
Still Standing Axel's Story

Axel Graves is retired army mechanic now sheriff, in a small town where everyone knew everyone for the most part. With his friend group being small and his reigning title as the towns asshole. His best friend is his brother who's his parents golden child and he the disappointment. Being stuck in love with Jessenia Alderman who is his and his brothers best friend who he shares a God child with him. Can he finally confess his love to Jessie, while saving the town from the new drugs spreading in from an unknown source in the city. Go through the journey of Axel a lifetime of life trying to knock him down, but always find himself still standing.

lilmama881106 · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 1: Axel

~Chapter 1~


"You evil damn thing." He grumbled to himself turning off his phone alarm. Running his hands up and down his face sitting up on the side of his bed. Getting up and getting his stuff together and made his way to do his morning routine in the bathroom. Looking in the mirror taking a big sigh he took in his appearance. Grabbing his toothbrush and starting to brush his teeth he was still looking in the mirror. Yup that's me 27-year-old 6'8 and a half, dark skinned about 200 hundred pounds of solid muscle. A woman's walking wet dream (or at least so I'm told), and the towns token asshole. Don't get me wrong I'm a nice enough person I just call it like I see it and won't sugar coat anything in life. Not many people will be brutally honest with others. I have no such issue sure it may hurt a lot of people's feelings and they can or may take it straight in the ass but that's really not my problem. At least I'm honest. After I turned 18 and went into the army like my older brother Killian we both were army mechanics until I got burned out and came back about two years ago and went to school and training and became a sheriff. You would think my parents would be proud but to be honest they could care less. I've always been the letdown child they were always disappointed in mainly my mother. I wasn't planned like my brother was Killian is only one year older than me, it' s a miracle my mother even got pregnant again and when I didn't come out as a girl I was forever a letdown, every time anything happened it was always why can't you be more like Killian.

I got into a lot of trouble as a kid and teenager. Ironically most of the time it was Killian's fault or idea but being the golden child and my best friend I just never had the heart to let him get in trouble no matter how much he tried to take the blame once the adults minds had an opinion on you it was hard to convince them otherwise no matter how truthful it was. The best thing about my childhood in this mountain town of Bellbrooke where everyone always knows everyone's business was our neighbors growing up. The Alderman's they were and still are the best. They always treated me and Killian like we their own, they are well loved in town. Gabriella Alderman was the towns therapist and a very busy women but always made you feel like you were so important and made time for you. Her husband Caleb Alderman was the same he owned construction business if anything broke, needed fixing on anything at all he was the man to call. He would always take a bunch of us kids fishing and hiking they were blessed with one child and they always made sure to show she was more than enough.

Jessenia Aldermen a year younger then me barely but enough to be in my grade since she was always smart even graduating top of the class, with me coming in third but still my parents were let down about that too. Hence the eye roll. Jessenia was our friend since they day she moved in next door since she was 4. To this day she is still Killian's best friend. I always had the world's biggest crush and not being able to show it in the best of ways I was a bit of an asshole to her. She is a barely 5'3 creamy white skin, brown haired greenish blue-eyed beauty who still makes my heart skip when she smiles. It's hard to describe our relationship really I drive her nuts yet we always drift or find away to drift or gravitate to each other. I swear she knows me better than I do. Killian lives on an army base about forty minutes out of town to about an hour with his wife and five-year-old daughter who is my whole world there is nothing I wouldn't do for that kid. You can imagine my parents disappointment when Killian and his wife Chloe named Jessenia and I as little Maddison's Godparents. We both spend an enormous amount of time with her which should be difficult but honestly it really isn't Jessenia and I always make time out for her. It's her first year in Kindergarten since they homeschooled for preschool.

With Killian being gone I stay close to my friend group which is a lot bigger than you would think I have a few best friends who also sheriffs with me Ryder Brooks my ride or die, work partner or work husband as people joke. Elias Damico (or Eli) the ladies' man, Hunter Daniels the curious and funny one. Isabella Torres Jessie's best female friend , Aria Brooks, And Sienna Holden they are nurses for Jessenia down at the hospital as she is one of the main doctors graduating college early. My parents still love her. It's alright whenever I need that parental love I just go on home to Mrs. Gabby, or mama Gabs as well all called her. Luckily I only have to do the morning shift and day shifts for work. We all have steady set schedules the night crew is smaller but it works well for them since they can stay home with their family during the day as their spouses, or family they take care of can work during the day.

The town is actually more friendly then you think we don't have too many issues just normal fun rivalries like with the fire department we normally have sporting events like the charity basketball game in spring, and the charity baseball game in summer all money goes to the hospital and the winner gets bragging rights, and a bet. This last spring they lost to us and had to wash all of our cars dressed in French maids costumes which of course caused a bit of a female traffic jam like all kinds of traffic car, bike, and foot traffic. Of course the winners take pictures and hang them on the victory wall like trophy but better since its their hall of shame. Well that's all you need to know about me I guess. The ringing of his phone snapping him back to reality as he just finished buttoning up his shirt and tucking it.

"Too early for this dip nut." 'Morning stud muffin?' 'Morning birthday twat.' He heard both laughter from both Killian and Chloe. 'Morning Clo.' 'Morning big brother.' She teased Chloe was about a year younger then Axel to. 'Hey, you still coming tonight right?' "Like always when you think you'll be coming in?' "Well mom and dad are getting Maddie about four and want to go to dinner before we leave, so about six we should be down at the bar." 'Then I will see you there. Have you spoken to Jessie yet?" "Yes she is coming to get Maddie tomorrow like always. Mom can't wait. She already called me on facetime from the hospital as her and the girls sang to me." "'Well you know you are the golden man." "'Yeah, yeah. Hey, are you sure you don't want us to come down tomorrow or something you know dinner or movie or anything?" "Nope. Kills seriously I'm fine besides you know how it's mom and dad's annual whole day with you. Really I'm fine don't worry about besides I think I'll be too busy anyway." "Sure you will. Look I got to run but we'll see you tonight." "Yeah you all make sure to get an uber tonight." "Already done bro.'" Hanging up the phone shaking his locking up the house in the middle of nowhere in the woods about twenty minutes from town and about fifteen from neighbors just how he likes it. Starting up the truck and living for work.

The day drug on forever their station dealt in a huge region where they had to deal with part of another city and their small town down at the border between both they dealt with it. It wasn't ideal since so many drugs were sold along the city lines and more and more trying to push over into the town which is not something we were letting happen so easily. Doesn't mean we didn't get crazy calls out here in town from some of the people who managed to get some and smoke a little crazy. It was two squad cars. Ryder, Hunter, Elias and I who were taking our last call of the day, but still a long one. "Ok so rock paper scissors to see which team has to catch the man." Elias said as he and I did just that I crushed his scissors with my rock and let out a loud laugh. "Damn it! Come on hurry up Damico." Hunter groaned. We were currently on a call for ol' lady Winton's place as she had to calls us out on her nephew Johnny. Johnny thought it would be a good idea to take some crank and strip down to his birthday suit and bachelorette slash and fake pearls running around tearing up the garden because the evil garden gnomes are going to use the vegetables as weapons for the aliens to come dominate us. Yup this isn't even the worse call out on ol' Johnny. This month. Walking over to hug his Aunt who was in tears because she always has to take him back to rehab when he sneaks out like this. She has to care for him since his dad would beat him and sell him when he was child in card games in the city to child molesters who used kids mostly for pornography. I always came up and cuddled her and held her close to me when she broke down I also have people come and fix up whatever he wrecks.

"So you guys meeting us there?" Ryder asked. "Yeah I'm just going to run home and change then I'll be down there Killian just said they on their way anyway." I told them as they nodded back. "Is the girls going to meet us there?" Hunter asked trying not to look at us turning a little red. "Yeah Jessie texted me earlier they are going to meet us out there." Ryder told them laughing at him. "Dude why don't you just come out and ask if Sienna is going to be there? You really need to just lock that down already you're practically dating already." I told him in chuckling grunt. "Says the man who has half the towns single ladies flinging their creamed ass panties at him walking down the street yet is still single." Hunter teased back. "Hey, I ain't touching none of that the only reason they come after me is because of the motorcycle I drive and the fact they think I'm a bad guy. They just want a jump since they see me as the guy daddy wouldn't want them to be with. I aint going to be used as no fucking tool for some slut." Axel told them. They knew how much of a letdown the dating game was for him since that was the truth on the few dates he went on they all made it clear that he was not boyfriend material just a wild fuck and that's it. It was really such a letdown, knowing he couldn't get love form anyone but few people in his closed circuit maybe that's why he respected and cared so much for Jessenia who always made him feel wanted no matter how much her pist her off.

Their whole past they have always beat the hell out of the men and women who hurt the others feelings but would never admit that to each other. Again it was hard to describe our relationship since I guess I was hopelessly in love with her and she was clueless about it. It really wasn't worth trying to date even for a quick fuck because I would always see her. Jessie has tried to date but had about as much luck as I had. It's sad how people of our generation really are. Honestly scared to catch anything with the way they are. He felt a shiver go down his spine thinking about it. They all quickly took care of their needs and meet at the bar. The bar was bigger than you would think it was a country looking night club with all the wood and classic hunters decoration and all. My little group could be spotted or heard anywhere. Going up and grabbing a drink I had a high tolerance and would only take a couple drinks so I could still drive home. Walking over to the group it was crowded for Friday.

"THERE HE IS!!" He heard Killian scream out loud making him smile widely. For siblings they really loved each other, and it never failed to show. "There's the birthday man. Don't worry about your gift got your walker being delivered to your house down at the base." Everyone laughing. "Cake looks great this year Jessie." "Thank you Ax." "Couldn't put all the candles on it though or the smoke alarms start going off." Axel added making everyone laugh harder. "Ass." Killian said to him flipping him off, as Axel hugged a glowing Chloe. Chloe didn't mind how close Jessie and Killian were because they were close as well, and they were the same person pretty much kind, bubbly, just angels. Going around the three girls getting hugs off them. Sienna sitting on Hunters lap as they were laughing at a story Ryder was telling them and Aria with drinks in hands. Quickly getting up to sing happy birthday cutting the cake, opening the presents. They got all of that over and out of the way so they could go on the dance floor and let loose the crazy work week off. After taking a break and meeting the guys around the pool tables they started chatting up a bit.

"So where's your date Jes?" Chloe asked looking around. "Don't have one." She shrugged. "What about the guy down from the hardware shop in the city last week?" She asked confused. "Yeah that's not going to work out. He called me to confirm our date, when I went to call him back to tell him to make it a little later because of work his wife answered the phone as she was breastfeeding their month-old son. I really think I should just give up at this point." Jessie told them as they laughed. Killian looking to his brother with a smirk. "Maybe the right guy more of a local you just passing him over." Axel glared to his brother holding his glass a little tighter. Killian knew of his brothers feelings since high school since he got drunk had sex with some girl came home and cried because no matter how her tried he couldn't get Jessie out of his head even drunk. "That's still doesn't beat the story of when you were out to coffee with that other guy and his five-year live-in boyfriend came in and caused a scene throwing his smoothie on the guy." Isabella said laughing the whole way through it. "Thanks for that Bells really." Jessie said shaking her head.

"Well let's hit the dance floor a little more before we all hit the road." Elias said laughing as they all called and set up their drivers. "You have been a wall flower most the night you going to tell me all these women drooling over you and nothing catches your eye? Not even Natalie?" Jessie asked him walking up to him as they all left. Natalie and Amber worked down at the station as receptionist and office gals, sometimes worked dispatch. She also was always throwing herself at me any chance she got. Natalie is one of the few who keeps trying to chain me down, but not my type, she's nice enough, and doesn't' sleep around that much but she does nothing for me at all. Not mentally, emotionally, physically my dick won't even twitch her direction. I normally just as nice as I can keep my distance and be honest with her when she asks me to go places with her it's always a no or I'm good, no thanks. I don't lead that chick on in anyway or encourage it I have to work with this woman I don't need it to be any weirder then it already is.

"Naw angel I'm cool off that crazy over there." Making her laugh. That's my nickname for her only I can call her that, and everyone knows it. "You alright? I can make a drive down to that hardware store." I tell her with a wink knowing she'll blow it off. "Not worth it Ax, really it's not I didn't even like him, I guess I just wanted to. I don't even know." She sighed out. "I know." I really did, my angel was just finding herself to be lonely wanting what we all want just someone to love us. Someone to come to, wake up for, care for, to spoil and get spoiled we weren't getting any younger. Watching the love her parents have would make anyone crave that, too bad I'm such a fucking coward. She deserves better anyway. "Come on." I told her grabbing her hand and pulling her close to me grabbing ahold of her spinning her around the dance floor. I always loved coming down here with the group once Jessie and I would start dancing we kept to each other the whole time on the floor smiling the whole time it was like our own world out there. About twenty minutes later we were all outside when of course we started teasing on each other.

"What about you Jessie do you want to go speed dating? Aria asked her. Aria was looking to see if any of the girls would go with her. "She'd find a better date down at the pound rescue then speed dating pool down in West Wick." I opened my mouth being the asshole that I am using a tone I didn't mean to and regretting it instantly as it left my mouth. "Thanks Axel for your vote of confidence." She snapped at him. "Now hold on Jessie he didn't mean it like that just think it through for a minute. All the men that you tried to date were all shit in that city and you want to go to a room full of them listening to their bullshit lies for what five minutes a piece about twenty ways?" Killian asked defending his brother with logic. Axel nodded thankful for the help. "Even if that's true you're still a dick." Sienna growled lowly at him. It's ok he knew they loved him. As their drivers all came to collect them Jessie pulled out her phone to call a taxi. Axel grabbing her phone and putting it in his pocket. "What the hell give that back." "Come on." Grabbing her hand walking over to his bike and giving her the helmet he kept just for her, never admitting that to her but Killian already told once that Axel never let anyone beside her wear it, and never let any woman besides her on his bike.

After helping her on he took his time driving the fifteen minutes the other way of the bar about fifteen minutes to his house if there's no traffic, she needed something close to work so he pulled up to the little two-bedroom home she converted the other room just for Maddie. Axe had a four-bedroom beautiful cabin home in the forest one room was just for Maddie as well. Helping her off and walking her to her door he looked down as she opened it. "I'm sorry for how I said what I did earlier I didn't mean that. I was just trying to let you know you deserve more than those damn fools there." Looking up to meet her eyes. "I know Ax. You always looking out for me. I know that. Can you come in for a minute?" Looking down at her watch to see 11:57p.m he walked in and noticed she left some night lights on. It was bright enough in a dark way when she came around the corner holding a birthday cake that read Happy Birthday Axel with a burning candle that made him smile. "Make a wish." She whispered looking into her eyes like every year not breaking contact with him he blew it out as they kissed each other's cheek. Sitting down to enjoy a slice or two with each other.

Axel's birthday is June 13 one day after Killian's. Growing up he always avoided his birthday because his parents never wanted to or did anything for his birthday they sent him or gave him money. Every single year Jessie makes him a cake and gets him to blow out a wish at midnight just between them. To this day he never celebrates his birthday no matter how hard Killian tries. However every day for the now five years Jessie goes and picks up Maddie from the Graves so they can spend the annual day for Killian devoted to celebrating him and drives over to Axels house and spends the day with him whether it's watching movies going to the park or anything else they could get Maddie to do. Axel loved it, their own little tradition everyone knew who Killian's kid was and how much they loved her. Axel always silently hoped that one day he could have this with her, a sweet, beautiful kid hanging on her hips that they share. He never needed anyone to remember his birthday when he had them.

After hugging her goodbye and getting his gift a really nice blackish dark grey watch he fought against taking it knowing just how expensive it was. They could both afford it but that was beside the point. "Nope, and you can't take it back because it's engraved. Looking at the back his heart skipped. 'Our Favorite Hero. Love M&J.' Taking a keep deep breath the soft smile on his lips looking up at her engulfing her in another hug. "I love it. Thanks Angel." Looking up smiling at him. "I need to get going thank you though, don't forget to lock up." Rolling her eyes at him in annoyance. "Yes dad" She said sarcastically. "Hey now we've been over this it's yes daddy." He teased her making her glow redder in her cheeks which he loved. "Whatever you dork. Drive safe." Slamming the door behind him, after hearing her lock it he smiled his way to the car. Walking in the door he set the alarm to get up when he figured Jessie would pop up at his door.

Early the next morning he heard someone knocking on his door. Opening it up half awake he perked right up. "Morning mama Gabs, Cal how you guys doing? Come in, come in." He said moving out the way as they both hugged him tightly as they entered. "Happy birthday baby. We can't stay we just wanted to give you this on our way out of town to run a few errands." Gabby told him kissing his cheek giving him the bag with a couple of shirts he knew he loved. New fishing stuff and a book form his favorite author no doubt from Caleb. Caleb and Jessie were huge bookworms, Axle was too in a way. Plus mama Gabs famous cookies Jessenia makes them better but these were still like heaven in your mouth. "You guys didn't have to do this but thank you." Every year they made a point to drop by on his birthday knowing how uncomfortable he was they made sure to keep it brief and he was thankful for it. "Sure we did. We know busy you get later so we just wanted to catch before your day got started." Cal told him with a wink knowing how he's going to be spending the day with his kid. Grateful he had someone for his special day he always kept a special place for Axel in his heart. Knowing how his parents were and knowing how good of a person he really is in spite of them, he was really proud of the boy now 28-year-old man in front of him making something form the nothing his parents gave him.

"Well we'll head out now but you are welcomed to come to lunch after church tomorrow." "I'll be there. You need me to bring anything?" "Just you baby." Gabby told him walking out the door kissing his cheek as they both hugged him one last time. Every Sunday the town pretty much went to Church since he got to make the schedules every week he always gave himself the weekend off, he made it even by putting himself on call two nights a week. The Alderman's moved away and into a different neighborhood so Axe always felt more comfortable coming for lunch every week with Killian and the gang. His parents also went to church but they stayed close to their high-class group and went to the fancy lunches they always tried to get the Alderman's to go but they didn't like to said it didn't feel personal and they like their family meals at home, home cooked. My mother never cooked; she probably burn water. My dad owned the lumber mill, and my mother worked for the mayor down in the city West Wick we lived very posh lives I guess you could say or well at least they did. There always a cook, and a maid who came couple times a week. Cook was always there. Waving them off. I started to work around the house.

Hearing the door open and shut my heart not only jumped but perked up looking around the corner right above them was a clock that flashed about 11 a.m. and there were my girls smiling straight at me. "AXY!" Maddie called out running up to me arms flung open wide. "MADS!" I call back in the same energy she was a lighter skinned then me and Killian Chloe was oddly tanned for a white girl leaving Maddie skin beautifully tanned with deep blue eye, and raven hair from her daddy. "How's my girl doing?" "Happy birthday uncle Axy. Auntie Jessie said we can go down to the lake today and go fishing and play in the water. We spent this morning making a picnic are you excited." Maddie was squealing in such a high pitch tone. "She did, did she? Do you have you swim suit?" "Yup." "Do you have your sun block?" "Yup." "Do you have your water shoes and life jacket?" "Yup." Maddison did a hard head nod with each answer. "Well then I guess you are all set to go. Do we need anything else?" I asked looking at Jessie who came up for a side hug.

"Nope got it all stud." Playfully teasing him with a wink." Shaking my head one time in high school Killian and I we're having dinner with the Alderman's while our parents went to some special gala and Gabby told them to stop teasing me about women because I was a little stud muffin' and God help me I've been stud muffin' ever since. "Let me change real quick you guys got your suits on underneath or do you need to change too?" "We're all set we'll be playing outside Uncle Axy. Come on toots." Maddie came running up reaching out to grabbing Jessies hand. It didn't take long for him to get all his things together he had a tote bag always ready to go. The lake was only about a fifteen-minute walk down a special trail he made. He had built a huge wagon that could fit Maddie even as a teenager and a cooler with a basket. Being built like a damn mountain himself he never worried about being strong enough to pull it. It took him a good week to weld it but it's been one of the most used things around the house. After locking up the house he came out to see the girls playing on the little basketball court he made with the guys, seeing the wagon all set. With a bonus bug catching kit and both Maddie's and Axels fishing pole, and the three pop up chairs and pop-up fold able table. "She wants to walk." Jessie shrugged with a smile.

Sitting around they looked at Maddie who looked troubled. "Penny for your thought sweet girl?" Jessie teased her. Maddison was a bright child between Chloe and Jessie Maddison was reading and doing almost second grade work and a kindergarten level her mind was an eager sponge she wanted to learn and know everything. "Uncle Axy why does grandma and grandpa not have any pictures of just you in the house? I mean I see the ones with daddy, and you know groups of people but none of you just you." Axel heart stung a little he knew why but couldn't bring himself to tell his little bestie. "I guess they never took one of just me, maybe they ran out of room." "What about school pictures like mine is hanging up there, even auntie Jessie is up there down the hall." Jessie was getting angry and he knew it, he always felt a little special when she got offended for him. "Well that's not fair love bug everyone has your picture on their walls." Jessie teased. "Yeah I am awesome. Auntie Jessies mommy and daddy have pictures all of their house of everyone by themselves and in groups even your school pictures though." Maddie asked. "I don't know honey maybe that's just how they like it. It's not nice to tell someone how to decorate their home though so don't ask them about it alright. It may hurt their feelings." Axel shrugged.

"What about your feelings Axy? Why don't grandma and grandpa come for your birthday like they do daddy?" "Maybe their busy?" Axel shrugged trying not to let it get to him honestly it doesn't bother him anymore like it used to but he didn't want his little one to be mad at her grandparents who help spoil her rotten with love and attention. Apart of him only still affected by his parents is knowing his kids wouldn't get the same affection from them based on him being the dad. It's not like he would trust them around his kids anyway. "I think they are just being big mean stupid heads." "Maddie! That is not nice thing to say about your grandparents they do a lot for you and you know they love you. You shouldn't say things like that." Axel told her in a firm tone. "What kind of mommy doesn't show that love to all of her kids though Uncle Axel it's not ok." "Maddie that's enough. You're too smart for your own good you know that. Look you are going to through life meeting all kinds of people and some of them you will like and they'll like you back. Some of them you won't. You can't control how someone feels about you and that's ok because you don't need to. You will know who loves you and what it is good for you and that will be all you need."

"Maddie you know how I like to think about it?" Jessie asked giving her a juice box. "How?" "I like to think of it like this everyone has their own life to live. That means everyone has their own story, and no one's story is ever going to be the same. Everyone has a different role in every ones story. Like Uncle Axy and your daddy their roles are completely different in your story because Uncle Axy is your Uncle and your daddy is your daddy. However in Uncle Axy's story your daddy is his brother, and friend. Sometimes you will be a hero in someone's story sometimes you will be a villain, sometimes you'll just be a passerby in the back ground for someone else. So your grandparents have different roles when it comes to all of us too. We don't question it we just wake up and play our role in our story and any others the best we can every day."

Axel and Maddie smiling at her happily. "I like that I will think like that too. You don't have to worry Axy you'll always be a hero in my story." Maddie said kissing his cheek. After Jessie reeled in both poles. Axel tickling Maddie all over her tummy only to pick her up and toss her in the water. The life jacket already staying on as long as she was near water it was on. Axle and his brother had her swimming since she was 2. They all played in the water and Maddison was going on about her birthday in a few weeks. July 16th. One of the few best days of their lives Jessie and Axel thought to themselves. Maddie opted for the wagon on the walk back to Axels house and fell asleep the second she got in it. Looking at Axel as he pulled it carefully and a little slower so Maddie wouldn't bump around too much.

"I could pull that you know if you're tired." Jessie told him for him to give her a try it look. "Was just offering is all no need to go all daddy bear on me." Looking back to her with a smirk. "Well you know how I love to go all daddy on you." Making her blush and shake her head. "About earlier. Axel." "Don't. Just don't'. It's alright honestly I'm fine you of all people should know that by now." He returned in calm peaceful tone. "It's not ok when even a five year can point how wrong it is." "If I recall you were four when you figured it out. Nothings change. Seriously its ok. I don't hold no grudge or resentment I mean it's not like I didn't grow up without parental love. We both know your parents love me more then you." He told her in a playful voice. "HEY NOW! I'm their actual child they love me more you're like adopted in." Laughing back at him pushing his shoulder. "Exactly my point, they got stuck with you at least they wanted me." He told her laughing harder for her to throw some of her peanut m&m's at him.

Pulling up to the house. It was already sunset. Killian and Chloe pulled up smiling at them both. "Well looks like she's down for the count." Chloe smiled. "Yeah but a bath and some dinner she'll pass right back out." Jessie added as she kissed her head as Killian picked her up. Axel came around and did the same. "I know you're going to bitch about getting a gift but I think you'll change your mind once you see it. Besides it was all Jessenia's idea so be mad at her." Chloe said giving him a bag. "Seriously you did enough." Pulling it out of the bag it was a fuzzy blanket and fluffy matching pillow on one side and on the other was a grey background with a photo collage of Axel pictures with the group and the Alderman's or just Axel and Killian. One of just him and Maddie and two with Jessie. Even one of them holding Maddie together at her baptism being claimed as her back up parents and one of just him and Jessie he was hugging her from the back and they were laughing and smiling big at the camera it was from Valentine's day this year. "This is the greatest thing I ever got. Thanks you guys." Giving a genuine smile and hugs to them. Watching them leave off and waving to them. They stared at each other.

"Are you sore from moving them in all week?" "Naw, you still high off all the damn paint fumes you girls had going on in that place?" "Nope thank God too because that head ache lasted for days. I still can't believe he left the army this week. I'm a little mad he got a good job so fast." "Yeah it took us a whole damn month to get started after being hired. You know we need more mechanics around here though others are getting older and need a break." Axel shrugged to her. "I guess I should get out of your hair too I need a shower desperately and got to get ready for church too. "You can always stay here if you want. I think you left some clothes here anyway from the last few barbeques." "I would take that offer but I still need to sign off some things from my laptop for a few patients. Happy birthday Axel." She said hugging him and kissing his cheek for him to kiss her forehead. "Thank you for everything I appreciate it." He opened her door and shut it for her like always and went to the house where he showered and laid down on the couch draped in the new blanket falling asleep watching sports dreaming of Jessenia dancing around the kitchen with a swollen belly and making dinner, the life he wished he was good enough for.