
Steven Universe with the gamer system

I’ll keep this short…. Steven Universe the lovable cartoon character wakes up one morning and sees a pink screen In front of him(I made it pink because the color of his gem).He’s confused on what this is and was going to ask the gems but they went on another mission.He decided to check for himself what this weird thing is and once he finds out he’s determined to become stronger.Read as this Character becomes the Strongest Human and Gem in the Universe or maybe even the multiverse! This story takes place before episode one of Steven Universe precisely a few months before.Also if you don’t like harems please be advised.

TeuchiUchiha · TV
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15 Chs

Chapter 11: Meeting Sapphire and Ruby




Cringe Warning ⚠️


Steven had finally began to wake up again.He had slept on the softest thing of his life, Garnet's Bust.He looked up and looked into Garnet's three beautiful eyes and began to speak.

[Good morning Beautiful, did you sleep well]Garnet looked down towards Steven and then replied.

[I slept well Steven although I have to talk to you….or I should say we have to talk to you]Steven was confused when she said we have to talk to you, but then remembered that Garnet was a fusion.The named of these two were Sapphire and Ruby if memory serves him right.

Steven then saw a bright light and suddenly two people were in front of him.One was a girl with blue hair that covered her eyes with a blue dress on.The other was a girl with hair like garnet with clothes on that looked like they were ready for battle.

(yes I'm making Ruby a girl and yes I know Sapphire only has one eye but Steven doesn't know that yet.Also their in the harem because their technically Garnet.)

Steven looked at then and then said their names.

[Sapphire, Ruby]The two were surprised that he knew their name.They never told Steven that they were Garnet.They looked at Steven in great Surprise.

[H-How do you know our names]Ruby the hot head replied.She was one to get angry fast so saying something wrong would piss her off.Steven thought quickly before replying.

[Well my gem told me that Garnet was a fusion of two people and even gave me your names]Steven again put the system's powers and his gems.The two gems looked at Steven with shock.To have a power to analyze and know information about you opponent is truly an amazing skill, one that if Isengard correctly can be extremely deadly.

The two looked at Steven before getting back on topic.

[The reason we wanted to talk to you is because we're already in a relationship, but we want you to join in as our boyfriend}Sapphire said in a worried tone, she was thinking that Steven was going to turn them down and overthinking everything that could go wrong.

At this moment she was going through a whole scenario in her mind about Steven turning them down and saying bad things about them.

[Of course, I love you both.I wouldn't have done what I did with Garnet the other night if I didn't love the both of you}The two were relieved that he accepted and they now had a boyfriend and maybe soon a husband.Steven then went up to both of them and kissed them on their lips.Each of them got a long kiss that lasted for four minutes and included tongue.

When Steven was done kissing both of them, they both looked like they were in love.Steven also removed the hair covering Sapphire's eye and said.

[I will always love you no matter what]Sapphire was awe struck.She wouldn't expect a lot of people to love her one eye.Steven then looked at the both of them and said.

[You should transform back and go see the other Gems, they've been worried sick]The two nodded and turned back into Garnet.Steven came to her and squeezed her big mountains which earned him a moan from her.

[Man I love these]Steven whispered to himself.This was of course heard by Garnet who gained a small blush on her face.The two then walked outside from Garnets room and Immediately got bombarded by questions.

[Steven are you ok, she didn't hurt you to badly right]Pearl said.

[No I'm alright, after we talked we had a lot of "Fun"]Steven replied back.The two didn't notice what Steven really meant by saying they had a lot of fun.

[Dude, let's go play some video games] Amethyst said.Steven nodded and the two went off to play some games.

[You really did it with him]Pearl said.She was a smart person and could tell what Steven actually meant.

[Yes we did]Garnet said with her same monotone voice.

[How was is]Pearl said.She honestly wanted to be Steven's first time, but that got stolen by Garnet.

[It was Amazing]Garnet replied.In face Amazing was just a disrespectful way to describe how she felt.She couldn't describe it, what she felt was just to good.The two continued to talk while Steven was playing Video Games with Amethyst.Just then he saw a notification pop up.

{Hidden Quest Complete:Lise your Virginity}


Skill:Sex Master:With this skill you can instantly find out all of a girls pleasure points and kinky perks.The user also gets even more Stamina while using this skill, becoming even more of a monster in the sheets then you already are.The more you have Sex the stronger this skill becomes and the more pleasure you inflict on your partner}

{Hidden Quest complete:Start a Harem}


Title:Harem King:You have two beautiful lovers and know you should get more.With this title girls are more attracted to you, you also get a Stamina boost for dealing with all of those girls and what's under the belt will permanently become even bigger.

Steven looked at these awards and could only think one thing.

*Im a stamina Freak now*Steven also wondered how Garnet was going to handle these new upgrades.She could barely handle him before and know his Penis got even bigger and he has three times the Stamina he once did, plus if he activated his skill.Garnet was going to need some help.

Steven continued playing Games with Amethyst before going to Garnet and Pearl and talking with them as well.

While Steven was talking he noticed Pearl giving him a weird look and one he realized too.It was the same look Garnet gave him when they had Sex, a face full of lust.Steven looked at Pearl and winked.This caused her to blush and Garnet to look over at Steven with a secret pout.

Steven almost died from the cuteness.He then talked with the Gems some more until night fell.Steven also cooked for the Gems which they tasted and were amazed that Steven could cook so well.Steven cooked so good that Gordon Ramsey would say Steven's cooking was better then his.

The Gems then went to sleep with Steven going into Garnet's room.They weren't going to have sex again for now.Steven snuggled up into Garnet and kissed her.Before Steven could close his eyes a quest popped up.

{Emergency Quest:Go and see Espinela}

{Emergency Quest description:Espinela has been left on Pink's Garden waiting 6,000 years for her diamond and friend to return.Pink outgrew Espinela and left her their after she was given a colony.Show her the love she hasn't had in thousands of years}




Steven looked at this message and got a little angry.For someone to just leave another on a planet and just forget about their existence was beyond Selfish.Steven got up causing Garnet to wake up and look at Steven.She didn't need to sleep but it felt nice sometimes, and when she was with Steven she had the urge to cuddle him to sleep.

[Where are you heading so late]She said.She hopped Steven wasn't going to do something Reckless or she'd kill him, bring him back, repeat it and then cut of his Penis.Steven looked at her and replied.

[I'm going somewhere and I'll be back later, maybe with someone to live here as well]Steven went to Garnet and kissed her on her soft lips.Before Garnet could say anything Steven was gone.

*System tell me how to get to her*Steven though.He was going to see Espinela right away and get her off of that planet.

{User will be teleported to the location}The system stated which caused Steven to stand from his sitting position and get ready.

{Teleporting user in 3….2…..2….0}And with that Steven was gone.


I have bad news.I'm going to have to drop the story for a few days because I have midterms this week.Once I'm finished with my midterms I will be posting again.I hope you understand and I'm sorry to have to drop the story so suddenly.