
Still Water Runs Deep.

Ian has been in love with the same girl all he's life. The irony is she left him 5 years ago. Treasure loved Ian once, not anymore after what he did to her 5 years ago, she simply can't and won't forgive him. At least that's what she thinks.

KaramelKinky · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 7


"What's wrong Ian? You're the one who wanted to keep our relationship a secret!" I scream.

"What? Are you blamming me for for your mistakes?" Rage clear in his voice.

"No of course not. All I'm saying is you should trust me and listen to mu side of the story. Why will you listen to everyone but me huh? Why?" I almost plead.

"You think I want to hear you justify why you fucked him?" he questions then laughs but his laughter doesn't hold any humour only anger and hatred.

"Get out Treasure! Get out! you're no longer welcome here." Ian shouts shoving towards the door.

"Ian please listen to me!" Treasure continues to scream in vain.

She puts her hand on his bur he pushes it off, putting his hand around her neck je slams her against the wall right next to the door.

"I c-cc-ca-ca-ca-n't brea--the." Treasure manages to make out as Ian cuts her air circulation with his merciless chocking.

"I-I-aaa-n pl-ea-se." Treasure begs a second time a stray tear escaping her eye.

"I won't say this again, get out of my house you dumb whore, dont call me dont look at me and never say my name again with that dirty mouth of yours. Or else." He says and lets go of Treasues now bruised neck.

Treasure falls to the ground and takes off her necklace and crawls to the coffee table. The neckless Ian gave her for her 16th birthday, her once most cherished possesion now feels out of place around her neck. She places it on coffee table grabs her bag and heads for the door.

After opening the door she looks back, not at the luxury but at Ian her eyes filled with unshed tears. "I hope you wont regret this." She says and turns around towards the door just as it begins to rain cats and dogs.

-Present Day-

+Treasures POV+

"Treasure" I hear someone say my name as I begin to toss around in bed. When did I get back home? I slowly open my eyes and realize this isn't my home.

"Where am I?" I whisper to myself.

So I'm quite shocked when I get an answer.

"Your at my house. I brought you here after you passed out in my office. " I hear an all to familiar voice say.

"I look to where the voice is coming from hoping my mind is fooled and it isn't him.

I wasn't hallucinating though his black hair and sad grey eyes prove it. It's him, hardly had I realized it when I began to tremble.

"Treasure." he whispers low but enough for me to hear him, as he approaches me. He's trying to be as non threatening as possible but all I can remember are his hands around my neck the last time we talked.

"Stop," I manage to whisper my throat feeling tighter, "don't come near me." I add as I get of the bed and scan the room looking for my belongings.

"Where's my bag?" I question after failing to locate it.

"I'll give it to you, can we please just talk first?" he asks and I laugh.

"Talk we have nothing to talk about." I answer a huge smurk plastered across my face.

"T." he pleads.

"No, dont you dare look at me like that." I say engulfing myself in my arms.

"Like what?"

"Like I've hurt you. We both know the truth." I take a shallow breathe ensuring he won't hear the pain I'm my voice. "You did the hurting all those years ago, you hurt me." I continue.

"Can I at least apologize?" he questions his expression grim.

"What for it happened a long time ago. I'm over it, no I'm over you." I correct myself.

"Then why were you at my office didn't you come to see me?"

"Hell no, like I would put myself through such terrible misery again."

"Then why did you..."

"I came for the job opening sorry to disappoint." I smile, turning on my heal

"If you'll excuse me. I'm leaving.

"What about your bag." he questions.

"Keep it, it's honestly not worth spending any more time with you."

"What about the job, according to my knowledge Treasure St Claire already signed the papers."

"Unfortunately I did, so dont worry. I wont run away. I always keep my word. Plus this job doesn't require me to be at your house." I retort.

"I called the doctor, he said you need some rest. So why sont you lie down here while I grab your bag?"

"No thanks I don't plan on staying here any second longer."

"I know you hate me treasure but the doctor said you should rest."

"Im going back to work. My decision is final." I say exiting his room and defying he's orders just to spite him more.

As I'm walking down the stairs I hear him following me.

"let me at least drive you back. I'm the one who brought you here in the first place, please."

"No thanks Mr Centineo. I say as I reach the front door and see my bag on the side table. I turn towards Ian and smile showing him I've found my bag.

"And do think the Private Investigator I hired said the Treasure Morgan I knew doesn't live here anymore, yet here you are." he says smiling at me.

I turn to face him looking him dead in the eye. "Oh trust me, Mr Centineo the Treasure Morgan you knew doesnt even exist anymore." I reply and I see all the happiness drain from his face a magnificent sight to behold. I turn on my heels opening the door and walking out.

+Ians POV+

Excitement thats what I feel. As she leaves I call security at the gate and tell them not to let her leave until I get there. I grab my keys and ask my head of security to take me to work.

We head to the gate and find treasure arguing with the guards. I lower my windowamd she looks straight at me, with a death glare.

"Let me out!" she screams.

"Just let me take you." I reply.

"If I don't agree you'll leave me locked up here right?" she asks and I smile.

"Treasure should be locked up so that its not stolen, what could be a better place than my castle?" I reply staring into her hazel eyes letting her know I'm crazy enough to do it and more.