut off the zombie's head.

  "It's a junior zombie."

  Ni Shen covered his chest and took a step back. The zombie was hidden around the corner, causing him to almost come into close contact with it.

  "Scared me to death."

  Mu Chengsi took out a piece of paper and wiped the blood on the dagger, wiped the dagger clean and stuffed it back again: "You walk behind me."

  Then he met several zombies intermittently. , were all solved by Mu Chengsi.

  The zombie levels are not high and easy to deal with.

  There was no chance for Su Ruoyun to take action, and Su Ruoyun was almost depressed.

  These zombies are all wearing security uniforms and should be security guards stationed and patrolling in the school.

  It was an uneventful journey to the school gate.

  The zombies that had been surrounding the iron gate had disappeared, and I don't know where they went. Mu Chengsi opened the iron door and pointed to the alley on the far right: "Walk in."

  This is the closest to the shelter in Area A.

  Thinking of Su Ruoyun, Mu Chengsi asked one more question: "Do you want to come with us?"

  He had never seen Su Ruoyun in the shelter. Such a young and beautiful female superpower should be very famous in the shelter.

  "Little sister, do you have somewhere to go? If you don't have anywhere to go, you can go back to the shelter with us." Ni Shen started chatting again: "Little sister, let me tell you, the environment in the shelter is much better outside. You He is a person with superpowers. If he goes to the shelter, he will not have to worry about food and clothing."

  Su Ruoyun pretended to think and thought for a moment before agreeing: "Okay, I will go back to the shelter with you."

  Shi Pei then said Focusing on Su Ruoyun: "Weren't you together before?"

  Ni Shen quickly introduced to Shi Pei: "Professor Shi, this young lady's name is Su Ruoyun. We met on the way to pick you up."

  "Oh." Shi Pei Pei asked and stopped talking, obviously not very interested in this topic.

  "Great, little sister, you can join our team directly. Our team is one of the top super teams in the shelter. It is very powerful."

  Mu Chengsi kicked Ni Shen directly.

  Although he agreed to go with Su Ruoyun, it did not mean that he would agree to Su Ruoyun joining his team.

  "Hey, brother, why are you kicking me?"