
The fall

The wolves were the first to come, falling on the people of the village with their claws and teeth, with precise jumps and deadly bites, the people themselves tried to defend themselves as best they could, but without knowledge and experience in fights they would brandish and shake their useless weapons improvised in the air.

Somehow and with many losses they managed to overcome the wolves, they were exhausted and wounded, but they did not have time to rest.

It was not long before they could see several brutal-looking men, dressed in animal skins and with huge axes running toward them. It was the main force that had just come through the woods.

It ran in a disorganized way, each warrior was by itself and apparently had its own target, but all the targets coincided in the village. Behind the first line of men came an old man with a long gray beard, armor made of leather, and he mounted a brown bear with a faux fur. On either side of him was a huge metal barrel with something to burn, the barrel was tied to logs, and these were carried by four men. Purple fire comes out of the barrels and gives him a lot of smoke and soot.

Behind the old man were five horses, each with a knight and a war drum ornamented with wolf bones, and behind them were dozens of men who roared with an abyssal fury.

This vision took away all fighting spirit from the people of the village, who fell on their knees, released their weapons and bowed their heads in surrender.

But the barbarians ignore them and fall on them with their axes causing a bloodbath. Then they started to set fire to the houses so that those in them would die burned or smothered by smoke.

At that moment the old man intervened in a gruff voice, ordering the barbarians to take the survivors and take them to be slaves, the strength of his voice so impressive that nobody dared question him.

Thus it was done, all the survivors were tied by ropes and put to march to were of the village.