
Still conscious

The world is unfair and there might be no way out. This novel is to explain it all.

megum_i · Fantasy
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2 Chs


" Hhhaahaa..who knew the main character was this stupid? This story is so boring what's so special about it? It's just famous because the author is handsome! Tch.. Gosh now my dumplings are cold.. *Gobble up half of the dumpling out of 6*

My god these dumplings taste differ..en.. *thump*

And.. That there is our idea for the story to start!..

Silence occurs upon the meeting room full of authors then suddenly laughs bursts out of their mouth "HAHHABHAHABAHA oh my gosh that's YOUR idea? I thought I would get better starting for novels especially from YOU "THE FAMOUS NOVEL KING "BHAHAHA!!! one boastful unknown author says.

" Hey at least it's better than your startings you always start with a rOmAntIc FaLl, like that's literally the most boring and overused starting " claps back the "king of novels".

The room gets louder with laughter while the infamous author is embarrassed.