
Chapter 1026: Little Xichen versus Big Xichen

Machine Translation

Noah stood rooted to the ground, holding the small bomb in his hand. He didn't know whether to throw it or not.

All his belongings had been taught by the demons of Jue ye, but no one had taught him how to play with the bomb. Now that Qing Yafeng had left, he didn't know how to play with the bomb at all.

What if he hurt the baby if he threw it casually?

Luo Xichen stared at him for a long while, then closed his eyes and walked to his side. He threw the bomb in his hand casually, and the small bomb flew far away in a parabola and fell into the sea.

Noah suddenly felt a little insecure without the weapon in his hand. The worst thing was that he did not bring any of the things that he usually carried with him today. He glared at Luo xichen fiercely and suddenly hugged one of his legs He opened his mouth and wanted to bite him.

"Kid, are you ashamed? " Luo xichen looked at Noah who was biting him with disdain.

In his opinion, it was a very shameful act for his son, Luo Xichen, to attack by biting someone.

Noah had brought an advanced attack weapon with him when he first arrived, but he had completely ignored it.

"Bastard, you hurt Mommy and you are the enemy of me and the baby! " Noah glared at him angrily and suddenly punched him in the stomach.

Although Noah was only four years old, Mu Siyan and Qing Yafeng had taught him all kinds of self-defense techniques and even learned martial arts. The strength of his punch was obviously much stronger than that of an ordinary child.

Luo Xichen grunted in pain and frowned slightly. He grabbed his wrist and picked him up. He carried the baby with one hand and carried him into the House with the other.

"Oh, bad guys! We can walk on our own if we want to come down! " The two children flapped their arms in the air and protested in his arms.

Luo xichen looked at the two little ones in his arms speechlessly. The corners of his lips twitched. He closed the door with the tip of his foot and led the two children into the house.

The night in the villa was especially lively because of the baby and Noah.

Luo Xichen went into the house and led the two children to the master bedroom. He put the two little ones on the Sofa and sat beside them.

The baby and Noah looked at each other and then at the closed door. Both of them suddenly felt a little nervous.

However, they did not show anything on their faces.

Noah looked up and asked provocatively, "what do you want to do by bringing us here? "

"What do you want? " The baby put his hands on his waist and raised his chin. He echoed Noah and looked at him provocatively.

Both of them looked at each other fiercely as if they were looking at an enemy.

Luo Xichen rubbed the nerves on his forehead and a trace of mockery flashed across his lips.

Was He so bad that even the child hated him so much?

Seeing that he did not speak, Noah said coldly, "Mommy has secretly placed bodyguards around me and the baby. If they find out that we are gone, our people will find us very soon. When that happens, we will raze this villa to the ground! "

"Oh? " Luo Xichen's Taut face finally reacted after he spoke.

He looked at him leisurely and asked faintly, "is this a threat to me? "

"Yes, so you'd better let us go! " Noah was not afraid of him.

"What if I don't? " Luo Xichen asked.