
Chapter 2:

Stiles spent the rest of his weekend at the hospital, waiting for news on Lydia. It wasn't his best decision, especially as his senses grew stronger, but he needed to make sure Lydia was okay and that she wasn't going to die from the bite Peter gave her. This meant he was there when Lydia disappeared. He gave the best description he could to his dad before being sent home. Then he stole something that held her scent and called Scott. He wanted to call Derek too, but he hadn't seen or heard from the new Alpha since being accepted into his pack. Plus, he didn't have the guy's phone number.

It wasn't surprising when Allison showed up not long after Scott. What was surprising, at least for Stiles, was when she drew her bow and aimed an arrow at his heart.

"Allison, what are you doing?" Scott demanded. Stiles didn't move and couldn't help but notice that Scott was doing nothing about the bow aimed at his supposed best friend.

"I'm sorry, Stiles, but Scott and I will track Lydia without you. My dad saw your eyes." Allison's voice was cold even as it shook a little.

Scott turned his hurt puppy look on Stiles. "What's she talking about? Stiles?"

Stiles took a deep breath to keep his voice steady. "When Peter took me after the formal, he made me track Derek. After he knew where to go, he offered me the bite," Stiles said. Outrage flared across his friend's face. "I said no, Scott. I refused, but he bit me anyway. I didn't know if it took or not until Derek became the Alpha and my eyes flashed."

"His eyes are blue, Scott," Allison said, apparently impatient with Stiles' explanation. "It means that he's a killer."

"Stiles?" Scott was looking at him, waiting for denial or an explanation, but Stiles stayed silent. After all, she wasn't exactly wrong. Scott went rigid.

"Fine. Come on, Allison. We need to find Lydia." Scott headed to Allison's car. Allison followed, not lowering the bow until she was at the car door.

"Don't follow us, Stiles. I don't want to have to hurt you." Her voice was quiet. Stiles watched them leave, sighing as he did. Then, despite everything in him screaming at him to look for Lydia himself, he went home. Derek was waiting for him in his room. He frowned as Stiles let himself fall face-first onto his bed. After a few moments of not uncomfortable silence, Derek sighed.

"What happened, Stiles?" he asked.

Stiles turned his head to look at the lurking Alpha in his desk chair. "Allison's dad knows I'm a werewolf. He saw my eyes after Peter died. He told Allison. Allison told Scott. He didn't take it well, which I knew he wouldn't, but it still hurts. Also, Lydia Martin, who your uncle bit at the formal, has disappeared from the hospital in the middle of a shower after a very concerning scream. So, she's probably a werewolf too. If she's not, then I'm going to be genuinely surprised. Though why she's disappearing now, I have no idea since it's definitely not a full moon tonight. Scott and Allison are tracking her, but they definitely did not want my help if the arrows and death threats are anything to go by." Stiles shrugged; a full-body thing that made his blanket fall off the bed. "Also, I don't think the bite did anything for my ADHD except make it so that no matter how much Adderall I take, it won't work."

"Werewolves have higher metabolisms. Human medicine doesn't work on us. Neither does alcohol," Derek explained.

"Out of everything I said, that really wasn't the most concerning bit."

"You said that Scott and Allison were tracking Lydia. Nothing I could do about anything else." Derek shrugged.

Stiles forced himself to sit up, shaking off his distraction to really look at his Alpha. "If you didn't know about any of that, what are you doing here?" Stiles frowned.

"There's an omega in town desecrating corpses. He scared a teammate of yours at the cemetery who saw his beta shift. Didn't want you to be surprised by either of them."

"You don't seem really concerned about that."

"There are more than enough hunters in town to take care of one omega. As for the teen…" Derek trailed off.

"Who was it?"

"Isaac Lahey."

"He's a bench warmer, like me. He's in my grade. Since you know his name, you obviously talked to him. Did you offer him the bite?" Stiles couldn't hide the tension that was forming in his shoulders at the thought of a stranger joining their pack.

"Not yet. I wouldn't without talking to my pack." Derek pointedly met his eyes.

"Oh, well, that's nice, I guess. Did you bite Jackson?"

Derek nodded. "Before you were pack. He came back to the house after everyone else was gone. His body didn't accept the bite as fast as yours."