

Pov maya

After spending the day with amiee and she goes to sleep Aretha finally arrives.

‘’ Where have you been? ’’ I asked, she was horrible it stank to face her hair, everything was horrible and messy, she was disgusting.

"What difference does it make?" she says laughing but with tears in her eyes I fucking do that I lost my head '' she says, throwing herself on safa and shedding a river of tears, I have to confess that I never saw Aretha like that she never regretted what she did with the others and now it's like that.

‘’ I spent the day with her I can assure you that she doesn’t hate you but she’s scared and confused ’’ I talk sitting next to her and caress her on the back ‘‘ What was Aretha? Are you in love? ’’ I ask and watch her stop and just look at a place ‘‘ I say because you’ve never acted like that with anyone ’’ I say.

‘‘ I think so ’’ she says and cries again ‘’ damn I’m in love with her ’’