
Steps To Raise A Merman

Lucrecia becomes the sacrficial bride of a beast, but is this really a beast? Lucrecia: You wont eat me? Then I will be your bride. Beast: I will raise you well. ~This is a pure fluff novel with some steamy scenes thrown in~

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10 Chs

How to feed a Merman

Lucrecia could feel somthing against his lips, he opened his mouth slightly and allowed the small slimy object to enter. The taste of fish flooded his senses making him swallow . His stomach rumbled loudly as he chewed through the tough flesh. As soon as he swallowed the first thing he noticed was the lack of hunger pains, he realized that whatever it was gave him energy instead. He ate several more pieces before slowly opening his eyes There was dim light, his vision was blurry at first and he tried to sit up there was a shadow over him, blocking most of the dimly lit room. The voice sounded magnetic in the cave.

"You're awake," replied the same unfamiliar male voice.

Lucrecia sat up slowly, moving away some of the algae covering him. "Who are you?" he asked quietly.

A soft laugh came from behind. "I'm the so called 'beast' you mermen talk about''

Lucrecia turned around quickly. A young man who was larger than himself, He did not have a tail like mermen but several tentacles swished gently behind him.otherwise he seemed identical to Lucrecia in terms of upper body. Now Lucrecia was confused, he was told he would be a sacrfice and a bride.. the beast hadn't killed him so does that mean he's supposed to be his mate now that he is alive?

He stared at the strange creature and felt his cheeks flush red. "Are we mates? I was told I would come here as the beasts bride.."

The other laughed louder ''What sort of stories did they fill your head with when you grew up?'', he said mockingly, then leaned closer to Lucrecia. "Listen here, I am no beast." But he did not deny the bride part.

Lucrecia blushed even harder. This stranger was kind to him, even fed him when they had just met. He hadn't been treated so kindly since the chief however he had other motives. Lucrecia decided he would do his best to please this handsome stranger.

It wasn't long until Lucrecia found himself completely smitten by the mysterious creature. Even though he didn't know much about him yet, he knew he wanted to spend more time beside him.

''My name is Lucrecia,'' he introduced himself shyly, still somewhat embarrassed.

The creature smiled back at him. "You can call me Kole."

After the introductions were over they started talking about each others pasts. They talked about how they both lived in different parts of the ocean, where they liked to swim, what they enjoyed doing, and many more things. Their conversation went smoothly, neither of them wanting to leave the other's company. But while Lucrecia saw Kole as his future spouse, Kole thought of Lucrecia as a helpless creature that he wanted to raise well.

Kole's first agenda was to feed up Lucrecia, he brought him food every day, sometimes up to four times per day. After eating all those meals Lucrecia felt better than ever before. He also had many new delacacies because Kole hunted things mermen don't tend to touch.

Soon after the two began spending most of their days together, swimming around the water hole and exploring new areas of the sea. Eventually Lucrecia became used to being in the cavern and enjoyed his days no longer feeling lonely now he had Kole beside him.

One night Lucrecia woke up feeling uncomfortable, he was sleeping in a nearby rockpool in the cave. He felt hot and his scales felt itchy. He moved his hand down his side and touched something wet. He looked closely under the surface of the water and discovered that he had something coming out of his genital slit. He panicked for a moment thinking the worst, but then remembered that he was in estrus. It happened once or twice during mating season and it would be his first now he had come of age.

Lucrecia could feel the urge growing stronger, soon he would need to let go of everything else and focus solely on relieving his urges. The only problem was that he couldn't get any privacy without waking up Kole. But if he tried to relieve himself right there in the pool, he'd wake Kole up with his movement. They hadn't reached that point in their relationship yet.

But Lucrecia realized he might have another option. If he stayed quiet, perhaps Kole wouldn't notice anything wrong. And besides, he needed to rest anyway. So Lucrecia laid very still and waited patiently for whatever was happening inside him to pass.

Within moments of lying still, Lucrecia felt the pressure still rising within him. His lower half was starting to itch intensely. He couldn't help but release a small whine of discomfort.

Kole had been awake for some time, he was sensative to movement and sound and noticed Lucrecia was awake but did not move from his spot. Instead he watched Lucrecia sleep and soon enough he figured out why Lucrecia was restless, he was entering his heat.