
Chapter 275: Leaving Rong Xi

Machine Translation

Rong Xi was a place full of hidden talents. The general standard of the design department was very high. Although her score was not bad for an average person, entering Rong Xi was the lowest.

Many of the higher scores were 9.00 or so. The highest score was 9.70 for a person who was also a newcomer. There were also many 8.00 or so scores. She was the only one who scored a seven.

"Miss Sha, we are not willing to see such a result," He Simu said slowly. "But when this plan was formulated a month ago, everyone in the design department had approved it. The designer with the lowest score in every competition would automatically withdraw from Rong Xi, so..."

She paused and slowly said, "Please leave!"

Sha Zhixing's drooping hands tightened bit by bit. Her slender joints were slightly white from being squeezed too tightly. She slowly raised her head, glanced at her, turned around, and walked toward the elevator.

Her back was very straight, and her fists were tightly clenched from the beginning to the end. She did not say anything with an unyielding pride.

Shi Qinuo narrowed his eyes and was deep in thought. His eyes quietly looked at the form, but he still could not figure it out.

He had seen Sha Zhixing's work before, and he was famous for being picky in the design world. How bad could his work be?

But the results were obtained by so many higher-ups, so it could not be fake...

Shi Qinuo could not find the reason for the problem. He glanced sideways at Sha Zhixing who was leaving, and followed after her in a few steps.

"Zhixing, wait!"

Sha Zhixing acted as if she did not hear his voice. She stiffly walked forward, entered the elevator, and directly pressed the button to go to the first floor.

Shi Qinuo wanted to follow her in, but just as he rushed to the elevator door, the door was already closed, and the elevator slowly began to descend.

Shi Qinuo pressed the elevator next to him a few times, but the other one was still on the first floor.

After a while, Sha Zhixing was already gone from downstairs.

Shi Qinuo knew how hard Sha Zhixing had worked in this competition, but the result was like this. He could imagine how much such a blow would be to her.

This was not just a matter of a month's hard work in vain. To be able to stay in a company like Rong Xi was a dream of many designers, and this was the best place for them to fulfill their dreams. But now, this competition had completely shattered her dream...

Afraid that she wouldn't be able to take it lying down, Shi Qinuo ran out of the company building in large strides...

Sha Zhixing walked aimlessly on the street like a doll that had lost its soul. There was no focus in her eyes, and her gaze was dull, desolate, and lifeless.

After leaving the company, she didn't take a car. She walked with her legs numbed, not knowing which direction she was going in.

Shi Qinuo went downstairs a few minutes after her. When he chased after her, he missed her and chose the opposite direction to look for her for a long, long time. Half a day later, the two of them met in a square.

On the large television screen in the square was an advertisement for Rong Xi's jewelry series. Today's advertisement was for He Simu's famous 'Admiration' series. The screen kept repeating the unique design of the pendant, and there was even an advertisement line. "You are my only unchanging true love, the 5203 Admiration Series."

Sha Zhixing quietly looked at the clear image on the large screen, and her eyes suddenly stung.

Shi Qinuo stood on the other side of the square, looked at the television screen, and slowly walked towards her...

Words were not included in this paragraph

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