
(ch-3) haru stayed at Hoshi's place

Haru stays at Hoshi's place

when it started to rain I was leaving but

Hoshi said me to stay the night at her house,and said she has 2bedrooms so I can stay.

Then I started to cough Hoshi asked me is I am okay or not

"Yea I am ok its just i got cold"- Haru

"ok then if you need anything just get it from the

" Show room its over there no need to call me"

" I am not your maid or anything" *points at the show room*- hoshi

Oh ok-haru

then suddenly the electricity went out and Hoshi went to look for the candles but she Don't have any candles. so she had to go and buy candles.

Hoshi wanted to go alone but I refused and said

" I will go with you"

Hoshi said "I can go by myself"

I got mad and said

"DO WHAT I SAY" with a loud tone

"OK OK"- Hoshi (yelling)

After that hoshi got an Umbrella & we went out together.

I said sorry

she said "it's fine just Don't yell at me Again bruh."

"Yea yea Don't worry" - I replied

We were Normally talking then She said

"ok you are my friends anyways"

I was about to thanks her but she start Shouting


I saw that store was closed so go Back to the house She gave Medicine so I start feeling Better then we slept in the Darkness.

Next Day when I woke up I saw Hoshi was making Breakfast. Breakfast was simply Tea with Bread. She said she that Bread. Left early

Because she have to go cafe for work. I left 2 hours later when she left she gave me the key

I Gave her house keys in University

*Kohaku saw it*