
Steven Heracles: Odyssey Of A God Slayer

He didn't ask to be born into a family of gifted swordsmen but what else can he do when the fate of the world falls upon his shoulders? "Well….the fiends this time seem to be playing at something big, rumors at the council have it that they intend to resurrect the greatest and most fearsome dragon in history, Tobijulo, and to do that, they have teamed up with some treacherous humans. So that man.." Grandpa Matt said while pointing at the body lying on the field, "….is an agent of the fiends who was sent to kill the Heracles who might impede their evil deeds in this city….  Seeing as you couldn't handle small fry like him, it is obvious that you're just a normal swordsman who has no chance at surviving the contest, so within these three months remaining till the contest begins, you will undergo hellish training under me" he stood up and held his hand out to Steve.  "Are you ready to take down these fiends and uphold the Heracles family name?",  'Three months!!' Steve thought  'can I really be a better swordsman than I am now in three months?, After all he just said that I'm a normal swordsman who has no chance at surviving the contest…..No!, I must win, I must show the world that we Heracles are the real deal….' Can he really overcome the numerous obstacles that stand in his way of obtaining the Fiend Slayer? Find out in this action packed book. Author's Note: please if the book cover I used belongs to you. Nicely notify me and I'll have it taken down. TIA.

Chukwuemeka_101 · Fantasy
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49 Chs

The Tenth Litany

As Steve walked to the infirmary, he felt a slight pang of pain in his chest. It wasn't a physical pain rather it was an emotional pain that there was no one to celebrate his victory with him.

'I wish Grandpa was here...' he thought as he kicked a peddle while walking. No matter how much he wanted to clear his mind and avoid thinking about his friends, his mind still wandered back to his friends who were killed, Trygve and Susan, and he clenched his hands into fists while gnashing his teeth as he fought back the tears that threatened to fall down his cheeks.

Shortly after, he arrived at the infirmary to see Anna and tell her about the test.

"So that was how you won?" Anna asked while laughing heartily, her laugh sounded like music to Steve's ears.

"Yes..." Steve replied slowly, he was still entranced by Anna's pleasant laughter.