Here's a little story for you, by my standards, about a kid who loves several colors. He really likes red, even though he lives in black. Isaac Barnett was an ordinary teenager until he decided to settle down in Beach City, where he met strange creatures and drastically changed his life. Mentally unstable, Isaac tries to solve the problems of his...acquaintances while his own problem goes nowhere and progresses at a rapid pace.
-Okay, that time has come. I didn't think it would come so soon, but... I'm bankrupt. I don't have any more money.
I sat in my hotel room, staring at the remaining $10 in front of me. I've been in Beach City for almost a month. In that time, I've managed to spend all my money, which mostly went to pay for my hotel room and others on food. I also bought myself new clothes, as the old ones were torn because of the training in the forest.
Yes, I now go to that clearing all the time and train there. It's hard to call it training, I just hit everything I see and try to make it more destructive and controllable for myself. Especially running, I'm still afraid to speed up, I try to walk or speed up a bit.
So, that's about it. From these..... I'll call them experiments. That quota, from these experiments I started to starve more, my appetite increased a bit and I started to eat more. Which amounted to a huge hole in my budget with a measly $5 left over.
While I was thinking about this, I managed to buy myself some potatoes and sat down nearby and ate them, looking at the $5 in my pocket.
-It was time for me to look for a job. Except I don't know how to do anything. - I put a potato in my mouth and put my hand over my head. - Even if I did know how to do something, I don't think they'd take me without papers, eh...
"Sometimes I regret that I decided to play dead... but then I remember the alternative and realise that the idea is still admirable in my eyes. I'm still excited, but I won't be happy for long, good thing the room is paid for a week in advance, I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't pay for it."
-Good, I think I should start going around the employers here. I might be able to find something.
Putting the last potato in my mouth, I shook it off and went in search of a job, not an easy thing to do. The hardest thing is getting a job. It's up to you how you're going to get a job.
The first thing I decided to do was to go to a pizzeria here. When I asked if they "need an employee," came out an old-looking grandmother, with a calculating look, who looked at me and started questioning.
-Can you cook pizza?
-Do you have anything to deliver it with? -No.
-Then you're out!
And then she left. First interview, first failure.
Next up was the Jarkinson family. I did recently save their diner from ruin and one of the eldest Jarkinson's sons. So I think I might be able to find a job here....
-You say you need a job? -Yes.
-Yeah. -Preferably hourly.
-No, man, that's not gonna happen. - Mr. Jarkins wiped the sweat off his forehead with a towel. - We're a family business. We don't let anybody else in, even if he did save the business.
Second interview, another failure. Next!
-I'm sorry, but we're all booked up. One branch has two employees. There's not another one in town.
I was also hoping for the Big Doughnut, but that's a bummer. I hate it when employers put restrictions on personnel.
Third failure in the last half hour. Moving on!
-I'm sorry, I don't know you.
-Who are you?
-Do you have I.D. on you?
-What work experience? No experience?! Then I don't have a job, either!
-I'm not interested.
-I already have a room full of employees.
-Where are your parents?
-Pow, pow, pow! Pow, pow!
And so on, essentially. I've been all over town looking for work. From pizza parlors to laundromats to arcades, but I've been turned down everywhere. Either it's too unlucky or people just don't like me.
-I went to cafes, I went to restaurants too, I even went to the fisherman.... I don't understand anything, but I think he sent me away. - I grabbed my head and put it down. - I don't know where to go anymore, I went around..... can I go to another town? No, you can't. Otherwise I'll miss the best part, can't let these guys out of my sight.....
"Why don't I just rob someone? Under the cover of night, break into someone else's shop and take the entire cash register.... no, that might attract the attention of the gems. I don't know what kind of powers they have, what if they can figure me out in a second? Then maybe we should just go back to our old pickpocketing ways. I haven't done it in a while though.... ".
-Hey boy, why are you hanging your nose? - While I was thinking sadly about my bleak future, a voice came over me. - Did the lady of your heart say no? It's no good, I'll tell you, I've been rejected by many in my time, and for nothing. You missed out on such a handsome man.
When I looked up, I saw....Greg Univars, in person! In one hand he was holding a bag from the shop, with groceries, and in the other hand he had an ice cream he was eating.
"Is it just me or is the universe sending me a sign? ".-I tilted my head. - "He seems to have a carwash, a hit I haven't visited yet! ".
-No, I don't have a lady of the heart. - I smiled stupidly and scratched the back of my head. - It's just a bad day, very bad luck.
-Yeah, that happens to everybody in life. - He ate his ice cream and sat down next to me. - You tell me, kid, what's your life like here? The last time I saw you was about a month ago, if I'm not mistaken?
-Yes, that's right. - I sighed and leaned back on the bench. - Well, I'm doing relatively well. Made a couple of new acquaintances, go and look at the beauties, got myself a hobby, swim in the ocean sometimes. Today I decided to get a job, but they won't take me anywhere, they don't dare to take the risks of hiring an orphan.
-So you're the one looking for a job or what? The whole town is already talking about you, in small circles, that you have been all over the town looking for a job. - He looked at me in surprise.
-Yes, that's me. - I smiled sadly. - And even though I've been all over the city, I still haven't found a job. I'm thinking about looking for one tomorrow, I still have time, -.... until next week.
-And then what? - she asked.
-And then.... I'll be living on the street and eating out of rubbish cans. - I shrugged and stood up. Stretched out. - Okay, I'm gonna go home. Maybe we'll see each other again sometime.
I waved at him and, putting my hands in my pocket, began to slowly walk away from him. As I did so, I bent my back slightly to make myself look dejected.
"So....1.....2...3.....4..... ".
-Wait a minute, lad!
"...5, and we have a winner! ".
I stopped and turned around. Greg got up from the bench and walked over to me. He tapped me on the shoulder and pointed somewhere behind him.
-Let's go for a walk. I think I know how to help you.
A kind, goofy, slovenly smile shone on his face, and I hated it so much. It was as if he'd gained a few karma points because he'd given an orphan a job. I hate people like that, who for the sake of sleeping peacefully, do things like that.
"If he pays me pennies, I'll still rob someone. I'll have my cover, so there won't be anything to worry about."
-There she is, my beauty! - Greg spread his arms. - What do you think? That's my car wash!
-Looks great!
"Slightly better than rubbish. A little better than I expected."
Greg's car wash was a big building, or rather two buildings connected into one. The first building, with a small roof and a small door with an "Open/Closed" card, was a shop where drivers could buy everything they needed to keep their car running.
There were scent pins, humidifiers, detergent, snack foods while their car was being washed and much more. Here you could also pay for the washing and get a receipt at the cash register.
The second building, tall and wide, was the car wash itself. It was an elongated building where the cars came in. They entered one aisle dirty and came out clean through the other.
The logo on the building was peculiar. It was an elephant washing itself with water with its trunk. It had "Laundry" written on its body, an interesting design for such an establishment.
-But why did you bring me here? I don't seem to have a car, so there's nothing for me to wash. - I folded my arms.
"Come on! Say the cherished words already! I'm tired of standing around waiting for you! ".
-That's where you're wrong. - Greg grinned. - Do you think you can do the job? It's not false if you know how things work around here.
-You want to....take my job? -I bulged my eyes with surprise.
'You bet he won't hire me! Now say the paycheck and I'll think about not blowing the place to hell! ".
-Yeah, why not? - he shrugged his shoulders. - I'm pretty old now, I could use the help. My son is too young to work with me, and he's got a lot of other things to do besides washing cars with his old man.
-Good! That's great! But are you sure you want me?
-No problem! I'll take you on, you get your first experience and a paycheck, I get a good worker and a physical rest. My body's not what it used to be, my bones just want to crunch, if you know what I mean.
-.... no?
"What are you talking about, old man? ".
-Okay, now let me show you everything, but first, the paycheck. - he rubbed his palms together. - I don't have many clients, but they pay well. So your hourly rate will be about $10-$9 an hour. That's a good wage, tax deductible, don't you think?
-Yeah, sure! Thanks for hiring me, boss. - I saluted.
"You can be proud of yourself, you saved your town from robbery and theft. "$10 an hour, not a bad rate. I think I'll even have some left over after I pay for the room and buy myself some food. That's.... pretty good, even too good."
-Good! Good to welcome you, my first worker! And don't call me boss, it makes me feel like some kind of mafioso from the movies. - he scratched his beard. - Now follow me, I'll show you how things work around here.
After an hour of briefing and a little practice on the job, I was officially hired! My first job from which I would earn an income! Not a bad start, for a dead man.
Since, as Greg said, he doesn't get many customers, we'll mostly sit by the car wash and do nothing. We could sit on our phones, but we both don't have them, so we did what normal young people nowadays think of as weird stuff.
We talked.
-So how come you don't have a single ID? There's got to be some paperwork that proves you exist, right?
Graham and I sat on folding chairs, sipping sodas. Staring at the slowly setting sun. There was nothing to do, so I had to answer the old man.
-I have no idea. - I shrugged my shoulders and took a sip. - When I was released from the orphanage, they didn't give me anything. I just took my stuff. I saved my money and went wherever I wanted to go, just to avoid staying there.
-Aah, reminds me a bit of me when I was young. - he smiled and looked up, as if remembering, took a sip. - I was just as eager to get out of the house, to see the world. I quarrelled with my parents, stole their van and travelled around the country composing music..... those were the days.
We sat in silence for a while before I spoke. I hate silence, it puts too much pressure on the brain.
-So....- I tapped the can lightly. - You said you had a son. What's he like?
-My boy? Oh, it's hard to say. Give me a minute to think, hmmm....- he started stroking his beard. - My baby is cheerful, kind, always trying to help everyone he knows, sometimes even overdoing it. He's handsome, just like me. When he grows up, the girls won't give him a pass. .....
We shuddered and turned in the direction of that awful scream. Greg's story was interrupted by something that was hidden in the shadows. It wriggled like a worm, growing larger and smaller. On four limbs, it approached us, emerging from the shadows.
-What-what is it?! - Greg stood up sharply from his chair, it fell over.
-Don't come any closer, it could be dangerous. - I blocked the old man with me and stared at whatever was coming towards us.
"If it's some bullshit like that suit again, I'll show no mercy. I just found a way to get money and I'm not gonna let whoever's paying me get killed before the deadline."
Out of the shadows came.... something that resembled a human body. It walked on all fours, and approached us. The scariest thing was what the thing looked like and what was happening to it.
The whole body of this creature, was hung with feline heads, of different colours. It was smiling and meowing, wriggling on its body and continuing to grow and shrink. New sprouts of heads grew on his body and meowed eerily, coming towards us. His legs and arms were also heads that hissed in pain as his entire body was held together by them.
If you looked closely, you could see that it was a human body, as it was wearing human clothes, which were torn because of the sprouts that were growing.
-Such a creature.....- I even got a little scared. - How do you kill such a thing? There's no way to aim at its head, it's got a lot of them. I think we can get through the body to the heart.... if this thing has one. if this thing even has one. But you can't do it with your bare hands, you have to use something.....
-Steven? - Greg stepped forward sharply and took a closer look at the mass of cats. - Stephen, is that you?!
-Steven? Is that your son? - I made a surprised face. - It doesn't look like him, the descriptions don't match.
-I can see that! Something's happened to him! - Greg clenched his trembling hands. - Once again the gems had taught him something he wasn't ready for! They've done something to him again!
-What are we going to do? - I stood beside him, looking at the thing coming towards us. - If it's your son, there's no way he could be hurt in any way. But I just have no idea what to do with him.
-.....water.....WATER! - Greg jumped up abruptly and ran for the hose. - We need water! Cats are afraid of water!
-How do you know that? - I too took the hose in my hand and pointed it at the cats.
-There's no time to explain, just water it!
We turned on maximum water pressure and started watering the cats with the hose.
The cats, naturally, did not like this and began to disappear. Like a dried-up sponge, they began to pull back into Stephen's body, revealing white human skin. All we did for a few minutes was water him down until all the cats were finally gone and the kid's body was lying on the wet ground.
-Steven! - Greg dropped the hose and ran over to his son, picking him up. - My boy, are you all right? How are you? - Stephen opened his eyes and smiled wryly. - I don't think I'll be taking a bath for about a week.
-Ha-ha-ha, thank goodness you're in one piece. - Greg wiped away a small tear in his eye. - What happened to you? How did you become.... that thing?
-I was stupid, I couldn't control the power of transformation. I don't think I'll be using it any time soon.
-And rightly so, I don't want to be scared of my own son any more. - They hugged each other and patted each other on the back.
-So he's your son?! You're in trouble again, for the umpteenth time!
I walked over and distracted them from this idyll. Steven's eyes widened when he saw me and he came out of his father's arms.
-You! Why are you here? - he pointed at me.
-I work here now, kid. -I flicked him on the nose. - So you'll be seeing a lot of me here now.
-Dad, is that true? - With his nose closed, Steven turned to Greg.
-Yes, Isaac works for me now. And I wonder how you two know each other? - he raised an eyebrow.
-Oh-ho-ho, so he didn't tell you? - I looked at a terrified Steven. - I met him when we were.....
-WHEN WE WERE BUYING FRIES!!!! - Steven interrupted me abruptly. - That's when I met him, yeah. After that we never spoke, ever, at all.
I could see in his eyes how he was begging me, literally asking me on his knees not to say anything to his father. Apparently he'd had a hard time with that pale lady last time, since he didn't want a second reprimand.
[You owe me]" I said without a word, then turned to Greg.
-Yeah, the kid's telling the truth. - I shrugged my shoulders. - I was buying potatoes, that's how we met.
-That's good. Glad Steven's got a friend like that now. - Greg came up to me and patted me on the shoulder. -Thank you for helping me with....,you understand. You can go home, your shift's over for the day. Come back tomorrow. 8:00 sharp, you're officially hired.
-Whatever you say. - I saluted and went home.
"Great day! Just great! Got the job, defeated another critter and now I'm owed one by someone who's been hanging around the gems. Just great, it's a great day!".
With a good mood, I went not to my room but to my clearing. I'm not going to sleep anyway, and strength training, no one cancelled. I think I'll try to get my running under control now.
I'm tired of walking at a slow pace. It's time to pick up the pace a little.