
The First Step

Chapter 1

The camp beneath the mountain is teeming with a small squadron of knights. Knights of Ixmtaraza. They were garbed in glistening silver shining armor. Coated with crimson along the chest plate. Black engraving of a large bird like creature with a brilliant gold back was printed on each chest plate. All of the knights were staring resolutely at the mountaintop where the White Dragon of Arcus roosted. A frightening creature that for decades has raised the townships in the area surrounding the County of Arcus up under the Margrave Gillian Arcus. The Knights were situated not to assist their fellow knight who braved the mountains to defeat the beast. But, to stop it from going into the towns to wreak havoc in case the knight died.

All of the knights assumed that they would not be taking word to anyone of victory only of defeat. Yet, now the mountain was quiet. For two days sounds of explosions rocked the small clearing beneath the mountain they camped at. Now there was not a one sound coming from the mountain.

"Sir Gibraltar, it's been too quiet," one brave knight states. The quiet ranks all stare at the Knight of Second Class who spoke. Before looking to the Commander.

Joseph Gibraltar. An older gentleman in comparison to the younger knights has seen twenty years in the knightage. Starting as a young squire up under a good few knight companies embroiled in tough battle. Fighting against harsh opponents. Fighting against beasts a like. He had experience facing a dragon and lived to tell the tale. Not that any of his comrades did. Yet, Gibraltar stayed his course in continuing his adventures a military man. Now, the tall broad shoulder man is looking up at the mountain waiting for the appearance of a dragon slayer. Hope blooms in his chest. For, the mountain was quiet.

"That is good for if the beast wasn't injured or dead this entire valley would be awash in flames," Gibraltar intones. His voice comes out booming and deep to the crowd. They hang on his words looking up at the mountain expectantly now. Waiting for the knight who defeated the white dragon to appear in front of them.

"Or they both could be dead," another knight a lowly cavalier grumbles from the back. Perhaps, out of jealousy to not have the chance to become one to go down in legends. For even those a dragon kills goes down in the history books. Bravery. Foolishness. Whatever one should call fighting such a creature, everyone would know of their deeds. Still, his uncaring remarks sends a wave uneasiness through the group. For the knight on that mountain was one of the strongest in the Empire.

Nay a knight their could hope to have achieve half of the achievements of the knight upon that mountain. For that knight slew the Grand Lion of Sunmen. They fought off a company of four hundred enemy soldiers who were testing the borders. They were the undefeated champion of Jousters Martial Tournament. Where martial fighters from every country were urged to fight in for glory. They reigned undefeated for four years before they achieved knightage. Knightage not from being a squire but through achievement alone. And that was far more impressive in the eyes of the masses than being born with noble blood, doing chores and fighting occasionally for four years to become a knight.

That is not the type of knight Galt Zarracen was. Zarracen was born in the dirt. Lived in mud and filth. But, instinct told them that they were powerful. And so Zarracen became powerful. Did what few of the common and even fewer of the rats could do and became a knight of the realm. Yet, that was not enough for Zarracen. They wanted more so they strove for me. They achieved a level few could dream of. They became the Grand Knight of Valor. A rank only achieved by those with determination, fearlessness and bravery.

That is who Galt Zarracen is and all of the knights there knew it. That is why none gave a comment to the jealousy of one lesser than their idol. They waited. Waited for the drum of victory.

They did not have to wait long. A white sheen is shown from the mountain. They were ready to fight then. But, they were scared. For Zarracen was the strongest among them how could they even think to triumph where they had fallen. But the white sheen disappeared and then a mass fell from the sky. Broken and bleeding was the White Dragon of Arcus. The dragon they feared was ready to kill them. Dead.

If it is dead then they look back up and they see them. Zarracen.

A cheer. A shout. Hollers ring out through the valley as they take in the form of Zarracen walking down nobly from the top. Their armor askew broken. And yet it appears that it took the brunt of the damage. For the knight themselves was walking towards them seemingly unharmed. Crimson red eyes glint with victory. A smirk lining their face upon closer inspection. Brown sun-kissed skin showed off for the world to see.

Sir Gibraltar is the first to move forward. He greets Zarracen on a bended knee. Such a posture only meant for those of higher status then he. As a Margrave there were so few. And now Zarracen has reached that level in his eyes that he must give such a respect.

"Rise Sir Gibraltar," Zarracen states. Their voice coming out soft and husky with little of their obvious femininity to show.

"Galt Zarracen you have defeated the White Dragon of Arcus. My battalion will be honored to escort you back to the Magnapolis," Sir Gibraltar states now standing. His fist is poised across his chest in a proud salute. Zarracen arches an eyebrow.

"I wouldn't have thought the Emperor would send any knights to my aide," she remarks. It was not a snide remark against the emperor but simply fact. The Emperor was not benevolent to send aide especially on a pass or fail mission. "I'm guessing you all were sent as a stop gap."

"Yes, Milady." There is no need to deny it. The Emperor was a benevolent as he was cruel. And as cruel as he is practical.

"Then it is time to return home,"

"Do you not need rest?"

Her stomach rumbles at an inopportune moment causing an embarrassed smile to appear on their face. "It appears I'm a bit hungry."

"Then shall we feast?" He nods to the dragon. Hope shining in his eyes. Those who feasted on dragons were supposed to gain a portion of the dragon's strength. Zarracen tilts her head looking up at the taller man. A look passes in front of her face for a moment before she looks at the company of knights.

The knights under her gaze stiffen up masking whatever expression is hidden under their helms with a blank look. Though, if they were players then they would have been called out on their failure. For their, posture gave them away even if their face and eyes did not. The knights were hopeful though none of them well most of them would not fault her for denying them such a bounty. For, they did nothing to assist. By all means as the Dragon Slayer Zarracen would feast on the beast herself gaining its strength. Though as proof she brought the whole thing down.

"Save the heart, flame sac, and head for the Emperor would destroy any who thought to partake in his prize."

That warning given the knights cheered and got to work butchering the beast to spread to the rest of them.

"Caleb!" Gibraltar booms the name. A small young teen no older than sixteen or seventeen runs up through the company. He wore just a chain shirt and leather armored pants. A signal he was just a squire. Zarracen stares down at him. For he was shorter than her. It was not a feat to be shorter than Zarracen for she stood at six feet even. Though in the company of Gibraltar an almost seven foot tall man her height is nothing in comparison.

"Galt Zarracen this is Caleb one of the few squire given leeway to join this mission," Zarracen nods to him as Gibraltar introduces them. "Follow him to the tent we set up for you. There you find coals, a large basin, a extra clothing, armor and weapons to outfit yourself with."

"You thought my victory was certain then," Zarracen arches her eyebrow at him. The supposed weakest Grand Knight of Valor against a dragon. Sir Gibraltar simply nods.

"Power is not an art. It is a fact. Though you fight in a bastardized style of martial fighting you are still power. Being a master is not just being capable of wielding a weapon beautifully. For with your sword arts I've seen you cut in half a Solat with just a dagger. A Giant of Bronze. I had faith you would return victorious to bring the Ixmtaraza to higher heights of glory."

Zarracen has nothing to say to that. She simply nods to Caleb to take her to her tent. The young man talked the entire time there. Intent on talking her ears off. Zarracen keeps her expression blank only giving a few answers here and there as she arrives at the tent. She bids the squire goodbye before entering the tent. It was clearly a tent meant for someone of her rank or higher. Such, luxuries however were not usually afforded to her. Nor, was such a battalion. This quest to fight the Dragon must be important.

Zarracen wasn't the weakest knight of the Grand Knights of Valor despite what many assumed. She was powerful. Perhaps, only beaten by one. And that man went to fight the Red Dragon Bracchus. The named dragon. The dragon with intelligence who could speak. Zarracen prays her sole true friend within the knight order would survive it just as she survived her bout. However, the others she could careless if they survive. The ones that don't have the title of Grand Knight of Valor like them. She doesn't feel like they should she gain any more power. And yet, those with class and power were given the stronger dragons to absorb their power.

Zarracen scoffs as she thinks this knowing it is the reason why they gave her the weakest. Though, she is fine with that because she barely survived. Her armor hides the brunt of the damage but as she slowly divests herself of her armor bruises, cuts and gashes appear on her torso, arms and legs. Burn marks coat her skin. And in some places the searing of the metal upon her skin stays. She grits her teeth at that before ripping it off. The blood splatters as it bubbles to the surface sending her more waves of pain.

She wasn't done yet. She still needed to take off the garments she wore beneath the armor. Removing them slowly does not help the pain. Her back shudders and ripples. Her body contorts under the pain. Crimson eyes close as a breath is exhaled. Slowly, Zarracen makes her way to the tub sitting in the room a distance away from the bedding. It was a simple metal basin a little longer than she was tall. The empty basin would be odd if not for the fact the runes inscribed on the side once activated would fill the tub with warm water. With her magic she activates the tubs enchantment.

Slowly, it fills up. The deep basin stops intaking water at about half full. Not one to ruin a good bath, Zarracen uses one of the many washcloths settled on a chair next to the basin to slowly wash the soot, blood and grime off of her skin. It wasn't everything but enough to soak the rag in blood and mud. She dips another washcloth into the water and proceeds to do the same thing until she feels she can sit into the bath without feeling too disgusted.

It isn't a complete surprise however, that as she enters the water's color slowly changes. Zarracen sighs as she feels the bath loosen and soothe her muscles. Her cuts and bruises still ache beneath the water. She settles in her bath thinking about her triumph. She idly wonders what accolades await her when she brings back the dragon. The others might have already defeated their respective beasts. Though, she imagines some of the others failed. Not as a fault to them she thinks of only her weakness in comparison to the others. Yes, she is almost positive that the others failed.

"Grand Knight! Greetings!" A booming voice rings out.

"Enter," Zarracen responds not as loud but loud enough to carry to individual on the other side. The man steps through the tent flap. From her seat in the tub she stares at the man who balks slightly when noticing that she was naked. "What's your report?"

"Commander Gibraltar sent me to inform you that dinner was almost complete and that a messenger had arrived from the Mitra," he reports.

"Understood you can inform Commander Gibraltar that I will be out there soon."

"Yes!" He salutes before turning on his heels and hurrying out.