
Stockholm's syndrome:Lion and his prey

Katterina_M · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

Sunny's small whimpers developed to full blown sobs.She smashed the bowl with her food against the bare walls that confined her there against her will.She took off the regularly cleaned sheets from her makeshift bed and tossed them across the room.She was furious and wanted to punish everything and everyone that had a hand in the unfortunate events of her current life.If Josef had married her as soon as he promised instead of taking off to pursue his music career in Vegas,which was paying pretty fine now,she wouldn't have been in the wrong place at the wrong time that fateful afternoon ten months ago.If she had been patient enough to wait for Josef,instead of running from home at the slightest provocation from her mother,she wouldn't be a captive.If...the biggest small word in the world.And she hated it.She hated the false possiblity the word implied.

"I have to leave this place."She dried her tears and started pacing,a hand firmly planted on her underbelly."My baby won't be a sacrificial lamb for some sick in the head dumbasses who think they can take down a whole American government.Surely,Josef won't mind me going back to him with a baby.He loves me."She heard that piece of news a fortnight ago while being escorted from the bathroom.

She also learnt she wasn't the only woman being held there but unlike her,the rest weren't being used as baby machines.Rather they were some big shot daughters or cousins whose families would pay very generous amounts for ransom.The money would in turn help keep the sadists going.The latter bit of info was based on her assumptions though.

"Heeelp!"She yelped."Help me!"She screamed again with certainty.She held both her hands to her bump and bent forward,then screwed her face in false pain as her guard rushed in.She was leaving the hellhole they called the basement even if it was the last thing she did."I think there's something wrong with my baby,help me!"She whined to the young guard who looked barely twenty.

She would normally sit the lad down to catch on his story of what he was doing in a gang group at such a young age.But not today,she was busy trying to run for her life

"Don't you have an emergency doctor around here? Can't you see I'm in pain?"She moaned relaxing her facial muscles a bit.

Sunny stared back at the stunned youngster before letting out a blood cuddling scream.It was one thing having a plan but entirely different matter making it work.

She didn't know what she expected after the second scream but Lion was beside her in record time.She was equally stunned to silence when Lion asked what was wrong.She almost forgot the plan when the big guy spread his hand on top of hers on her bump.

"Ivan what did you do?"He asked looking up at the still dumbstruck guard who was trying to communicate with his free hand.

"My baby...I need to see a doctor."Sunny found her voice before Ivan."Take me to the hospital."She called out to the actress in her as Lion helped her out.

They went through what looked like an armory.It was loaded with hand rifles, grenades neatly arranged and an RPG,all those she had only seen in action movies.

Sunny swallowed some before she chickened out and gave up her plan.There were too many hitches in it.Where else would she go after successfully escaping?She didn't have the slightest idea of her current location.The other hitch,if Lion had the slightest clue she had an escape plan,he would gun her down before she found the exit.

Lion must have noticed her tension beside her because he surprised her yet again.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah.I mean no..."Okay he said??How exactly was she supposed to be okay?

They walked through the hall past another room full of what she could only refer to as terrorists.About a dozen men each armed with a gun sat scattered drinking and talking in a language Sunny didn't understand but she suspected it to be Russian.They paid no attention to them ,their subject of discussion seeming too important.

Sunny's mind shifted back to the guy walking beside her in full all black tactical gear.He looked formidable but in the past couple of weeks ,he had shown her another side of himself.Making sure she had a decent meal,had a comfortable bed and wasn't overworked like the rest of the females.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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