
Steve Isaac

It was a land polarized along many ethnic groups; yet full of many dreams and hopes in common: except for the lack of noble men with the spirit of nobility. And yet there were vested-interests, flooding the gates of the state in secrecy...who didn't want it golden purpose to be achieved. The phase was so ugly in the State of Chakia, so loose that many would've rather damned their integrity— to trade that path of corruption. The so called outside civilized world, in which the state emulated— had also contentiously accused Chakia of its corruptness. Akalia will often say, "Why would few people hijack the resources of a state, and stash the proceeds for their own purposes?" The escalations of social vices and the scourge of corruption; will lead to a catastrophe— if not chaos. At a point where many regions of the state couldn’t take it anymore; anarchy sets in... as communal violence grew harder and revolt erupts— with riots in many towns taking over... and then— within the crisis spawned a visionary leader. Her movement initiated a radical anti-government programs. For many years of sufferings, things have gone worst in Chakia State. And when the masses have had enough roars of the social ills; the human rights activists were moved by this course. Public analysts rallied round the clock in social media: both in local and diaspora...and began to question the acts of the local authorities. Protests across the regions followed— after heedless attention are drawn within few years. "Akalia" arose like a Phoenix, from the ashes of the ancient pyre bloodline to chart a fresh course on CHAKIA’S future. But will later spiral into a negative misdirection— through political manipulations on Chakia's destiny. A new political faction is born out of necessity with new reforms to challenge the totalitarians (elites) in the reign of government that had controlled the state for many years. These were a ruling class called the Lopadans. Akalia Ambikasaleh intends to end every atom of their existence, and handover power to the common man in the state...who had the spirit of patriotism and noble heart. In the course to fulfill this obligation: her young acolyte, Michael Ajakison who in every positivity have been dedicated as a young breed of political struggles... with the core ethics of the CRPs inculcated into his DNA... so at the course of time take up leadership mantle. But Michael is gruesomely assassinated while returning from a political convention that ended with fracas and defections. This act will invariably alters Akalia's fate...been enraged. And in the course of this change of social trajectory, Chakia will forever be affect by this history. Akalia survived the trauma and organize a dreaded Force, far in Jagi-shrine, her ancestral home— targeting political elites and the citizens who had collaborated and killed Michael, and then had her exiled to the neighboring towns. In the course of her vengeance, those inside the confine of the regions will fall under the fatal axe— when Akalia acted with swiftness... resulting to military collateral damage. The state will rise in defense of it people and its properties in the course of time. Forming a Special Task Force and Special Intelligence Squads to infiltrate the host communities, with an order to neutralize the long dreaded rebel strongholds of Akalia. But these teams will fail, after years of many attempts. Governor Gashamo Agilamo came on board— as the sixteenth governor of Chakia, with a resounding promise to salvage the condition of insecurity of the state. "But why would a land full of hopes and dreams will want to disintegrate?" Gashamo in a quizzical statement had asked in a fluke of press distress covering his interview at the government house.

Steve_Isaac · History
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7 Chs

The Fractured Protests

At about noon when the sky had turned blue and the sunny spells shine above the clouds.

The crowds stood out in the sun doubling its initial size. Everywhere around the I-Square was full.

There was a huge influxes of cars coming in and out of the city.

As the people waited cheering amidst the traffic rush hours.

The concern rumors of an uprising was flying around the town, and that the protest was about to undermine the government.

It got the authorities very worried. Who called the shot was not determined at the moment.

But desperate control measures had to compel an action of an immediate security check on the police menu.

Although it was still a peaceful demonstration that murky afternoon, at the Independent Square...where the streets were still held down to a traffic jams.

At this point, you could sense it that the city yet awaits another potential crisis.

The then fifteenth president, Muhad Kabal was ambiguously imposed on the nation by one treacherous man in the group among the Lopadans.

Buttressed by insecurities, his regime was unstable to sustain the economy of the state.

It was said that the mental health of the people had deteriorated by more than fifteen percent, because of the severe hardship wrought for the sake of the harsh economic decisions made upon by his administration.

Even in the ambit of powers of the Congress, he did only what the Lopadans had always instructed.

He did not ascent many bills for human empowerment or they were simply not effective laws to pull men out of insufficiency.

His officials were also not exempted from his constant bad jokes.

Many people were certain, that at least answers will be provided sooner or later tonight, if authorities would show more serious concerns to level up as a result of the threats of the uprising and the ongoing agitations the state was faced with.

And if the people should continue to demand to be heard for justice and press for the transparency of the government– who had held onto power for decades— they will listen.

But yet the regime was flawed, so bad with an unending corruption that had it roots sprung from many republics, which also was ambiguous of the exact era— when the corrupt system had started.

On that note; piles of criminal files were seating in the lawsuits cabinets rotting away, even during the sixteenth assembly.

But the offenders were still roaming the streets of Nizzra: unprosecuted.

Even cases of extra-judicial killings, were still been treated with frivolities.

The stakes were high and weak for the protesters been surrounded with such an aggressively armed men...silently preying on them like wild beasts.

Yet vulnerable, they were without zero defense for themselves. The people knew the risk involved in carrying out protests.

They knew that when fight suddenly breakout, there'll certainly be reprimanded. But never the less, they pressed on cleverly with their demands and will never back down.

"Today, the time has come when every fellow here needs to answer their names for themselves...when duty calls."

The voice through the megaphone echoed down the alley and reverberates across the extreme length of the crowds, even to the far corners of the walls of the city and continued.

"This is the perfect time when we all need to expunge evil from our lands...to let them know the reason that our voices still counts.

The hours are still counting on our favour...to fight for the next generations yet unborn.

Take up your flags and be rest assured that the men on black have been preconditioned to silence anyone of us down.

But I assuredly, some of there family members are also here amongst us; so do not be intimidated.

If you're with me; then, my advise goes to vulnerable areas prone for the predators— as we fight our way into the opened gates of our freedom.

Comrades, please be careful to prevent flesh wounds. But if it does happen, then let our blood speak even while we're ghosts! Chakia will bleed, until justice had prevailed."

But amidst the protest, some patrolling helicopters were flying at low levels.

They were meant to combat the teaming size and sensitive crowds spilled on the streets of Nizzra.

The weary guards also were readily positioned at all points placed under the authority.

They were strapped about with long guns— and ready to kill or be killed upon command to engage.

But soon, some protesting leaders and all the organizing committees were fractured into various multiple groups of ethnic associations, just the way Akalia and Michael had predicted, earlier.

"There's a flaw I don't understand in our blood. Our peoples do not have the minds of their own.

Look at them now...all corrupt! If I had any doubts about the positive outcome of this protests, they've dispelled them.

It's unnecessary to start what you can't finish Michael." Akalia said. It did not go down exactly as she'd expected.

The protest had took a different dimensions, as it was hijacked.

More than half the population of the crowd took bribe from the Lopadans within the second quarter of the protesting hours as usual, and left alone few innocent crowds in the streets of Nizzra to be brutalized by the ruthless security forces. Many escaped wounded; and that was how it all ended in chaos.

There was a prolonged apathy after the occurrence of the incidence for several years.

People refrained from public protests activities of the state liberations for a while.

After many futile complains— on the extra judicial killings, to the chief justice of the state.

The Lopadans organization spreads quickly to many regions and became even more heart hardened to loot the state treasuries.

Then a group of charismatic leaders drown from all sphere of working careers incited a change slogans, including Akalia Ambikasaleh's faction, haven't reached a breaking point...took advantage of the protest and galvanized more allies sensibly.

This incidence, for a moment would enviably create a positive communal and religious relationships and infuse different religious activities with their slogans, even among the tribes and various ethnic groups were left with no choice than to subvert the system once more.

These groups stirred up by conviction and noble acts, soon lunched an advocacy, to prevent the warming tendencies of a perceived sponsored ethno-regional crisis, religious wars and the circumvention of elections.

Another purpose, socially presented to the group, was so that it people could grow out of this major experiences— to a whole new level of human sophistication— just like any major civilized society had progressively emerged from their own struggles... And without looking at these walls of separations, the people had rallied to themselves during these periods to develop common social arsenals against the elites, while secretly grooming competent candidates at their primes— to take on leadership roles in the nearest future.

With such nursing ideas flying around, there emerge an era with a fresh dew of fragile hope— towards intelligent politicking, and the bath of wisdom and renaissance infusions, after the manner of the initial crisis caused by the mistakes of the founding fathers— that had caused unequal social relations and the spirit of segregation in the state.

But a deep seated subliminal angers still existed with selfish ethnic interest unsolved, during these times of great charismatic renewal.

Yet against all odds, majority of the citizens regardless of the tribe, religion, and ethnic backgrounds are hinged to this plan to sustain the cohesion of the state.

Often tensions and conflicts of political interest have been doused for numerous reasons— during these periods of slow social transformations.

Even after many repeated escalations and upsets of the citizens across various ethnic backgrounds.

The subtle effects of manipulations of the modern religious ideas, had also became a weapon in the hands of vested-interest groups, infiltrating the core central ideas with their lofty teachings to eradicate the values of a true religious practices of purity— that had stemmed from the basics of diverse life issues, and principles of many ancient civilizations— that supercedes any race.

This falsehoods and manipulative tact had lingered for years forgetting the aspect of true purity— because of the lost for money, greed, and power.

It was tearing the social life of the people apart.

The human blood which have been spilled for this purpose— during such crisis, goes on dredging the minds of the beloved long lost victims— without penance for their souls or restitution.

The State Under Chaos.


Until the peak of the rains hit the highest points in the regions.

Everyone have had a fair share of peace of mind.

But it had often been enforced after police brutality, with crisis that infrequently bade the call of savage retaliations— from among thousand protesters, with their future delicately hanging in balance.