
Chapter 4: Hunting

(This part will be in Ian's point of view)

About 30 minutes before present time,

With a flick of my fingers, I opened my inventory to change into my normal clothes. They appeared to be rookie armor that you get in the beginning of the game. The armor was a night sky blue shade that matched the color of my eyes. Slowly, trying not to wake Jasmine up, I walked to the door and opened it. Slowly twisting the knob, I opened the door to Jasmine's room. She was peacefully sleeping under her pastel pink covers.

"Thank goodness you're okay. Have a good night's sleep," I softly told her, knowing she wouldn't hear. Closing the door, I breathed a sigh of relief.

In my inventory, there was a large sword, twin swords, a spear and shield, a bow, and gauntlets. The game wanted me to choose a weapon. Without hesitation, I tapped my finger on the long black sword to equip it. Then, the sword appeared in the air, waiting for me to hold it.

"Time to go hunting. I'll be back with more supplies!" I said triumphantly. I moved past the front door and ran towards the large dark shadows ahead. Monsters. In my eyes, supplies.


Present time (back in Jasmine's point of view)

I opened my inventory and put my normal clothes back on. It was a beginners armor that you would see in video games. Knee high leather boots, a short romper. It was short sleeved that was white and faded into pastel pink. I noticed that they also had choices for weapons. As soon as I glanced at the twin blades, I quickly tapped it and it appeared in both hands.

"Beautiful! Er, is that weird for me to say?" I wondered aloud. My gamer girl senses were coming in. "Okay, enough chit chat, I need to get Ian,".

I noticed there was a map placed next to the inventory. I clicked on it to see if I could find any nearby players. Specifically, Ian. I saw a green diamond still right in front of the house. That must be me. Ahead, there a moving green diamond. Ian. Without a second thought, I dashed ahead, mostly with fear and anger. The other emotion was a strange bit of excitement. I saw there were monsters near him that I got to fight on the map.

I neared closer to Ian, and saw his tall figure standing there to take a breath. I clenched my teeth in anger.

"IAN! YOU IDIOT!!" I yelled in irritation. He turned around in shock. He smiled in fear. This just made me even more annoyed.

"What the hell's your problem?! Running off like that! You had me worried sick!" I berated him like an angry mother.

"Sorry, sorry! I just wanted to level up and get supplies," he reasoned, both hands up in the air. I looked at his stats. Ian, lvl 5. He was single sword wielder. He glared at my hands, noticing my two swords.

"Ohh, so you use twin blades! That's cool but a huge single sword is good for me," he conferred. I could feel blood rushing to my face at my mistake. I thought he abandoned me.

"W-well don't hunt all the monsters, or t-there would be none for me!" I stammered angrily. I could hear him holding his laughter back. Ian's shoulder was shivering, he was holding it in.

"Ahem! Well I learned some new information about this game," Ian cleared his throat to clear his sniggering.

"Well, what did you learn?" I asked, eager to know more.

"For starters, this game uses magic when you use skills to attack," he stated. Ian took out his large sword and steadied himself. He displayed a well poised stance and charged at a large blue wolf. As if the game was trying to make it more dramatic, the wind started to blow. Ian vigorously struck the monster constantly. Each time he attacked, lightning wrapped around his sword, enveloping the sword entirely. His hair gracefully went with the wind as he attacked. He finished the wolf off and it disappeared into thin air.

"Amazing, just amazing," I spat out. I was so in awe by his attack that I was at a loss for words. "Did you get to choose your magic or did they choose for you?"

"Hmm, I think they choose for you, but only based on your skill set," Ian answered after a short pause. I tilted my head to the side in confusion. He must have saw my uncertainty, and then explained, "Well, for example, my top two skills are speed and strength in that order. I'm a speed build. So you can see how lightning would fit well, right?"

"Ok, I think I get it. My top skills would probably be strength then speed. I'm a strength build," I conferred with him. I balanced myself with my twin blades held in a stance. I charged forward and suddenly a skill came in when my blades hit a blue wolf. A raging flame burst out of my blades, covering it to the hilt. After a numerous amount of attacks, the wolf disappeared into thin air.

I took a step back, my body shivering.

"Hey Jasmine, are you ok?" Ian asked, resting his hand on my shoulder. I swiftly turned around, my long brown hair flowing in the wind. I was trembling in excitement.

"This game is fun! Let's go hunt more, Ian!" I giggled. We dashed towards the monster, our blades ready to hunt.

After 1 hour of hunting...

I fell down on the floor in exhaustion, my stamina low. Ian plopped down next to me, panting as sweat was dripping off his forehead. I was already lvl 7 and Ian was only 3 levels ahead. Speaking of Ian, I didn't know much about him. I was getting curious.

"Ian, can I ask you a question?" I asked sitting myself up.

"Sure, ask away, as long as I get to ask one after," he negotiated.

"That's fine by me. So, how was your past life?" I inquired, wanting to know more.

"Honestly, it was meaningless," he answered truthfully. I paused for a second.

"How so?" I asked hesitantly, perking up.

"Well, being someone who was watched for their every move was miserable," Ian explained blandly. What does he mean?